Looking for powerful and positive money affirmations? You’re going to love this list of money statements to improve your money mindset and attract money in your life.

Having a wealth mindset is not always easy especially if you’ve been dealing with money issues in the past. These powerful affirmations for money are designed to help you invite and attract money so that you can remember that you deserve it.

Using daily positive money affirmations is powerful. It’s a reminder that you deserve money in your life so that you can get more freedom.

How to Use Money Affirmations

You can either say them out loud or write them down in your journal. Money affirmations can be used at the start or end of a journaling session.

Remember to bookmark this page so you can come back to it easily every time you need to use daily affirmations for wealth. You can also use them as a journal prompt or as part of your journaling session.

You can either pick a number between 1 and 75, go through the whole list or pick the ones that resonate with you today.

Positive Affirmations About Money

So, let’s dive right in. You’ll find your money affirmations below.

  1. Money flows freely and abundantly to me.
  2. I am a money magnet.
  3. I am worthy of making more money.
  4. Today I commit to living my financial dreams.
  5. I use money to better my life and the life of others.
  6. I am open and receptive to all the wealth life offers me.
  7. I am able to handle large sums of money.
  8. I have more than enough money.
  9. I am getting out of my own way when it comes to money.
  10. I am about to receive more money than I could ever imagine.
  11. Money has a positive impact on my life.
  12. Every penny I spend always comes back to me.
  13. I set myself financial goals because I know I can achieve them.
  14. I release all my insecurity around money.
  15. Money is being drawn to me right at this moment.
  16. Everything I touch turns to gold.
  17. Manifesting money is easy for me because I’m ready to put in the work.
  18. My income has unlimited potential.
  19. My bank account grows every day.
  20. My talents are worthy of being paid abundantly.
  21. Money is my friend.
  22. Financial freedom is my birthright. 
  23. I am the master of my own money.
  24. I can afford everything I want.
  25. I make money when I do what I love.
  26. Money flows to me in multiple sources.
  27. My bank account grows while I’m sleeping.
  28. I embrace unique offers of income.
  29. Money comes to me in expected and unexpected ways.
  30. Success is my inevitable outcome.
  31. It is safe for me to be rich and powerful.
  32. I trust that my faith in the universe will gift me all that I need in life.
  33. I can easily afford all that I desire.
  34. I get paid extremely well for what I do.
  35. Achieving my financial goals is getting easier and easier.
  36. Money is the root of joy and comfort.
  37. I have more money coming in than going out.
  38. It is safe for me to receive large payments.
  39. I am grateful to be wealthy.
  40. I attract limitless wealth.
  41. Money comes to me from every corner of my life.
  42. I will be the first millionaire in my family.
  43. Money is always there when I need it.
  44. I can be rich and remain a good person.
  45. Money works for me, not against me.
  46. I give myself permission to be prosperous.
  47. The money I spend will always be replaced with more.
  48. My income increases every month.
  49. I control my money, my money does not control me.
  50. Every day I am growing more financially prosperous.
  51. I earn tremendous amounts of money doing exactly what I love.
  52. I WILL receive a big amount of money this month.
  53. I have a great relationship with money.
  54. I see myself in absolute prosperity.
  55. Money likes to be around me.
  56. I always have the money I need, when I need it.
  57. I attract money and prosperity with ease.
  58. I am worthy of financial security.
  59. I let go of all of my fears around money.
  60. I constantly discover new sources of income.
  61. I have a truly positive attitude towards money.
  62. My mind is generating ideas that will bring me wealth.
  63. It is safe for me to dream big and act on those dreams.
  64. Opportunities to make money are constantly knocking on my door.
  65. I am attracting financial abundance wherever I am.
  66. I realize unlimited wealth in my life.
  67. I am grateful for my ability to manage my money well.
  68. I am releasing all financial blockages and anything standing in the way of financial freedom.
  69. An explosion of financial success is coming to me.
  70. I love money and money loves me.
  71. Money is a positive tool in my life.
  72. I use my money for good.
  73. I am going to be in an amazing place financially by the end of the year.
  74. Debt is a thing of my past.
  75. I am becoming richer every day.

Final Thoughts on Money Affirmations

These affirmations for money and wealth are designed to help you remember your worth and that you deserve money in your life. You can transform any negative financial thought into a positive one with the affirmations above.

Using money and wealth statements helps you increase your confidence, your mindset, and your relationship with money.

You can use them as part of your journaling routine too.

You can mix positive money affirmations and affirmations for abundance for better results.

You got this!

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