Each season has an important role both in nature and within ourselves too. While winter is a period for inner reflection and rest, everything bursts back to life in the spring months.

If you’re looking for some mantras to help you become reenergized and excited for the warmer months, check out these spring affirmations.

Spring has long been associated with rebirth — a time when flowers bloom, woolly lambs burst forth into the world, and the sun makes its appearance after a dreary winter spell.

This is why these seasonal affirmations focus on how you too can go through a period of renewal and personal growth as the spring rolls around.

We all have seasons where we feel like our best selves and others that we wish away, counting the days off until a new month appears.

If spring is usually your bleakest time of year, try working on your mindset to reframe your thoughts around these months.

Set yourself goals, make plans, and dedicate yourself to enjoying the season for everything that it is.

As you repeat these positive affirmations, you’ll find yourself seeing the beauty that is all around you during the spring months, and you may just find it becomes your favorite time of year.

You’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain by setting aside a few moments every day for a little positivity.

How To Use Spring Affirmations

If your mindset is still stuck in the slump of winter, it’s time to shake it up. Choose several of these spring affirmations to repeat to yourself every day.

As you’re selecting these, focus on the mantras that speak to you and your desires the most.

Then, set aside a few minutes several times a day to realign with yourself and your needs, repeating your affirmations as you breathe deeply.

Affirmations are just one part of the puzzle — you also need to take inspired action if you want to achieve anything in the upcoming season.

Pencil in a portion of time to reflect on the previous season, rid yourself of anything that no longer serves you, and set your intentions for the coming months.

Write your goals down as this will help to keep you laser-focused, and connect with a friend to become accountability partners for each other.

Check-in with yourself often, regardless of the size of your goals. Whether you’re aiming to start a business during the spring or simply do more of what brings you joy, you’ll find that each goal requires intentionality and dedication as you form new, healthy habits.

Affirmations work by encouraging you to visualize what you’re seeking in life.

By focusing on this in a positive way, you automatically increase your energetic vibration which helps to align you with your desires.

Like attracts like, so if you are hyper-fixated on what it is you want, you will naturally attract that thing for yourself. However, if you are constantly concentrating on what you don’t have, you emit an energy of lack.

This mindset will follow you everywhere and become your reality. For example, if you find yourself repeating that you’re no good at achieving your goals, guess what…your to-do list will remain full.

This is why it’s so important to start your affirmation practice with gratitude and positivity.

Daily Spring Affirmations

  1. I welcome rebirth into my life.
  2. As the trees sprout their new leaves, I too am growing into the best version of myself.
  3. I embrace this season of growth.
  4. Spring is a great reminder to me that even the bleakest of winters end.
  5. I feel refreshed and rejuvenated as I step into the springtime.
  6. I feel a renewed sense of vigor for life.
  7. I inhale new beginnings and release any baggage I am carrying.
  8. I am making space in my life for new beginnings.
  9. I welcome all new opportunities that come my way.
  10. Good things are on their way to me right now.
  11. I am excited to see what this season has in store for me.
  12. I am connected to mother Earth as I step through this season of life.
  13. I feel light and free as I head into the springtime.
  14. I release any stagnant energy I am holding onto from the winter months.
  15. I am hopeful and positive for the rest of the year ahead.
  16. I embrace this season of renewal.
  17. I spend time setting my intentions for this coming year.
  18. I am motivated and determined to achieve the goals I set for myself.
  19. I make time for regular self-care throughout the year.
  20. I am open to new opportunities.
  21. I am ready to make positive changes for myself in my life.
  22. The Universe is guiding me toward my highest self.
  23. I find the strength to let go of relationships that are no longer serving me.
  24. I build new connections with high-energy beings.
  25. New ideas are constantly coming to me.
  26. I am filled with creative energy.
  27. I have everything I need to succeed within me.
  28. Everything I touch turns to gold.
  29. I find success in anything I put my mind to.
  30. I trust in the process.
  31. I listen to my intuition as I make large life decisions.
  32. I minimize my belongings to maximize joy as I step into this season of rebirth.
  33. I feel like a new person as I shed everything that was no longer serving me.
  34. I am the very definition of abundance.
  35. Abundance flows to me in all things.
  36. I am abundant in time, money, love, and success.
  37. I am in constant bloom.
  38. Both my external and internal environments are filled with peace.
  39. I listen to the Universe as it guides me through life.
  40. I choose to feel optimistic about where I am in my life.
  41. I let go of anything that drains my energy.
  42. I hold onto everything that sparks my creativity or brings me joy.
  43. My well-being is important to me.
  44. Like the seasons, I too am constantly changing.
  45. I focus on the small joys in everyday life.
  46. I spend time reconnecting with nature.
  47. I cherish the love and support I have in my life.
  48. I look forward to the change in weather and the rejuvenation the sunshine brings.
  49. I focus on eating nourishing foods that revitalize my body.
  50. I am filled with the potential for regrowth.
  51. I shed my skin and work toward becoming the highest version of myself.
  52. I am eternally shifting as I grow into the best version of myself.
  53. Failure is a crucial part of my journey toward my best self.
  54. I feel unending gratitude as I work toward my goals.
  55. I am eager to put myself in new and uncomfortable situations this year in order to prosper.

Final Thoughts On Spring Affirmations

These spring affirmations should help you put your best foot forward with a spring in your step.

Each season provides a new beginning and another chance to work toward our best selves.

Using mantras is one of the best ways of uplifting your spirit and aligning yourself with your highest being — the wisest and most true version of yourself that you’re desperate to connect with and become.

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