Are you ready for warmer days and even creating wholesome memories? Check out these summer affirmations.

It can be easy to forget about gratitude and focus on the niggles of daily life, even when the sun is shining and you’re planning exciting adventures.

So, in order to stop this season from passing you by in the blink of an eye and being remembered as “just another dull summer,” you’ll need to dedicate time and energy to living in the moment.

These affirmations for summer will help you to slow down and appreciate what’s happening right now, even when life feels stagnant or boring.

Whether it’s a fragrant flower, the buzzing of a bee or an afternoon spent lounging on the grass with a friend, moments of happiness can always be found even in the simplest of ways.

If you’re not a summer person, it can be easy to wish the season away, longing for hot chocolate and frosty walks. But, there is beauty to be found in nature throughout the year, and each month brings with it new challenges and joys.

Seasonal affirmations are the perfect way of helping yourself stay grounded and connected with mother earth throughout the year, showing appreciation for the ebbs and flows of life, both within nature and yourself.

How To Use Summer Affirmations

You can use summer affirmations daily, whether you’re excited about the upcoming season or dreading it.

If you’re looking forward to those long days of golden sunshine and evenings spent discussing life under the stars, then these mantras will only amplify your positive energy and help you to manifest the summer of your dreams.

They will enable you to feel gratitude throughout your whole body and all the way into your soul. This in turn will help to raise your vibration and thrive all summer long.

Select several of these summertime affirmations that align with how you feel about the change in season and repeat them to yourself every day when you wake up.

This will help you to go about your day with a spring in your step and encourage you to make plans with loved ones, ultimately creating the summer you’ve envisioned, full of fun and excitement.

Alternatively, if you’re a summer hater, then you need these mantras even more. The Universe is fine-tuned to your energetic vibrations, which may be quite low as you look to the upcoming months gloomily.

If you’re vibrating at a low frequency, you’ll find it hard to feel gratitude or manifest anything you desire. The Universe will mirror your energy back to you, which means you may unknowingly attract unpleasant situations or negative emotions.

You may find it difficult to believe in your affirmations for summer the first time you use them, and that’s okay.

The more you repeat these powerful phrases, the more you’ll feel your mindset around this time of year begin to change.

You may need to reach for your affirmations several times per day in order to feel the effects, but if you keep going with them, you’ll soon find yourself full of appreciation and love for each season of the year.

Daily Summer Affirmations

  1. I am excited to experience the joys this season will bring.
  2. I feel alive and vibrant in this season.
  3. I am exactly where I am supposed to be right now.
  4. Everything is aligning for me to experience the best summer of my life so far.
  5. Every day, I wake up happy and excited about the experiences and adventures I will have.
  6. I am connected to the earth and every human being on it.
  7. My heart is open to the new opportunities each day brings.
  8. I feel light and free as I head into the summer months.
  9. As I travel into this new season, I reflect on the personal growth I have achieved this year.
  10. This summer is my season of transformation.
  11. I am radiating health and happiness,
  12. Everyone is attracted to my positive energy.
  13. I am like a sunbeam of magnetic energy.
  14. Every day, I have an unexpected and wonderful experience.
  15. The Universe is aligning everything for my greater good.
  16. I enjoy each moment of this season.
  17. I find joy in the small things.
  18. I am constantly working on becoming the highest version of myself.
  19. The main goal I am working toward is true happiness.
  20. Everything is coming to me in divine timing.
  21. I trust in the Universe to keep me healthy and happy.
  22. I take a moment to set my intentions for the upcoming summer months.
  23. I trust my intuition and follow it to find my bliss.
  24. Each day, I am stepping closer to becoming the highest version of myself.
  25. I have great expectations for this summer.
  26. I follow my intuition and take inspired action toward my goals.
  27. I am kind to myself and give myself plenty of grace.
  28. I am grateful for the vibrancy of nature I see all around me.
  29. I make time to practice gratitude each and every day.
  30. I am currently undergoing a positive transformation.
  31. I am content exactly as I am.
  32. I am inspired by nature.
  33. During this season, I step into a feeling of internal peace.
  34. I release all expectations and allow myself to experience life exactly as it is.
  35. The experiences I’m seeking will energize my spirit and reignite my soul.
  36. I attract all good things with joy and gratitude.
  37. I deserve to experience freedom and joy.
  38. I focus on enjoying the present moment.
  39. Every day, I make more lasting beautiful memories.
  40. I invite great opportunities into my life.
  41. The sun is always shining in my life.
  42. Abundance is showing up for me in all aspects of my life.
  43. I allow peace to fill my soul.
  44. I make decisions from a place of ultimate abundance.
  45. Each season is filled with endless opportunities to feel good.
  46. I embrace this season with intentionality.
  47. The sun inspires me to be creative.
  48. The sun invigorates me.
  49. I can feel the sun healing my body, mind, and spirit.
  50. I set aside time to relax and recharge.
  51. I am in charge of my life experiences.
  52. I cannot change the season, but I can change my own reaction to it.
  53. Each season is important to my mental and emotional well-being.
  54. Gratitude is flowing through me all the time.
  55. I slow down to appreciate every moment of magic.
  56. The more I look for magic in the season, the more I find.
  57. I am overwhelmed by the beauty that the summer brings.
  58. The summer fills me with a playful and energetic energy.
  59. I am at one with the cycle of nature.
  60. The summer is a fun and exciting time for me.

Final Thoughts On Summer Affirmations

By using these summer affirmations daily, you can ensure you show appreciation for this wonderful season of the year.

Your attitude toward these months is the number one thing that will shape your experience and define whether you have the best summer of your life or one that passes by with little excitement.

If you’re committed to enjoying nature throughout each month of the year, make sure you check out these seasonal affirmation blog posts: