Looking for inspiring journal prompts for success and growth mindset?  If you’re an entrepreneur, or simply keen on improving your mindset, these journal prompts for success will inspire you.

Having a positive growth mindset is important nowadays and it can truly impact your success. Using journal prompts for success is a fun way to maintain a good mindset for growth – it’s like a reminder to keep you on the right success track.

If you’re wondering if these journal prompts for success really work, you should know that most successful people and entrepreneurs journal daily. Journaling is a habit that helps you organize your thoughts and ideas while increasing your self-awareness.

How to use journal prompts for success

Step 1: Bookmark this page so you can come back to it easily every time you need new journaling prompts.

Step 2: You can either pick a number between 1 and 75 or simply choose a journal prompt that inspires you today.

Step 3: You can write the one you choose at the top of your journal or simply get started.

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Success Journal Prompts

So, let’s dive right in. You’ll find below success journaling prompts and questions.

  1. What beliefs keep you from going after your dreams?
  2. Make a list of 10 business ideas without judgment.
  3. What would you do if you weren’t afraid?
  4. What would you do with unlimited money?
  5. What are your goals today?
  6. What are your goals this week?
  7. What are your goals this month?
  8. What steps do you need to take to reach your biggest goal?
  9. What would you do if you were more serious about your success?
  10. How could you automate certain tasks?
  11. What makes you want to wake up in the morning?
  12. What belief is holding you back at work?
  13. What do you want to be known for?
  14. What is one thing you keep thinking about?
  15. What have you accomplished this week?
  16. What opportunity did you miss?
  17. What’s your biggest distraction?
  18. This time last year…
  19. This time next year…
  20. What are the things that keep you going?
  21. What’s my biggest challenge right now?
  22. How do you measure your success?
  23. What’s your definition of success?
  24. How much do you worry about money?
  25. How much do you worry about what people think?
  26. How do you usually solve problems?
  27. I spend too much time on…
  28. Who do you admire the most?
  29. What would you do if you had unlimited time?
  30. What role does my work play in other’s life?
  31. How does success look to you in 3 years? 5 years? 10 years?
  32. Are you scared of success? How so?
  33. Who is your biggest inspiration?
  34. What are your current struggles?
  35. How could you be more productive?
  36. What distract you these days?
  37. Why do you deserve success?
  38. Define your ideal routine.
  39. What skills are going to help you reach your dreams?
  40. How can you be different?
  41. What would you do differently if you were successful?
  42. How can your habits help you reach your goals?
  43. Write 5 affirmations to remind you to keep going.
  44. What would you say to yourself if you were a friend of yours?
  45. Why do you deserve to be successful?
  46. What can you learn from a previous failure?
  47. What can you learn from a previous mistake?
  48. Who could you ask for feedback?
  49. How can you tackle a challenge?
  50. How could you reward yourself for your efforts?
  51. Write 5 beliefs/thoughts you have at the moment and rewrite them positively.
  52. What is going to happen if you don’t reach your goal?
  53. Tell us about your self-doubts.
  54. How can you turn a bad experience into something great?
  55. Are you resisting any changes? Why?
  56. How could you grow a little bit more today?
  57. Tell us about the moment in your life that caused the most growth.
  58. Why is success so important to you?
  59. Why is growth so important to you?
  60. How would you describe your current mindset?
  61. How do you make decisions?
  62. Are you ready to sacrifice a few things to reach your goals? What are those?
  63. What can you learn from an entrepreneur you look up to?
  64. What can you learn from a successful business?
  65. What are some things you aren’t ready to try yet?
  66. What is something that no longer serves you?
  67. When was the last time you took a risk?
  68. What is something you’d like to try today?
  69. What is your idea of a successful person?
  70. What old ideas are you ready to let go in order to achieve success?
  71. What new habit do you need to add to your routine?
  72. Would you do things differently if you had less time?
  73. Would you do things differently if you had more time?
  74. What things did you learn in the past year that can help you achieve your goals?
  75. What can you do today to feel more successful?

Final thoughts on journaling for success

These journaling prompts for success and positive mindset growth aim to spark your inspiration and creativity so you can reflect on your success, challenges, and current beliefs. Journaling helps you increase your self-awareness and is a fun way to boost your positivity.

Success can be very different for everyone. There’s success in your personal life and your professional life too. Success is basically the accomplishment of an aim or purpose. While it’s possible you may fail a few times before you can finally succeed, it’s important to remain positive and keep going.

Growth mindset, on the other hand, is the belief you can develop and improve through dedication, efforts, and hard work. It’s the opposite of a fixed mindset in which you don’t evolve.

For example, a growth mindset helps you know that even if you fail, you have the abilities and what it takes to succeed. Your confidence and your beliefs are going to help you make it through.

Journal prompts are like daily reminders to boost your mood so you can remember in which direction you’re heading. Gain clarity and set yourself up for success and growth using the journal prompts above.

Still a beginner at journaling? Take a look at our journaling tips for beginners.

Happy journaling!