In this guide, we’re going to be talking about how to manifest a job. Not just any job, but the DREAM job you want. That career you’ve wanted to pursue for years but haven’t managed to attain yet.

All that is about to change through manifestation. It’s time to grab the bull by the horns, get clear on the exact job you want to manifest and take the steps needed to get you there.

Does Manifestation Work?

Absolutely! It only takes a quick Google search to be flooded with hundreds of stories of manifestation working for people. Manifestation and the law of attraction tend to only work for you when you are actively pursuing them. 

Think of manifestation like a daydream that’s had a glow up. You create a really strong vision in your mind, focus your thoughts on it, imagine you already have it, and with a few extra steps, the physical follows the imagined.

In other words, think about it and watch it appear.

If you’re not clear on what you want, manifestation becomes impossible, because the universe can only know your desires if you know them clearly yourself.

How To Manifest A Job 

The law of attraction can help you to manifest any job your heart desires.

Here’s how to manifest a job in 4 simple steps.

colleagues working at the office

Step 1: Show Gratitude

It’s important when manifesting anything to show gratitude and that’s just as important when it comes to manifesting a job.

Find things you appreciate about your role, whether that’s a specific task you do every week, your morning chatter by the coffee machine, or the way your colleagues respect you. 

If you’re in a terrible job, that doesn’t mean you have to pretend it’s the best job in the world (if it was, you wouldn’t be manifesting a new one) but show some gratitude that you have a steady income, as well as thinking about any additional skills you’ve learned while in your current role that will benefit you in the future, appreciate great colleagues if you have them, and any perks of your current job, such as free healthcare, or flexible working.

If you’re still finding it hard to show gratitude, try thinking about those who are out of work and desperate for any job, struggling to make ends meet. This isn’t to guilt-trip yourself.

Instead, it’s to remind yourself that having a job, regardless of whether it’s the one you want,  is not a guarantee and that a monthly income should be appreciated rather than taken for granted.

Alternatively, think about how far you’ve come. It’s easy to look at people higher than you and get caught up in wishing for what they have, but remember the you of a few years ago.

There’s a good chance the role you’re in now was once a job you aspired to. You might have been looking at people who were where you are now and feeling envious of what they’d accomplished.

You can use affirmations to project more gratitude. Here are a few that you can repeat to get you feeling more positive about your current situation:

  • I love how supportive my colleagues are
  • My current job is a stepping stone to greater things
  • My boss really appreciates my commitment to my role
  • My role enables me to gain new skills

Step 2: Decide On The Job You Actually Want

There are two possibilities here. You’re either already in the field you want to be in and are looking to secure a higher position, or you want to do a complete flip and pursue a career that’s completely different from your current one.

If the latter is true, make sure to weigh up all the pros and cons of your desired career. For example, if you want to be a primary school teacher, you don’t just get to skip out of the classroom at 3 pm. 

Are you ready to give up a lot of your free time on the evenings and weekends for marking and lesson planning? How would that affect your family, and your work/life balance?

Maybe it would be worth it to feel like you’ve made a difference in children’s lives, but maybe after thinking about it you decide that family time on the weekends is too important to you to give up.

Sometimes we can get sucked into the glamour of a job without weighing up all sides, so make sure you do just that.

If you’re looking to climb the corporate ladder within your current field, look at leaders in the field and again assess whether their lives look like the life you wish to create for yourself.

Are they able to work from home or do they need to be in the office every day? Are they glowing with energy and passion or do they constantly look stressed? Does their partner meet them from work 3x a week for date night, or are they known for leaving the office at 10 pm every night? 

These are all important things to consider when deciding on your future career.

Once you’ve decided on the job you want to manifest, visualize it clearly. Visualize your commute, what you wear to work, how you feel when you step into the office, your workspace, your boss’ attitude (unless you’re manifesting to be the boss), how fulfilled you feel in your role, whether you feel like you’re making a difference.

It’s important to get crystal clear so that you can stay focused on your manifestation until it arrives.

Step 3: Take The Steps

When talking about how to manifest a job, we can’t forget about actually taking action.

Changing your career requires you to be proactive, and while manifesting is a large part of that, you also need to take some physical steps in order to reach your goal.

Here are some ways you could be more proactive in reaching your goal:

  • Ask your boss for more responsibilities
  • Ask to shadow a more senior member of staff
  • Take a night class to gain more skills
  • Update your resume
  • Do some volunteer work in the sector you’d like to work in
  • Create a Linkedin profile
  • Create contacts within companies you’d love to work for

Remember the phrase ‘if you don’t ask, you don’t get’. If you want to manifest a promotion or a new role within your company, make sure to make your desire known to your boss, and other heads of departments, senior members of staff, etc.

When you open up, you might find that your boss would love to give you more responsibilities, or would be perfectly happy for you to shadow someone in a different department once a week, or could even put you on a progression plan to help you reach your goal more quickly.

If you want to change fields completely, it might mean going back to college or taking a night class in order to gain the skills needed.

Alternatively, you might put yourself in great standing for your dream job by volunteering some of your time in exchange for gaining experience. This would be especially helpful if you want to work for a charity, a school, an NGO, etc.

Step 4: See Every Rejection As A Progression

Nobody likes being rejected from a role they think was made for them. It’s even worse when you’re manifesting, as rejection aids self-doubt and negative thoughts, and as we’ve learned, the universe does not respond to a low vibrational frequency as well as it does to a high one. 

Remember that rejections aren’t personal. A lot of the time, hundreds of applicants will apply for one job, which means that even if you are qualified for the role, someone else might be just a tiny bit more qualified than you, or the company may have decided to hire from within.

Don’t think that because you didn’t make the cut, it means that you don’t have the ability to get your dream role. Every interview is a great experience and allows you to improve next time.

When you’re focused on manifesting your dream job, it won’t pass you by, so see any rejections as signs that the job wasn’t the right one for you, and keep ultimate faith that the perfect role will come along for you at the perfect time.

Final Thoughts On Manifesting A Job

The law of attraction takes some effort on your side, especially when it comes to manifesting a job, and it’s important not to get demotivated if things are taking a little time, or opportunities that you thought were perfect for you, pass you by.

Trust that if a job passes you by, it was never meant for you.

Likewise, often you’ll need to upskill or take on extra responsibilities in order to reach your dream job, which can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few years, so stay focused on your visualization, remember that you know how to manifest a job and that the universe is playing its part, working hard to get you there.

Need a hand to manifest the job of your dream faster? Try writing for quick manifesting.

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