Feeling like your hair never grows past a certain length? Or that you have the worst hair in your friendship circle, and are doomed to look like a shaggy dog forever? While it may seem like you need a miracle, you might just need these affirmations for hair growth instead.

Having great hair can uplift you and fill you with confidence as you go about your day. On the other hand, bad hair can make you feel like you may as well shave it all off and start again. Don’t reach for those clippers yet!

We’re bringing you 100 affirmations for hair that will get you to Rapunzel-esque locks in no time. You’ll be the envy of everyone you know with your long, silky smooth, and well-nourished hair, and your hair growth will bring you new-found self-love that will only add to your appeal.

How To Use Affirmations For Hair Growth

Use these hair growth affirmations every day for the best results. The perfect time to repeat these sayings is while you’re washing your hair. Make it a routine to think positively about your tresses and visualize how your perfect hair will look and feel.

Another great time to focus on your ideal hair is when you’re brushing it in the mirror. Use this time to focus on how smooth and shiny your hair is, how easy it is to detangle and how much it’s growing (even if you’ve yet to see the results of any of these.) 

Whether you repeat just one mantra to grow hair over and over, or you use several of these affirmations for hair growth, select ones that apply to you and make sure to say and think about them with conviction and confidence.

Along with repeating these affirmations, make sure you’re taking actionable steps to improve the quality of your hair by adopting a basic hair care routine, using non-toxic products, avoiding heat damage, and having your split ends trimmed regularly.

Daily Hair Growth Affirmations

  1. I fuel hair health from the inside out.
  2. My hair cells are strong and rejuvenating. 
  3. I take care of my scalp.
  4. I love my natural hair. 
  5. My hair is so smooth and bouncy. 
  6. My hair is long, strong, and healthy.
  7. The only way my hair will be short is if I decide it.
  8. Growing my hair is easy and low-maintenance. 
  9. I protect my hair from damage and heat. 
  10. My scalp is clean and healthy.   
  11. I can grow my hair as long as I want.
  12. I am worthy of the hair I desire.
  13. I nurture my hair cells.  
  14. My hair is naturally beautiful.
  15. I can regrow my hair easily. 
  16. I love spending time grooming my hair. 
  17. I take great care of my hair. 
  18. I will continue to nourish and respect my hair. 
  19. I can manage my hair easily. 
  20. My hair is beautiful because it’s mine. 
  21. My hair is easily detangled.  
  22. My hair grows without frizz and split ends. 
  23. My hair will be healthy and strong for the rest of my life. 
  24. Long hair looks gorgeous on me. 
  25. My hair grows longer every day.
  26. I am in full control of my hair growth. 
  27. My hair enhances my natural beauty.
  28. My hair is unique and I won’t compare it to anyone else’s. 
  29. I send positive energy to my scalp. 
  30. My hair is one of my favorite features.
  31. People are always complimenting me on my hair. 
  32. I will always respect my hair without letting it define me. 
  33. I am attentive to my hair. 
  34. My hair is growing faster than ever before.
  35. I am committed to learning more about my hair. 
  36. My hair growth journey is becoming more and more successful. 
  37. I am transforming into someone with enviable hair. 
  38. I love my naturally curly hair.
  39. Every day is a good hair day. 
  40. I’m doing everything in my power to have strong and healthy hair.
  41. I always use good-quality products on my hair.
  42. I accept the gift of thick, luscious hair on my head. 
  43. My hair glides through my fingers and comb. 
  44. I lower my stress levels to accelerate my hair growth. 
  45. I avoid damaging hair products. 
  46. Everyone admires my thick, healthy hair. 
  47. I am grateful for every inch of hair on my head.
  48. My hair adds to my attractiveness and I’m grateful for it. 
  49. I am grateful for my full head of hair.
  50.  My hair is silky smooth.
  51. I am confident enough to wear whatever hairstyle I choose. 
  52. I am grateful that my naturally straight hair is easy to manage. 
  53. I will do whatever it takes to care for my hair properly. 
  54. I am gifted with naturally beautiful hair. 
  55. My hair texture is easily manageable.
  56. My hair is strongly rooted in my scalp. 
  57. My hair is full, alive, and abundant.
  58. Taking care of my hair is part of my self-care routine. 
  59. My hair is beautiful, whether it’s short, mid-length, or long.
  60. All hairstyles that I try look great on me.
  61. I am on the road to having long, luscious hair. 
  62. Taking great care of my hair is something I naturally do.
  63. I am receiving my perfect hair now. 
  64. My past poor hair habits are not the same as my future hair habits. 
  65. I love hair wash days as they provide me with the perfect opportunity to care for my hair.  
  66. My body naturally produces a lot of collagen for my hair and skin. 
  67. People are always asking what I’m doing to get such perfect hair. 
  68. I lovingly groom my hair and choose to have thoughts that positively support my hair. 
  69. I love how straight and sleek my hair is. 
  70. I have all the nutrients I need for my hair to grow. 
  71. My hair is well-nourished. 
  72. I am focusing on my health, and in return, my body is blessing me with incredible hair.
  73. I love that I have this beautiful straight hair type. 
  74. My hair is returning to its natural form. 
  75. My scalp is the healthiest it’s ever been.
  76. My curl pattern is easy to manage.  
  77. I always think positively about my hair.
  78. My hair will surpass my goal length.
  79. I am attractive with short, mid-length, or long hair.
  80. My hair grows an inch every month.
  81. My scalp is in peak health.
  82. I will reach my hair goals very soon. 
  83. I have voluminous hair.
  84. I can have the hair I desire.
  85. Every day I become better at taking care of my hair.
  86. My body is capable of growing long hair. 
  87. I am entering a time of incredible hair growth. 
  88. I will always be grateful for my hair. 
  89. My hair contains all of the nutrients it needs to be healthy.
  90. Every day, I discover new baby hairs.  
  91. My hair is immune to damage and split ends.
  92. I honor my hair every day.
  93. I love and appreciate my hair because it adds to my allure.
  94. My hair always looks clean and gorgeous.
  95. I am blessed to have curly hair. 
  96. I always style my hair in an easy, manageable, and healthy way for hair growth. 
  97. I am stunned by how quickly my hair grows now.
  98. My hair looks beautiful, regardless of its length.
  99. My hair grows like a weed.
  100. I am patient and gentle with my hair. 

Final Thoughts On Affirmations For Hair Growth

Which of these affirmations for hair growth will you be using every day? While growing your locks can be frustrating and feel slow, it’s important to stay focused on your mantras to increase the speed of growth and improve your overall hair health. 

Remember that you’re in control of how your hair looks and feels and from now on, you will treat your hair as though you have the most beautiful, full, and smooth tresses in the world.

Do you find affirmations to be the best way of manifesting? Check out these posts: