We all get zapped of energy, and struck down with a lack of inspiration and drive at times, whether it’s revising for an exam, preparing a work presentation, or working towards large personal goals.

Determination ebbs and flows, and when you feel like you’ve hit a mental block, these affirmations for procrastination will help you break through.

There are times when curling up on the sofa for half an hour and taking a cat nap is rejuvenating and necessary, and there are other times when motivation and proactiveness need to swing into action in order to pursue important tasks.

If you’re finding yourself reaching for the TV remote more often than you’re reaching for your goals, these procrastination affirmations are for you. 

How To Use Affirmations For Procrastination

First things first, you should select one or several mantras from the list that you believe will help you to stop putting off your workload. It’s important to choose affirmations that feel powerful to you as you’ll be repeating them multiple times throughout the day.

You may find that repeating your affirmations for procrastination several times as soon as you wake up while envisioning yourself finishing your task sets you up for a day of firing through your tasks and never losing your concentration. 

Alternatively, you may need a little nudge throughout the day. If that’s the case you may find that writing your mantras for productivity on post-it notes and sticking them around your home or work environment works best for you.

If you often find yourself switching the TV on for a “10-minute” break several times a day, stick your affirmations to the remote of the television itself. 

Alternatively, if you make excuses for why you must leave the house…for a walk, to run errands, to visit your grandma, make sure your procrastination mantras are in view of the front door or your keys.

In order to succeed at being productive and leave procrastination behind, you’ll benefit from creating a dedicated work routine, which will be personal to you.

This might include creating a physical to-do list, ensuring your workspace is beautiful or organizing your tasks into time blocks. This will enable you to work smarter, not harder, and garner the best results in the easiest way possible.

Daily Affirmations For Procrastination

  1. I can succeed at anything I put my mind to.
  2. I know there will be obstacles, but I have the strength and motivation to overcome them.
  3. I am focused on my task at all times.
  4. I love the feeling that completing my tasks gives me.
  5. I can work so fast when I focus.
  6. I invest my time and energy wisely, into tasks that will propel me forward.
  7. I am a highly productive person.
  8. Others trust me to get tasks finished.
  9. When I set an intention, I always follow through.
  10. I allow myself time to rest and recharge, in order to be fully attentive when it is necessary.
  11. The work I am putting in now will benefit me in the future.
  12. I am giving my future self the gift of time by working hard now.
  13. All my tasks are performed perfectly.
  14. I enjoy completing my tasks.
  15. I love taking action in order to achieve my goals.
  16. I prioritize what is important to me.
  17. I am working hard now to allow myself to relax in the future.
  18. I am setting a great example to my loved ones by working hard for what I want.
  19. I will accomplish everything that needs doing today.
  20. I am proud of myself for remaining focused.
  21. Taking action transforms my reality.
  22. I feel a great sense of achievement when I complete my tasks.
  23. My future self is grateful for my dedication.
  24. I am committed and driven in all that I do.
  25. Being productive comes naturally to me.
  26. My hard work generates tangible results.
  27. I am excited to see the results of my efforts.
  28. My motivation encourages others to be more productive.
  29. My work routine is flawless.
  30. I can do hard things.
  31. I am consistent in my performance.
  32. I am proactive and productive.
  33. Concentration comes easily to me.
  34. My mind is full of ideas that I know how to transform into reality.
  35. I am persistent in my efforts to create my dream life.
  36. I trust in the process.
  37. I am proud of the work I accomplish.
  38. I work smarter not harder.
  39. I have everything I need to complete my tasks quickly and efficiently.
  40. I can create my reality, with a little bit of hard work.
  41. I honor the commitments I have made.
  42. I make the time to complete the tasks that need doing.
  43. I learn from my mistakes and continue to strive for success.
  44. There are no limits to what I can achieve with determination.
  45. I know how much of my energy to dedicate to each task.
  46. I find joy in completing my tasks.
  47. I always begin tasks as soon as possible.
  48. I love getting ahead.
  49. Progress is better than perfection.
  50. People are always impressed by my efforts.
  51. I conquer all my challenges in my quest for productivity.
  52. I release all feelings of laziness and procrastination.
  53. I work hard to work through the mental blocks that are causing my procrastination.
  54. I love feeling accomplished.
  55. I am learning self-discipline.
  56. I am in a constant state of flow.
  57. I release all feelings of procrastination and lean into productivity.
  58. I find solutions to difficult challenges.
  59. I am enthusiastic about my work.
  60. I take small steps toward my goals every day.
  61. Today is an opportunity to showcase my best work.
  62. Every action I take has a positive outcome.
  63. My attitude determines my success.
  64. My willpower allows me to complete tasks quickly.
  65. The routines I put into place allow me to get things done more efficiently.
  66. I have a clear mind that is prepared for the tasks ahead. 
  67. Good organization is paramount to my success.
  68. I let go of distractions easily.
  69. I always go the extra mile and am rewarded for doing so.
  70. My peers notice my productivity and are awed by it.
  71. I am always one step ahead.
  72. I have faith in my abilities.
  73. I allow myself to rest once my work is complete.
  74. I always deliver work of a high standard.
  75. Consistency is key to creating long-lasting results.
  76. I am energized and ready to focus.
  77. Every day I get better at what I do.
  78. I take charge of my life and get things done.
  79. I overcome doubts that lead to procrastination.
  80. I have the power to change my reality drastically and wonderfully.
  81. Creative ideas are drawn to me like a magnet.
  82. My mind is overflowing with fantastic ideas that I can’t wait to bring to life.
  83. There is no limit to my motivation.
  84. I am the most productive person I know.
  85. Everyone around me aspires to have my level of determination.

Final Thoughts On Affirmations For Procrastination

Have these affirmations for procrastination geared you up for a productive and energetic day?

All that laziness requires is a mindset shift, and once you’ve got yourself past your mental block, you’ll find that motivation and drive will rush through you.

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