Self-confidence is a difficult thing to build, especially if you hold yourself accountable for the mistakes of your past. If you’re looking to build up your self-esteem, you need these affirmations for trusting yourself.

You are the only person you can fully trust in this world, and so if you’re filled with self-doubt, it can feel like no one has got your back.

You may feel totally alone or like your world is spinning out of control, when, in fact, you are completely capable and resilient, and deserve your own trust.

Maybe you have a “loved one” constantly in your ear making you doubt your own intuition, or maybe the critic is yourself. Either way, it’s time to shed the negativity and work toward a brighter future.

So what if you’ve messed up before, we all have, and that’s part of the beauty of life.

It’s time to leave history where it belongs, behind you, and step into a new season of trusting your own decisions and inner wisdom, with the help of these affirmations for trusting yourself.

How To Use Affirmations For Trusting Yourself

Trust takes time to build, which is why when you start out using these affirmations for trusting yourself, you may feel like a big phony.

It will probably feel strange to affirm these positive things about yourself that you just don’t believe are true. However, it’s important to stick with these mantras, even when they feel uncomfortable as what happens next tends to be magical.

You’ll find that over time, if you keep repeating these trust affirmations, your brain will start to believe them, without you doing anything else at all. And, that belief builds into an unshakable faith in yourself.

Once you hold this belief, you’ll see your life transform in front of your eyes. That’s because the energy you’re radiating naturally attracts your desires to you. You’ll also find it easier to take inspired action, knowing that you cannot fail.

If you’re constantly repeating “I am not trustworthy,” the chances are that you’ll self-sabotage and mess up a situation, thus “proving” to yourself that you can’t be trusted in the future.

Alternatively, if you use affirmations for trusting yourself and recite “I only make good decisions” every day…imagine how that can transform your world.

Once you build the belief, you’ll make more decisions that have the power to positively impact your life, knowing that you will only see positive outcomes.

Select a handful of the most powerful phrases below and repeat them to yourself every time you’re doubting your own mind and feeling like you need a second opinion.

Some people will see the results from this practice in a few short weeks, while for others it will take much longer. Keep pushing through the discomfort until any feelings of worry or self-doubt dissipate.

Daily Affirmations For Trusting Yourself

  1. I am confident in my abilities.
  2. I release doubt and welcome trust.
  3. I am a reliable person.
  4. I treat myself with kindness and grace.
  5. I am in possession of the knowledge I need to be successful.
  6. I always know what’s best for me.
  7. I am becoming wiser every day.
  8. I am becoming more capable every day.
  9. People know they can rely on me.
  10. Everything is working out for me.
  11. I make good decisions.
  12. I trust in my internal wisdom.
  13. I am the creator of my own reality.
  14. I am in the right place at the right time.
  15. Everything is unfolding perfectly for me.
  16. I have my own best interests at heart.
  17. I can trust myself to make wise decisions.
  18. The only person I compare myself to is me.
  19. Challenges bring out the best in me.
  20. Making mistakes is a part of life.
  21. I am always making good choices to improve my life.
  22. I listen to my intuition and react accordingly.
  23. I am guided by the Universe, which is always looking out for me.
  24. I have everything I need already within me.
  25. It’s okay for me to make mistakes.
  26. I have everything I need to reach my goals.
  27. I take full responsibility for myself and my actions.
  28. I live with courage.
  29. I am adaptable and resilient.
  30. I finish anything I start.
  31. I honor commitments to myself and to others.
  32. I am open to receiving signs and messages from the Universe.
  33. I use setbacks as an opportunity for personal growth.
  34. I am free of all expectations.
  35. I am in charge of my own life decisions.
  36. Everything I do makes a difference.
  37. I am supported in everything I do by the Universe.
  38. I have potential.
  39. I respect myself.
  40. I know the answer lies within me.
  41. Things are supposed to go well for me.
  42. I avoid second-guessing and trust in myself fully.
  43. My goal is to be better every single day.
  44. I embrace the opportunities for personal growth that I see all around me.
  45. I congratulate myself on my successes.
  46. I am in tune with my highest self.
  47. I am creating positive change, one step at a time.
  48. What I do matters.
  49. My feelings are as valuable as everyone else’s.
  50. I release my old doubts about myself.
  51. I know that my goals take time and I am patient with myself.
  52. My faith in myself is unshakable.
  53. I am a highly intuitive individual.
  54. I believe in my ability to overcome any obstacles I face along the way.
  55. I love myself, exactly as I am.
  56. I am worthy of true happiness.
  57. I am even more capable than I believe.
  58. I appreciate myself for all my qualities and flaws.
  59. As I act upon my own intuition, I step into alignment with my true self.
  60. I give myself permission to make mistakes.
  61. The only approval I need is my own.
  62. It is safe to trust myself.
  63. My thoughts about myself are opinions, not facts.
  64. Regardless of my past, I am capable and trustworthy now.
  65. I trust myself above all others.
  66. I trust in the lessons that my life experiences have taught me so far.
  67. I am grounded and aware.
  68. I have the vision to get myself to where I want to be.
  69. I am courageous as I step into my truest self.
  70. I use my life experience to move forward with greater wisdom.
  71. My opportunities for self-growth are endless.
  72. I trust that everything is working out for my own good.
  73. I can count on myself to meet all of my needs.
  74. It is okay for me to change my mind.
  75. Each day I am becoming a better version of myself.
  76. I trust myself as much as others trust me.
  77. I embrace every part of myself.
  78. I have faith in myself to create the future I desire.
  79. I release all control and allow myself to be guided by the Universe.
  80. I trust that what is meant for me will come to me in the right way at the right time.

Final Thoughts On Affirmations For Trusting Yourself

These affirmations for trusting yourself can be a useful tool in reclaiming your power if you let them be.

It can take some unlearning to allow yourself to take the reigns on important decisions, but you’ll find that a lot of personal growth will happen along the way.

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