Do you find yourself groaning every time Monday rolls around and wishing you could time-hop to Friday evening? Then you need to change your mindset with these positive affirmations for the week.

While the concept of simply thinking your way to a great week may seem irritating to you, the power of the mind is not to be underestimated.

By setting your intentions on a Monday, you can open your mind to the endless possibilities that await you.

You’ll find yourself more willing to take risks, see setbacks as learning curves, and view situations that would have you wishing away your days in a more positive light.

Bring on a newfound sense of motivation and excitement for the week ahead with these Monday affirmations.

How To Use Affirmations For The Week

Once you’ve decided on the Monday mantras you’ll use to get you through the week ahead, repeat them every morning when you wake up to remind yourself that you’re in charge of whether or not your week is great.

If a particular situation tries your patience or makes you feel like Friday can’t come soon enough, recite your affirmations again until you feel more in control.

Reflect on a Friday about what you were grateful for in the week, what opportunities were presented to you, and where you could improve next week.

Before the end of the weekend, check back through this list and select several affirmations for the week that apply to your current headspace or situation.

For example, you may need help with leaving the previous week in the past or finding the motivation to work hard toward your goals.

Daily Affirmations For The Week

  1. I am exactly where I am supposed to be.
  2. I am only bringing positivity into this week.
  3. This week is a great opportunity to get closer to my goals.
  4. This week will be the best week of my life.
  5. The universe will create golden opportunities for me this week.
  6. I am ready to receive the abundance of wonderful things the universe wants to bless me with this week.
  7. Every day is one step closer to achieving my goals.
  8. I give myself permission to strive toward my biggest goals.
  9. I see every setback as a window of opportunity this week.
  10. What a gift it is to be alive today.
  11. I am blessed to be staring down a new week, full of unending opportunities.
  12. Today is a fresh start.
  13. I am surrounded by good things.
  14. I offer my best self to the world this week.
  15. All of my hard work today will pay off tomorrow.
  16. Every small step I take toward my goals makes an insurmountable difference.
  17. I am filled with an abundance of creative ideas to bring into reality this week.
  18. Today is brimming with endless possibilities.
  19. I vow to live each moment fully in the present this week.
  20. I am always headed in the right direction, even if I experience setbacks.
  21. I embrace failure as an opportunity to grow this week.
  22. The world needs to hear my message.
  23. I constantly remind myself of how far I’ve already come.
  24. The only limiting factor in my ability to have a great week is me.
  25. I welcome today with an open heart and a positive attitude.
  26. I am energized and ready to welcome this week in with open arms.
  27. A positive mindset goes a long way in having a joyful week.
  28. I know that I have the resources to handle anything life throws at me this week.
  29. The universe is constantly working for me, instead of against me.
  30. I will set boundaries this week to protect my energy and ensure I’m the happiest version of myself.
  31. I am willing to step outside my comfort zone to embrace new opportunities.
  32. I am so blessed to be alive and thriving.
  33. A new week is a new opportunity to set goals.
  34. I am filled with gratitude for a new week.
  35. I am looking forward to a fresh start this week.
  36. I see this week as an opportunity to strengthen my relationships with my loved ones.
  37. Each week provides a new chance to lay the foundations of my dream life.
  38. Everything I do this week will be successful.
  39. I will show up for myself this week and give my best.
  40. My positivity is unending and infectious.
  41. I have the power to create my own reality.
  42. Each day unfolds new exciting opportunities.
  43. I choose to embrace each day with positivity.
  44. I am becoming better each and every day.
  45. I let go of all negativity and see this week with a fresh perspective.
  46. Today, I am inspired and motivated.
  47. Creativity is washing over me this week.
  48. I will accomplish all my goals plus more this week.
  49. I am confident in my abilities and know I can achieve anything I set my mind to.
  50. I am surrounded by beauty, which I appreciate every day.
  51. I am constantly grateful for the life I have created.
  52. I am the master of my destiny.
  53. Small steps every day are what will propel me toward my goals.
  54. Positive changes will happen for me this week.
  55. I persevere when things get tough, and learn a valuable lesson in the process.
  56. I seek opportunities for self-growth every day.
  57. I celebrate all my successes, regardless of how big or small they are.
  58. I will achieve the perfect balance of productivity and relaxation this week.
  59. I know when to knuckle down and when to have fun.
  60. I see all situations as an opportunity for development and learn from each setback.
  61. All areas of my life will become abundant this week.
  62. What I focus on expands.
  63. I am a positive influence in the life of my loved ones.
  64. I have everything I need to make this week a great one.
  65. I am full of fantastic ideas.
  66. I look for the blessings that the universe is sending to me.
  67. I see beauty in everything around me.
  68. Spending time caring for myself energetically charges me for the week ahead.
  69. I speak only words of encouragement this week.
  70. I welcome magnificent adventures into my life.
  71. I expand my self-care practices in order to be the best version of myself I can be.
  72. I am certain this week will be filled with wonderful opportunities.
  73. I trust in the universe and what it has in store for me.
  74. By embracing my highest self, I attract good vibes and people into my life.
  75. I use my intuition to make all important decisions.
  76. I am a magnet for positive opportunities.
  77. I am open to stepping out of my comfort zone to experience life differently.
  78. I am deserving of the abundance of good things coming to me this week.
  79. I am an unstoppable force to be reckoned with.
  80. My willingness to try new things opens me up to all sorts of incredible opportunities.
  81. I am endlessly grateful for the health and happiness I have been gifted with.
  82. Every day I step closer to alignment with my highest self.
  83. My intuition guides me toward the most fruitful opportunities for me.
  84. I take time to enjoy and appreciate the presence of my loved ones throughout the week.
  85. The here and now is the only thing that matters to me.

Final Thoughts On Affirmations For The Week

Recite the mantras for several days and watch how your life is positively transformed with these affirmations for the week.

There will be no more “Sunday Scaries” as you prepare for the week ahead because you’ll be excited and prepared for the opportunities that lie before you.

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