Looking for powerful and positive affirmations to attract love in your life? You’re going to love this list of love statements so that you can find love and attract romance.

Finding true love is not always easy especially if you’ve been struggling in the past or in previous relationships. These powerful affirmations for love are designed to help you invite and attract love so that you can receive and give all the love you wish for.

Using daily positive affirmations for finding love is powerful. It’s a reminder that you deserve love in your life.

How to Use Love Affirmations

You can either say them out loud or write them down in your journal. Positive love affirmations can be used at the start or end of a journaling session.

Remember to bookmark this page so you can come back to it easily every time you need to use daily affirmations for love. You can also use them as a journal prompt or as part of your journaling session.

You can either pick a number between 1 and 75, go through the whole list or pick the ones that resonate with you today.

Love Affirmations

So, let’s dive right in. You’ll find your love affirmations below.

  1. I am always enough for the right person.
  2. I am on my way to love.
  3. I am willing to step outside my comfort zone.
  4. I experience love everywhere I go.
  5. I am open to finding love in places I didn’t expect.
  6. I release everything that is standing in the way of meeting my soulmate.
  7. I am whole and complete right now.
  8. I am irresistible to my perfect partner.
  9. I release my past relationships to make way for a better one.
  10. Love is attainable for me now.
  11. My vibration is attuned to the frequency of love.
  12. If I want to be loved as I am then I must be willing to love others as they are.
  13. I live in a state of pure light and love.
  14. I radiate love.
  15. I am ready to meet the one.
  16. I am always surrounded by love and happiness.
  17. Love is possible for me.
  18. I don’t have to do anything to be loved and happy.
  19. I am meant for great love.
  20. I welcome love all the time.
  21. I am ready for a relationship based on trust and integrity.
  22. My soulmate is ready to meet me.
  23. I attract only loving people into my life.
  24. When I share ove, it comes back to me multiplied.
  25. Today, I choose to give love.
  26. I accept that I am infinitely loved.
  27. I am in the right place at the right time to attract my soulmate.
  28. I have untold amounts of love to offer.
  29. I am magnetic and irresistible.
  30. I am closer to meeting my soulmate everyday.
  31. I am ready for a healthy and loving relationship.
  32. I radiate love to everyone I encounter.
  33. I feel loved everyday.
  34. I am worthy of a lifetime of love and commitment.
  35. Love shines from within me.
  36. I only think positively about love.
  37. I am attracting the right person for me.
  38. My partner will love me more and more each day.
  39. My heart is always open.
  40. I have lots to offer in a relationship.
  41. I love myself and naturally attract loving relationships into my life.
  42. I am open to let love flow in.
  43. Real love is coming into my life right now.
  44. I don’t need to do anything to be valuable. I am valuable to the right person.
  45. I am loved more than I ever thought possible.
  46. The love I am seeking is seeking me.
  47. I can feel my perfect partner coming to me now.
  48. I love myself and in turn attract love.
  49. The universe is only bringing me the relationships that are right for me.
  50. I am attracting all the love that I dream of and deserve.
  51. I am magnetic to a positive and long term relationship.
  52. Everyone is drawn to my positive and loving energy.
  53. Manifesting love is effortless.
  54. I believe in my ability to attract my soulmate.
  55. Love is all around me.
  56. I am overwhelmed with love.
  57. I trust the universe to bring my true love to me.
  58. My partner is a true reflection of me.
  59. Attracting love begins with self-love.
  60. I have healed and moved on from the past.
  61. The universe is full of love.
  62. I trust that true love will find me.
  63. My soul is nurtured by the abundance of love in my life.
  64. I love being with people who bring out the best in me.
  65. Everyone around me loves me unconditionally.
  66. Love is contagious.
  67. I attract the people I desire in my life.
  68. As I focus on loving myself, people are naturally drawn to me.
  69. My past relationships don’t define me.
  70. Passion, romance, and love are in my future.
  71. I express my love everyday.
  72. The universe is working with me to bring my soulmate closer to me.
  73. I will be a wonderful partner.
  74. I am a vessel of love.
  75. I deserve a fairytale type of love.

Final Thoughts on Affirmations for Love and Romance

These affirmations for finding love are designed to help you remember your worth and that you deserve love in your life. You can transform any negative thought into a positive one with the positive affirmations above.

Using love statements helps you increase your confidence, your mindset, and your relationship with love.

You can use them as part of your journaling routine too.

Looking for affirmations to attract a specific person? Take a look at these 30 affirmations to attract a specific person.

You got this!