Your spirit is just as important as your mind and body, and it forms your beliefs around the things that really matter. While some people are born with a strong sense of spiritual self, for others, their beliefs are formed through their life experiences. 

Your spiritual self is ever-changing as you wander down the path of life and there may be topics of spirituality that you might have never considered before that could shape your entire identity, which is the purpose of these journal prompts for spirituality.

When you think of spirituality, the first word that comes to most people’s minds is religion, but while spirituality can encompass religious beliefs, it doesn’t have to.

You can be spiritual without believing in God or following the word of any religious scripture. Your spirituality is more closely linked with your views of the world and the divine and encompasses your own joy, happiness, and purpose.

These spirituality journal prompts ask the big questions. From God and the Universe to your higher self, manifestation and death. We cover topics that make you think and encourage you to unearth and explore beliefs that you didn’t know were inside of you.

How To Use Journal Prompts For Spirituality

Step 1: Bookmark this page to revisit when you’re feeling full of spiritual energy.

Step 2: Either select a journal prompt at random and dive in, complete the prompts numerically from 1-100, or see which prompt is speaking to you today.

Step 3: Make sure you have enough time to really explore your chosen prompt and get writing. Unlike other journal prompts where you can scribble down your emotions quickly, these spiritual journal prompts require some thought, so choose a quiet spot at a time when you can dedicate yourself fully to writing.

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Best Journal Prompts For Spirituality

It’s time to ask the questions that everyone throughout time has always sought the answers to. Here are 100 journal prompts for spirituality.

  1.  Write a list of the books that have had a profound impact on your life.
  2. When do you feel the most alive and energized?
  3.  What do you think happens to our souls when we die?
  4. Do you believe in God/the Universe/ a higher power? Write about your beliefs.
  5.  Do you believe in reincarnation?
  6. Have you ever had an out-of-body experience?
  7. What do you think of people who claim to have had a radical religious experience?
  8.  Do you have any spiritual practices? If so, how do they benefit you?
  9. How has gratitude impacted your daily life?
  10. Are there any spiritual practices you would like to try?
  11. Have you ever felt the universe move through you? What was your experience?
  12. Name a time you felt the effects of the universe manifesting your desires.
  13.  How can you align with your highest self?
  14.  Do you take time out to reflect on the day? 
  15. Where and when do you feel the most connected to your highest self?
  16. Do you feel like your highest self is guiding you through life?
  17. Do you believe that the past, present, and future are all happening at once?
  18. Write about an experience that you found negative at the time, but in hindsight, was good for you.
  19.  Do you find it easy or difficult to surrender to a higher power?
  20.  Describe a time when your desires didn’t manifest. Did you feel let down by a higher power? What happened instead?
  21. What is our purpose in this lifetime?
  22.  How do you connect with God/ the Universe/ a higher power daily?
  23.  If you knew you would die in 1 year, what changes would you make in your life?
  24.  Do you practice gratitude daily? Write down 5 things you are grateful for in your everyday life.
  25. Do you feel like the universe is happening for you or to you?
  26. Was your family spiritual/religious growing up? How has this shaped your beliefs now?
  27.  Name 5 people that you think make the world a better place.
  28. If you could ask God/ the Universe/ a higher power one thing, what would it be?
  29.  If you could ask one spiritual leader any question, who and what would you ask?
  30. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?
  31.  What spiritual quote really speaks to you?
  32.  What is one spiritual belief you cannot get on board with?
  33.  How often do you follow your intuition?
  34. How can you tune into your intuition more?
  35. Have you ever felt a connection to a stranger?
  36. Have you ever felt deeply connected to an animal?
  37. Are people drawn to your energy?
  38. If the energy you emitted was a color, which color would it be?
  39.  What is one thing you’ve learned about the world that blows your mind?
  40.  What traditions would you like to learn more about?
  41.   Are you afraid of death? Why, or why not?
  42.  What one change do you think would have the biggest positive impact on the world? 
  43. Do you have a predetermined fate, or are all of your decisions and actions based on free will? Explain your thoughts around the topic of fate.
  44. Do you believe in soulmates?
  45. Do you believe a soulmate can only be romantic?
  46. Do you believe soulmates have to stay in your life forever?
  47.  Since discovering your spirituality, how has your life changed? 
  48.  What are some steps you can take to increase your spirituality even further?
  49. Do you feel fulfilled?
  50. Do you believe a person should follow one religion only, or do you think different religions can be interconnected?
  51. What activities do you do for no reason other than to bring you happiness and joy?
  52. What area of your life is currently out of alignment? 
  53. Do you have an addictive personality? Why do you think that is? What is the least healthy addiction you have? 
  54. What are your top 3 goals? Are these in line with your spiritual journey?
  55. What do you think it means to experience true enlightenment?
  56. When was the last time you passed judgment on someone? Why?
  57.  When you feel inspired, how do you act upon it?
  58. Do you believe that it is possible to speak with someone from the afterlife? Have you experienced it yourself?
  59.  How does fear hold you back in life? 
  60. Write about a dream you had recently. What do you think it meant?
  61.  In your opinion, is spirituality something you should be constantly working on throughout your lifetime?
  62.  What does it mean to experience spiritual growth? How do you know when you have “grown”?
  63.  Do you think being spiritual and being religious are the same?
  64. What is your mantra for life?
  65.  Have you ever felt disconnected from your higher self? How did you get back on your own path? 
  66.  When you feel spiritually connected, what emotions do you experience?
  67. When you feel spiritually disconnected, what emotions do you experience?
  68. If you had the opportunity to see the plan for your life, would you?  
  69. Do you struggle more with giving or receiving love? Why? 
  70.  Do you always answer the call of the universe, or do you block out its signals and let your mind guide you? 
  71. What personality traits do you find that most, if not all spiritual people share? 
  72.  Do you believe in angels? Why, or why not?
  73. Who would you most like to be your spiritual guide? Why? 
  74.  What do you need more of in your life?
  75. What do you need less of in your life?
  76. Did you have an imaginary friend when you were a child? Describe them.
  77. Are you happy with your life currently? Why, or why not?
  78. What changes need to happen in your life in order for you to love your dream life?
  79. How did you respond the last time you felt hurt?
  80.  What is the meaning of God/the Universe/a higher power?
  81.  How can you radiate more joyful energy?
  82. How can you meet your loved ones with more grace?
  83.  How can you serve everyone in your life better?
  84. What 3 things generate feelings of love inside you?
  85. What 3 things generate feelings of anger, jealousy, or fear inside you?
  86. If your inner child could speak to you, what would they say?
  87. Where in the world does your soul feel the most alive?
  88. How do gratitude and abundance weave together? Explain the connection between the two.
  89.  Write about a time when you felt powerful.
  90. Write about a time when you felt like your power was taken away from you.
  91.  Are you open-minded to other views on spirituality?
  92. Who is someone you disagree with completely on spirituality? What are their views?
  93.  Do you believe in ghosts? Write about your beliefs.
  94. If you were reincarnated as an animal, which animal do you think you’d be? 
  95. If you could unlearn one thing, what would it be?
  96. What belief has been pushed on you your whole life that you don’t agree with?
  97. Do you follow the religious teachings of any holy books e.g., the Bible, the Qur’an, the Guru Granth Sahib, etc?
  98. What do you think are the 3 mantras everyone should live by?
  99. If you raised a child, what spiritual teachings would you like to pass on to them?
  100. What lesson has the universe taught you today?

Final Thoughts On Journal Prompts For Spirituality

Spirituality is a lifelong journey that grows and changes with everything you learn.

We hope these spiritual journal prompts have allowed you to explore your beliefs and encouraged you to dig deeper inside yourself to expand your understanding of the divine.

If you love these spiritual journaling ideas and want to learn more about yourself, check out these 150 self-discovery journal prompts.