Looking for powerful and positive affirmations for self-care? You’re going to love this list of daily self-care statements.

Self-care is not always easy and we often forget to take care of ourselves. It can take time to learn how to spend time with ourselves, and these positive affirmations should help you be kinder to yourself by taking care of your body and soul.

Using daily self-care affirmations is powerful. Not only can you let go of negativity, but you’ll learn to take care of yourself first. If you don’t put yourself first, who will?

How To Use Self-Love Affirmations

You can either say them out loud or write them down in your journal. Using daily affirmations is a great way to start or end a journaling session.

Remember to bookmark this page so you can come back to it easily every time you need to use self-care affirmations. You can also use them as a journal prompt or as part of your journaling session.

You can either pick a number between 1 and 50, go through the whole list or pick the ones that resonate with you today.

Daily Self-Care Affirmations

So, let’s dive right in. You’ll find your self-care affirmations below.

  1. I am strong, empowered and capable of anything.
  2. I am more than a body.
  3.  I recognize where I’ve been and celebrate the person I’m becoming.
  4. I choose to stop apologizing for being me.
  5. I make sure I am regularly taking care of myself, before I take on too much to help others.
  6. My mind is filled only with loving, healthy, positive and prosperous thoughts.
  7. I choose myself.
  8. I am amazing.
  9. I am worthy of infinite and unending compassion.
  10. I tap into the frequency of self-love and abundance.
  11. With this breath I release anything that no longer serves me.
  12. I set healthy boundaries and take extra time to heal if needed.
  13. I love the person that I am.
  14. I don’t need validation from others.
  15. I carry strength and resilience within me.
  16.  I will practice self-kindness.
  17. I grow and learn everyday.
  18. I know I am capable.
  19. I am a priority in my own life.
  20. I nourish my soul and answer its true desires.
  21. I am relaxed and at peace.
  22. Life does not have to be perfect to be great.
  23. Positive thinking creates positive things.
  24. I have compassion for myself and my mistakes.
  25. I am courageous and I stand up for myself.
  26. I accept compliments easily.
  27. I am gentle with myself.
  28. I value myself.
  29. I love, accept and appreciate myself and others unconditionally.
  30. I can handle this. Look what I’ve already done.
  31. I am willing to give myself the love and care I expect from others.
  32. I focus on what I can control and make peace with what I can’t.
  33. I have the power to change my world.
  34. I believe in the person I will become.
  35. I bring light to those around me.
  36. I am complete.
  37. I am worthy of abundance and prosperity.
  38. I am learning to slow down and be in the moment.
  39. I take good care of myself as I know I am my own best friend.
  40. I will not compare myself to strangers on the internet.
  41. The greatest gift I can give myself is unconditional love.
  42. I have the ability to overcome any challenge life throws at me.
  43. I honor my commitments to myself.
  44. My life is beautiful.
  45. All that I seek is already within me.
  46. My voice matters. My opinion counts, as do others’.
  47. I acknowledge my own self worth. My confidence is soaring.
  48. I choose to be happy and love myself completely today.
  49. I have discovered that I am fierce.
  50. I am a beautiful soul that radiates a vibrant and radiant form.

Final Thoughts On Affirmations For Self-Care

These affirmations for self-care are designed to help you remember to take care of yourself – no matter what is going on in your life. 

You can transform any negative belief or thought by using affirmations multiple times per day. It helps increase your confidence, your mindset, and your self-esteem. 

We suggest you use them as part of your journaling routine too. It helps to write positive affirmations.

Self-care goes beyond affirmations. You’ll need to take moments to take care of yourself, practice hobbies, or simply relax. Your routine should include self-care activities.

Ready for self-love affirmations? Take a look at our list of powerful self-love statements.