Struggling to make ends meet let alone create a legacy for the generations that come after you? Then, you need these affirmations for financial freedom.

If you’ve grown up poor or surrounded by people who view wealthy people as bad, you’ve probably developed your own blocks and “lack” mentality around money.

These can be hard to shift as they will have been ingrained in you from such a young age that your brain sees them as truth.

However, there is more than enough money in the world for you to succeed and live a life spent achieving your wildest dreams, rather than tapping mindlessly at a computer keyboard until you’re too sick or old to enjoy any freedom you gain.

So, how do you flip your money mindset around and take steps toward becoming the wealthiest person you’ve ever known?

Simple. You rewire your brain using these affirmations for financial abundance.

How To Use Affirmations For Financial Freedom

Unlearning everything you’ve been programmed to know about money is not easy, and it takes time.

While the physical process is simple, the mental journey takes consistent work and can often feel uncomfortable along the way.

However, as you repeat these affirmations over a period of several weeks or months, your mind will begin to learn these positive phrases and see them as fact, which will enable you to seek opportunities for wealth rather than reaffirm lack, wherever you go.

Read through the below list of affirmations for financial freedom thoroughly, selecting several that feel powerful to you and address what you want to achieve.

While you can choose as many mantras as you like, picking and reciting four or five will allow the words to really sink in and become rooted in your mind.

Repeat these money affirmations at every possible opportunity, whenever you find yourself with a spare second.

This could be in the shower, on a work break, on your commute, or while meditating.

You should also get into a habit of repeating your mantras for several minutes when you wake up and before you go to sleep as your subconscious mind (the part we’re trying to access) is the most penetrable at these times.

Know that you won’t see results from this affirmation practice immediately.

However, if you continue using them, you will begin to lift the veil and transform yourself into a money-making magnet before you know it.

Alongside your manifestation practice, you should also make it a habit to only speak and think positively about money.

Reword any negative statements you make regarding wealth and financial decisions to ensure you’re promoting not inhibiting your mindset switch.

For example, instead of saying “That’s too expensive,” you can say “That’s not in my budget right now” or “I’m prioritizing my money in other ways right now.”

Daily Affirmations For Financial Freedom

  1. I am a money magnet.
  2. Any money I spend comes back to me tenfold.
  3. There is always an abundance of money in my life.
  4. Wealthy is my natural state of being.
  5. Each day, I earn more and more money.
  6. I allow myself to prosper.
  7. Money is a tool that I can use to positively impact my life.
  8. My wealth enables me to be generous with the people I love.
  9. Money flows freely through me in my daily life.
  10. I have the opportunity and ability to build generational wealth.
  11. My wealth positively affects those around me.
  12. I can be a good person and have an abundance of money.
  13. Financial freedom is within my reach.
  14. I feel positive about my financial situation.
  15. My relationship with money is fantastic.
  16. I am always thinking of new ways to diversify my income.
  17. My income exceeds my expenses.
  18. Money flows to me from multiple sources.
  19. I trust the Universe to guide me toward the most prosperous situations.
  20. Money enables me to do good in the world.
  21. I have enough money to enjoy the lifestyle I desire.
  22. I have a sizeable nest egg that helps me feel secure in any major life decision I make.
  23. My actions are creating prosperity.
  24. All of my financial needs are taken care of.
  25. The Universe wants me to succeed.
  26. I am claiming financial security for myself.
  27. I am grateful for the opportunities my financial freedom provides me with.
  28. There is enough room for everyone to succeed.
  29. Financial freedom is my birthright.
  30. The more money I give away, the more comes back to me immediately.
  31. Money comes to me from every angle.
  32. I have more money than in my wildest dreams.
  33. I am fully committed to creating financial freedom in my life.
  34. I make wise money decisions every day.
  35. I am creative and resourceful in the ways I attract money.
  36. Each day, I take another small step toward financial freedom.
  37. Everything I do sets me up for a life of financial freedom.
  38. I have the means to retire early.
  39. I am confident in my ability to become the first millionaire in my family.
  40. Financial freedom enables me to live the life I truly desire.
  41. It feels fantastic to not worry about money.
  42. My relationship with my finances is improving all the time.
  43. I can build an impenetrable mountain of wealth.
  44. My experiences with money help me to realize that wealth is a tool that I can use in any way I like.
  45. I trust myself to make wise financial decisions.
  46. New ideas for income streams are constantly flowing through my mind.
  47. Money is naturally drawn to me and I am drawn to money.
  48. I am open to all avenues of pursuing wealth.
  49. There is always an abundance of money in my bank account.
  50. I always have enough money in every situation.
  51. Achieving a certain level of wealth brings me joy.
  52. Spending responsibly enables me to edge closer to financial freedom.
  53. Financial security is accessible to me.
  54. I have positive habits in regard to money.
  55. I am diligent in checking my finances to ensure I am being smart with my money.
  56. Money will reveal itself to me in abundance.
  57. The Universe reflects back to me my money mindset.
  58. Developing a positive money mindset is the number one tool for me to achieve financial freedom.
  59. Being wealthy is just a natural part of my life.
  60. Abundance is on its way to me.
  61. I accept and receive money in unexpected ways with gratitude.
  62. I am getting out of my own way when it comes to money.
  63. I release all limitations and blocks that are preventing me from achieving financial freedom.
  64. I release all financial patterns that are blocking my path to financial success.
  65. This is the year that my wealth explodes.
  66. The hard work I’m putting in now will create me passive income for years to come.
  67. I invest my money wisely.
  68. I earn unbelievable sums of money by simply doing what I love.
  69. I overcome any financial obstacles with ease.
  70. I am motivated by the possibility of financial freedom.
  71. I am grateful for the money I have and excited for the money that’s on its way to me.
  72. I learn from my money mistakes and use them as fuel to push harder toward financial freedom.
  73. I work smarter, not harder, in my quest for wealth.
  74. I realize my earning potential.
  75. I will leave a legacy for my family.
  76. I choose a mindset of prosperity.
  77. There is an infinite supply of abundance that is available for me to tap into.
  78. I am building passive income streams to help me live a prosperous and happy life.
  79. I am good at making money.
  80. I inspire others to make steps toward financial freedom.

Final Thoughts On Financial Freedom Affirmations

You may feel awkward repeating these affirmations for financial freedom at first. And that’s okay, most people do.

However, your mindset is the single most important thing you can change if you wish to impact your financial situation positively.

It’s amazing what a difference it can make if we simply get out of our own way and allow ourselves to be guided toward abundance by the Universe.

If you need some extra help, check out the following lists of positive affirmations: