Finding yourself squinting at screens and unable to read billboards from far away? Then you need these affirmations for eyesight.

When we think of the law of attraction and affirmations, we often think of money, love, and success.

However, you can also take your health into your own hands and use these eyesight mantras to improve your internal health, casting aside glasses and contact lenses forever.

How To Use Affirmations For Eyesight

The power of belief can get you so far in healing physical ailments, even if it seems impossible.

We’ve all heard about people who lift cars off of babies in emergency situations, with no amount of training or preparation.

They do it because in that split second their belief is stronger than their doubt. They know they must save the baby from a terrible fate and so they do.

The mind is more powerful than we know, and you can adopt this same mental state when it comes to improving your physical health too.

Use several of these affirmations for eyesight as soon as you wake up to remind your body to send healing energy where it is needed.

Then, you can use your mantras throughout the day in the way that has the most impact on you.

For some, writing vision affirmations on post-it notes and taping them to a mirror will be the way to ensure they set their intentions regularly.

Alternatively, you may choose to set several alarms on your phone over the course of the day, to remind you to take 5 minutes out of your busy schedule to reconnect with yourself and realign with your desires.

Belief is the main component when it comes to using affirmations, and here’s why. Those who are interested in the law of attraction will know that everything in the Universe radiates a certain energy at any given time.

There are varying scales to this energy and it is largely affected by your mindset.

A mindset of abundance is one of positive, lucky, and thankful energy. If you have this mindset, you will be filled with gratitude for everything that happens to you, knowing the Universe is working for your highest good and not worrying about the bumps in the road.

On the flip side, you may have a mindset of lack, which is causing your vibrational energy to be low. If you often think “nothing good ever happens to me”, “why can’t I have this too”, or “I’m so jealous of…”, you’re probably suffering from a lack mentality.

Again, you may fall on either end of the spectrum or somewhere in the middle, but what you should be aiming for is a mindset of abundance. High vibrational energy aligns itself with the energy of your object of desire to manifest it into reality.

This is because in the law of attraction, like attracts like. The meaning of this is that anything you give your focus to expands.

The Universe doesn’t care what you do or don’t want, and it can’t determine between them. It only knows the thoughts that you are focusing your energy on and will provide you with more of what you’re radiating.

If that’s pain, debilitating vision, or poor overall eye health, guess what you’re gonna get? More of the same.

However, if you can channel your thoughts into those of total self-confidence in your ability to heal yourself, you’ll find that your wellness can improve extremely quickly.

Daily Affirmations For Eyesight

  1. Each day, I see more and more clearly.
  2. My eye health is improving all the time.
  3. I notice that my vision is improving daily.
  4. My body knows how to heal itself, all I have to do is believe.
  5. I make a conscious choice to improve my vision.
  6. I deserve to see this beautiful world clearly.
  7. My vision is naturally sharp.
  8. My eyesight is crystal clear.
  9. I take control of my physical health.
  10. Improving my eyesight is easy for me.
  11. My body is finding ways to improve my vision.
  12. My body redirects energy to my eyes in order to improve their vision.
  13. I make decisions that support my eye health.
  14. I take all reasonable steps to improve my vision.
  15. I listen to the experts on how to care for my eyes.
  16. I am free of the need for contact lenses or glasses.
  17. I send healing energy to my eyes.
  18. I love seeing the world in all its vibrancy.
  19. I have 20/20 vision.
  20. My thoughts are powerful.
  21. I go out of my way to take care of my eyes.
  22. Improving my eyesight happens naturally for me.
  23. My eyes have the ability to focus on objects clearly.
  24. The inner health of my body overspills into my eyesight.
  25. When I am focused on the present moment, I see more clearly.
  26. My eyes are free from strain.
  27. I send healing thoughts to my eyes.
  28. I have the power to improve my eyesight.
  29. I am proud of the progress my eyes have made.
  30. My body is a powerhouse of healing energy.
  31. I notice positive changes in my eyesight.
  32. Others have commented on how much my eyesight has improved.
  33. The power of my mind in improving my eyesight is unlimited.
  34. I am responsible for my own health.
  35. My vision improves when my eyes are relaxed.
  36. I am no longer reliant on glasses or contact lenses.
  37. I enjoy seeing clearly.
  38. I can see the colors, details, and clarity of every object.
  39. The improvement in my eyesight benefits my life in every way.
  40. I am blessed to have such perfect vision.
  41. I replace self-doubt with self-confidence in my quest for perfect eyesight.
  42. I am wonderfully and powerfully made.
  43. I can achieve anything I set my mind to.
  44. I can easily manifest my thoughts into reality.
  45. I can see perfectly now, with increased clarity and focus.
  46. My physical health is closely linked with my mindset.
  47. The most powerful tool I have in improving my eyesight is my mind.
  48. Sharper eyesight enables me to live life to the fullest.
  49. My eyesight provides a window into my overall health.
  50. My eyes have returned to the perfect 20/20 vision I had as a child.
  51. The improvement in my vision is nothing short of miraculous.
  52. My eyes are fully regenerated.
  53. My body is working hard to heal my eyes.
  54. My eyes have completely healed and are in perfect health.
  55. My eyesight is better than everyone else’s around me.
  56. Others are in awe of the improvement I’ve experienced in my eyesight.
  57. I am free from blurriness in my vision.
  58. The Universe manifests anything I focus on into reality for me.
  59. My new enhanced vision makes daily life easier for me.
  60. I can see words and objects perfectly, even from far away.
  61. I can see perfectly, both near and far.
  62. I can achieve anything I put my attention to.
  63. I see great improvement in my eyesight as soon as I truly believe in my manifesting powers.
  64. The improvement in my eyesight is happening incredibly quickly.
  65. My confidence is greatly improved by my eyesight.
  66. I feel beautiful without needing to wear glasses.
  67. I am grateful to the Universe for providing me with perfect eyesight.
  68. As my eyesight is improving, so is my self-confidence.
  69. I release any stress about my eyesight and eye health.
  70. My eye health is an overall reflection of my inner wellness.

Final Thoughts On Affirmations For Eyesight

It can be hard to believe in these affirmations for eyesight. After all, aren’t we told that our vision is simply one of those things we can’t change?

However, to channel Walt Disney for a moment, “if you can dream it, you can do it,” because nothing is impossible after all.

Electricity would have seemed like witchcraft before it was created, and none of us could have seen the internet coming, and the same will be said about the improvement in your vision.

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