Looking to release negative thoughts, and experience an unending supply of inner peace and connection to the Divine? Check out these affirmations for amethyst.

Amethyst was discovered over 25,000 years ago and has long been used by those attuned to their own spirituality.

It is directly linked with the crown chakra, making it an important stone for those looking to improve their mental well-being, connect with their highest self, and tap into the abundance of the Universe.

In this blog post, we’ll be exploring the different properties of this deep purple gem, as well as supplying you with an extensive list of amethyst affirmations and letting you know how best to use them.

What Is Amethyst Used For?

The amethyst stone has been believed to have healing properties for many centuries and has been used by soldiers since the Middle Ages to provide themselves with protection as they make their way into battle.

Alongside its protective properties, amethyst is thought to have physical healing powers, with the ability to relieve pain from conditions such as migraines, as well as reduce inflammation, boost the immune system, and improve the quality of sleep.

There are also plenty of emotional properties of amethyst, which include an improved mood, lower stress levels, and an increased sense of self-awareness.

This makes it an especially useful crystal for anyone who suffers from depression, anxiety, or intrusive thoughts.

As well as the physical and emotional powers of amethyst, the precious stone is closely linked with supporting spiritual growth, providing spiritual protection, and enabling those who use it to increase their spiritual awareness through their own deep intuition.

How To Use Affirmations For Amethyst

Before starting with your affirmations for amethyst, you should consider how you wish to display the stone itself.

Some place a piece of the precious gem in the room to harness its abilities while others find the effects of amethyst to be more powerful if they wear it on a necklace or slip a piece in their pocket.

Alternatively, you can simply hold a piece while you carry out your daily affirmation practice if you prefer.

From there, you can scroll through the below list of amethyst affirmations, selecting those that resonate with you on a deep level.

While everyone’s perfect number of crown chakra mantras to use differs, you should consider choosing between three and five affirmations to repeat.

Then, choose a quiet space, whether that’s a dedicated meditation corner in your home, an outside space that you can visit on your lunch break, or simply on your bed.

Once you’re relaxed in your space of tranquility, close your eyes and repeat these powerful phrases to yourself until you feel yourself surrounded by a sense of inner peace, spiritual enlightenment, and positivity.

This won’t happen overnight, and you’ll need to be consistent in your affirmation practice if you wish to receive long-lasting results from amethyst.

However, if you can dedicate just a few minutes every day to this ancient healing stone, you can experience a tremendous transformation in your personal life.

It’s worth noting that, like many other crystals, amethyst needs to be cleansed and charged every so often. The reason for cleansing your amethyst is to rid it of the negative energy to allow its calming and positive powers to reach you.

In order to do this, you can leave your stone in natural running water for at least a minute. The ideal way to do this is in a stream of river. However, you can use bottled water if you don’t have access to either of these.

Alternatively, you can cleanse your amethyst by placing it outside overnight and allowing the moon to rid it of any toxic energies.

A full moon also recharges your precious stone, which helps to restore its positive energy, ready for use with your affirmations for amethyst again.

Daily Affirmations For Amethyst

  1. I am at peace knowing everything in my life is falling into place.
  2. I am connecting with my spirit guides while I sleep.
  3. I am deeply connected to the Universe.
  4. I am receptive to divine guidance.
  5. I release limiting beliefs and thought patterns.
  6. I am focusing on the present moment and enjoying the feeling of peace and relaxation that comes with it.
  7. Every breath I take brings me closer to complete inner peace.
  8. I listen for signs, knowing that all that is meant for today will happen with little resistance.
  9. Everything I seek is already within me.
  10. I surrender to the Universe and allow it to guide me through life.
  11. I am at one with the universe and all living beings
  12. I release all worry and stress, knowing that I am protected at all times.
  13. I release fear and embrace peace.
  14. I am deeply connected to my highest self.
  15. I am open to receiving infinite blessings from the Universe.
  16. Every part of my life is in perfect alignment.
  17. My true power lies in the present moment.
  18. The energy of the Universe is always protecting me.
  19. I am surrounded by a protective shield of light and positivity
  20. I live in a constant state of joy and gratitude.
  21. I believe in myself and the fundamental goodness of the world.
  22. I am connected to a limitless source of abundance.
  23. I am now in a bubble of protection from all negativity.
  24. I release all negative energy and emotions from my mind and body.
  25. I am opening myself up to receive guidance and clarity in my dreams.
  26. I trust that my intuition is always leading me to my highest good.
  27. I am calm and confident because I trust in the higher good. Everything that happens has a purpose.
  28. I am a magnet for positive energy.
  29. I am grounded and centered in all that I do.
  30. I know the Universe will provide precisely what I need at the perfect time.
  31. I allow the universe to bring balance into my life.
  32. Infinite possibilities are available to me.
  33. I am endlessly loving and compassionate to all those around me.
  34. I am in the perfect place at the perfect time.
  35. I am the master of my own destiny and choose to live in the present moment.
  36. Regardless of what happens externally, my internal state remains tranquil and calm.
  37. I release my thoughts and worries as I surrender myself to a restful and healing sleep.
  38. I lift myself up to higher levels of awareness.
  39. I have the power to face any challenge with calm, clarity, and an elevated level of positive energy.
  40. I am being guided by loving spirits in all that I do.
  41. All is well in my world.
  42. I am dedicated to becoming the most enlightened and balanced version of myself.
  43. I honor the Divine that lives within me.
  44. Self-limiting beliefs have no place in my world.
  45. I am on a beautiful transformation into my highest self.
  46. I vow to show myself compassion and love in all that I do.
  47. Positivity flows all around me.
  48. I am worthy of all the good that the Universe provides.
  49. I see all the good in the world.
  50. I am an infinite and eternal being.

Final Thoughts On Affirmations For Amethyst

These affirmations for amethyst are designed to help you dig deeper inside yourself to find your highest self who is radiant in all that they do.

Blessed with a constant sense of inner peace, this version of you can be tapped into with a little inner work.

If you’re interested in exploring your spiritual side, check out the following blog posts: