Toxic relationships come with many, many ups and downs, and with that, A LOT of feelings. There’s a good chance that your relationship was both the best and worst thing to ever happen to you, and that can stir up every emotion under the sun, which is where journaling comes in. 

These 100 journal prompts for toxic relationships help you to release all the feelings you’re carrying so that you can feel lighter and happier, as well as give you the opportunity to look back on your relationship with a new perspective.

These prompts aren’t just for toxic relationship healing, we also have 35 prompts for those who are currently in an unhealthy romantic situation to enable you to identify red flags in your relationship, and ultimately help you to realize that you deserve better.

You deserve unlimited love in your life, the big kind of love that’s written about in fairy tales and poems, and if you’re reading this blog post, it may be difficult to wrap your head around, but this isn’t it.

Benefits Of Journaling For Toxic Relationships

Whether you’re still in the relationship or you’re trying to heal and move on, journaling is one of the best things you can do when it comes to toxic relationships.

Here are some of the benefits of writing down your thoughts on your toxic relationship or relationship traumas.

Identifying The Issue

Journaling allows us to step outside our own minds and view a situation in a new light. You may find the clarity you’re seeking simply by writing about different situations and feelings in your relationship.

While you may have been unsure whether or not your relationship was unhealthy for you before journaling, these journal prompts will push you to dig deep and look not only at the action of your partner but at how they made you feel in different situations. 

Emotional Release

You are probably feeling an entire universe of emotions inside you right now. From happiness and love, through to guilt, desperation, anxiety, and loneliness. Bearing the weight of all of these emotions is heavy and writing about these emotions helps you to release them.

While journaling alone will not eradicate your feelings completely (you’ll need some more time and a little bit of soul work for that to happen), it is an outlet that allows you to voice thoughts and feelings that you may have bottled up for quite some time.

By writing your thoughts, you may also find you’re holding onto an emotion for no reason, for example, you may be feeling guilty but by taking the time out to write about it in your journal, realize you have nothing to feel guilty for. 

Abusers and toxic people use manipulation to make their partners feel negative emotions about themselves, but a lot of these emotions are not yours to carry.

Increasing Self Worth

Toxic relationships often thrive when one person is made to feel worthless. You may have heard many negative remarks about yourself or been blamed for many things that weren’t your fault.

Either way, there’s a good chance that your self-esteem is on the floor. In these journal prompts for toxic relationships, we explore the value that you bring to the world and enable you to pick yourself back up and realize that YOU HAVE WORTH and lots of it.

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Best Journal Prompts For Toxic Relationships

These 35 toxic relationship prompts are for those who are still with their partner and wondering what to do.

If you’re on a healing journey, scroll down for 65 prompts for emotional healing after a toxic relationship.

  1. What is happening in your relationship today?
  2. Have you heard any negative remarks or criticisms today? How did they make you feel?
  3. What is something that’s preventing you from leaving?
  4. If you left, what benefits would you experience?
  5. What emotions do you think you would feel if you left?
  6. Does your partner bring out your own toxic traits?
  7. Why did you enter into the relationship at the start?
  8. If you could go back in time, would you still have entered the relationship? 
  9. If you were free from this relationship, what are 3 things you’d like to do?
  10. Imagine your dream life. Is your partner in it?
  11. List your partner’s positive traits.
  12. If you could change 1 thing about your partner, what would it be?
  13. When your partner tells you they love you, do you believe it?
  14. What are some actionable steps you can take to work towards ending your relationship?
  15. Do you think you will thrive without your partner? If not, why?
  16. Is your partner a security blanket to you? 
  17. What do you think a perfect relationship should look like?
  18. What are your biggest needs that aren’t being fulfilled in your relationship?
  19. List 3 negative emotions you feel in your relationship that you want to leave behind.
  20. Draw how you feel about your relationship.
  21. Have you always been drawn to toxic relationships? Write about your past romantic partners and what your relationships were like with them.
  22. If a friend was in your situation, what piece of advice would you give them? 
  23. When was the last time you felt positively about your relationship?
  24. What was the last compliment you received? When did you receive it? Was it sincere? 
  25. When was the last time you felt blissfully happy?
  26. When did you first realize your relationship was toxic?
  27. Is there anyone you can talk to about your relationship?
  28. How has your relationship impacted others around you?
  29. How does your family react to your partner?
  30. If you woke up tomorrow to the perfect partner, what are 5 things they would do to make you feel loved?
  31. Being completely honest with yourself, is this love? If not, describe what love means to you.
  32. What changes would your partner need to make for you to consider staying?
  33. Is there anything you’re hiding from your partner right now?
  34. Does your partner know you’re unhappy? If not, how could you communicate this to them?
  35. Does your partner seem happy to you? If not, write down 5 words to describe how you think they’re feeling.

If you’ve already left your partner and are looking to leave your relationship in the past, here are 65 journal prompts for healing after a toxic relationship.

  1. Now you have left your relationship, do you see how problematic it was more clearly?
  2. What emotions did you have when you ended your relationship?
  3. What was the first red flag in your relationship?
  4. Who can you always rely on to be there for you?
  5. Did anyone give you advice when you were in your toxic relationship? Did you listen?
  6. What made you stay in your relationship as long as you did?
  7. What was the final straw that caused you to leave?
  8. Did you feel relief when you broke up with your partner?
  9. Do you think your ex is a toxic person or do you think you both brought out the worst in each other?
  10. What benefits have you felt since leaving your relationship?
  11. Write down all the negative things about yourself that you were told during your relationship. Are they true? Counter each one with a positive statement.
  12. Write down 5 positive ‘I am’ affirmations about yourself to repeat every day, eg, “I am absolute perfection just the way I am”.
  13. Who, in your life, has the most positive influence on you?
  14. What is the biggest lesson that you learned from your relationship?
  15. How have you grown as a person through your relationship?
  16. What boundaries will you set with your next romantic partner?
  17. Are you giving yourself enough time and space to heal?
  18. If you could go back in time, what would you have done differently?
  19. What self-care practices are you making time for?
  20. Did anyone judge you for staying in your relationship?
  21. Was your parents’ relationship healthy?
  22. Do you still have feelings for your ex?
  23. Do you secretly wish you and your ex could overcome hurdles and be together?
  24. Do you think your partner passed on generational trauma?
  25. Do you think your ex will ever change? If they did, would you want to rekindle your relationship?
  26. Are there any emotions you’re avoiding?
  27. Do you require external validation?
  28. Did you and your ex communicate well? Did you feel you could be open about your feelings?
  29. Do you blame yourself for the things that went wrong in your relationship? Looking back, were they actually your fault?
  30. What needs do you turn to external sources to fill instead of fulfilling for yourself?
  31. Were you and your partner codependent? Do you feel anxious and lost without them?
  32. Did you ever have a gut feeling that things weren’t right in your relationship? What caused you not to act upon it?
  33. How can you find more joy in life?
  34. How can you find peace with your relationship and how it ended? 
  35. When it comes to love and relationships, what is your biggest fear?
  36. What are your 3 biggest strengths?
  37. What physical features do you love about yourself?
  38. What personality traits do you love about yourself?
  39. Write down everything you feel angry about.
  40. Which negative emotions do you experience when you think back on your relationship?
  41. Write a letter to your ex. What would you most like to say to them, given the chance?
  42. After a relationship ends, it’s the perfect time to reinvent yourself. Which parts of you would you like to resurrect, and which parts would you like to leave behind?
  43. Do you feel any guilt over your relationship? Write down everything you feel guilty about.
  44. What thoughts have been troubling you today?
  45. Write about a time your ex let you down.
  46. Write about 3 positive relationships in your life.
  47. What is one thing you have an opinion on that was shut down in your relationship? 
  48. What was the worst personality trait your ex brought out in you?
  49. How did your ex trigger you?
  50.  What advice would you give to anyone in a toxic relationship?
  51.  What are 3 things you can do to feel like yourself again?
  52. Where do you hope to be in a year’s time?
  53.  What qualities will you look for in a future partner?
  54.  How do you want to be loved? 
  55. Write about a time when your ex embarrassed you?
  56. Write about a time when your ex made you feel loved.
  57. Write about a time you felt scared of your ex.
  58. How will you avoid falling into similar relationships in the future?
  59.  Was there anything you weren’t allowed to do in your relationship?
  60.   Did you ever try to resolve issues with your ex? What was the outcome?
  61.  Is there anyone you fell out of touch with during your relationship that you’d like to reconnect with?
  62.  What are 3 things you’re really good at?
  63.  What is something you love about yourself that your ex criticized you for?
  64. Write down 3 words that describe your relationship.
  65. What do you wish for your ex in their life?

Final Thoughts On Journaling For Toxic Relationships

These journal prompts for toxic relationships can bring about a lot of healing and release of emotions stored inside you. 

That’s not to say journaling about your relationship will be easy.

On the contrary, healing after a toxic relationship can be a long and slow process. Still, you deserve to feel happiness and joy, which requires you to let go of your feelings of pain, anxiety, and hurt, to move on and find true love in the future. 

Want to manifest the RIGHT person into your life? Check out this post on how to manifest someone into your life.

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