Thinking of journaling for self-esteem and self-confidence? I created a list of journal prompts for self-esteem so you can use them in your self-love journal.

Maintaining a habit of journaling to boost your self-confidence and self-esteem is a great way to keep a positive mindset. Using journal prompts for self-esteem will boost your mood and improve your mental health.

While journaling as a whole is a pretty good habit to maintain, it can be hard to stare at a blank page. This is why using journal prompts like the ones below can be helpful.

If you’re wondering if journaling for self-esteem will work for you, you have nothing to lose, do you? Building up your self-esteem will help you pursue your dreams and your goals.

By developing your self-confidence, you’re going to be able to stand up for yourself and worry less about self-doubts and fears. It’s all about acceptance, gratitude, and self-love.

We all deserve love and the confidence to achieve our wildest dreams. So, let’s work on building up that precious self-confidence. Without further ado, let’s see how journaling for self-esteem works. Keep reading to learn more.

How to use journal prompts for self-esteem

Step 1: Bookmark this page so you can come back to it easily every time you need new journaling prompts to boost your confidence and esteem.

Step 2: You can either pick a number between 1 and 75 or simply choose a journal prompt that inspires you today.

Step 3: You can write the one you choose at the top of your journal or simply get started.

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Self-Esteem Prompts

So, let’s dive right in. You’ll find below journal prompts for self-esteem and questions to guide your writing.

  1. List 5 gratitudes.
  2. What is something unique about you?
  3. Name three things you love about yourself.
  4. What is the best compliment you ever received?
  5. What compliment would you like to receive?
  6. What matters the most to you?
  7. What are your values?
  8. What makes you proud?
  9. How can you be the best version of yourself today?
  10. How can you help someone today?
  11. What fear did you overcome?
  12. What have you accomplished this week?
  13. 5 things that made my life better this week…
  14. Write about a dream you achieved.
  15. What is your biggest strength?
  16. What’s so special about your smile?
  17. How do you cheer yourself up?
  18. Tell us about your greatest gift.
  19. What inspires you to be better?
  20. What do you like the most about your routine?
  21. What do you like the most about your work?
  22. Tell us about your resilience.
  23. When you think about the future, what are you the most excited about?
  24. What abilities can help you reach your goals?
  25. Name 3 positive things you’ve done this week that made your life better.
  26. Name 3 reasons why you deserve to be happy.
  27. Name 3 reasons why you deserve to be successful.
  28. Name 3 reasons why you deserve to be loved.
  29. What does success mean to you?
  30. What does love mean to you?
  31. What does confidence mean to you?
  32. What do your parents love about you?
  33. When was the last time you were brave?
  34. Write 3 positive affirmations.
  35. Find one thing you can do today to thank your body.
  36. Find one thing you can do today to take care of your mental health.
  37. Tell us about your perfect day.
  38. Reflect on the efforts you’ve made this week.
  39. Name 3 things you’re proud of.
  40. What activities make you feel better? 
  41. Who makes you happy in your social circle?
  42. What skill helps you daily?
  43. Rewrite 3 negative thoughts into 3 positive thoughts.
  44.  What motivates you?
  45. What do you love about your body?
  46. What do you love about your personality?
  47. How would your best friend describe you?
  48. How can you treat yourself?
  49. How can you feel more confident today?
  50. What would you do if you were more confident?
  51. What is the best thing you’ve ever done for yourself?
  52. How will you know that you’re 100% confident? How would it feel?
  53. When was the last time you felt strong?
  54. Why do you deserve compliments?
  55. What do you want to be known for?
  56. How can you inspire others?
  57. What’s your biggest passion?
  58. What would happen if you would love yourself a bit more today?
  59. What flaw makes you special?
  60. What is your wildest dream? Why do you deserve it?
  61. What is your biggest accomplishment?
  62. How do you welcome a new opportunity?
  63. What new thing did you try lately?
  64. When do you feel the most confidence?
  65. What do you wear when you feel good about yourself?
  66. What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?
  67. Write a pep talk to yourself.
  68. Write a thank you letter to your body.
  69. Write a love letter to yourself.
  70. What would you say to your inner child to reassure him/her?
  71. When do you feel the most at peace?
  72. What is one thing you would never want to change about yourself?
  73. What would you do if you weren’t afraid?
  74. What are 3 small things you can do to boost your confidence today?
  75. Find one thing you don’t like about yourself, and write a love letter to it.

Final thoughts on journaling for self-esteem

These journal prompts for self-esteem and self-confidence aim to spark your inspiration and creativity so you can reflect on yourself and your confidence. Journaling helps you increase your self-awareness and is a fun way to boost your optimism.

As I mentioned above, self-esteem is a crucial element in your daily life and journaling should help you build up your confidence.

Confidence and self-esteem can differ from a person to another. It’s all about rewiring your thoughts, appreciating your flaws, and focus on gratitude.

Journaling for self-love will surely help you daily and journal prompts are like little reminders to boost your mood so you can remember your self-worth and start the day with positive thoughts. Need help with healing your past traumas? Read our list of journal prompts for healing.

Still a beginner at journaling? Take a look at our journaling tips for beginners.

Happy journaling!