Looking for positive affirmations for family? You’re going to love this list of positive affirmations regarding family and family members.

Feeling positive about our family isn’t always easy. You may have some fears or difficulties with certain members of your family. This is why using family positive statements can help you focus on the positives so that you can feel grateful instead of resentful.

Using daily family affirmations can be helpful especially if you have been struggling regarding certain aspects of your family. Not only can you let go of negative thoughts toward certain family members, but you’ll learn to be more positive and grateful.

How To Use Affirmations For Family

You can either say them out loud or write them down in your journal. Using daily affirmations for family is a great way to start or end a journaling session.

Remember to bookmark this page so you can come back to it easily every time you need to use positive family affirmations. You can also use them as a journal prompt or as part of your journaling session.

You can either pick a number between 1 and 50, go through the whole list or pick the ones that resonate with you today.

Daily Family Affirmations

So, let’s dive right in. You’ll find our favorite positive affirmations for family relationships below.

  1. I am grateful for every member of my family.
  2. I always have the unconditional support of my family.
  3. My family accepts me exactly as I am.
  4. I feel loved and respected by my family.
  5. My family grows closer every day.
  6. I will always show my family how much I love them through my words and actions.
  7. My family and I support each other in all our endeavors.
  8. I am building a positive and supportive future with my family.
  9. I let go of any negative situations with my family from the past and work towards building a better future together.
  10. I find joy in all my family relationships.
  11. I am a blessing to my family.
  12. I am not afraid to tell my family when they’ve upset me.
  13. I allow my family to show me love.
  14. I impact my family every day.
  15. I am sensitive to my family’s needs.
  16. Every member of my family is happy and healthy.
  17. Our family is infinitely blessed.
  18. Our family encourages each other.
  19. I respond to my children with patience and love.
  20. My family is protected and safe. No harm will come to them.
  21. I am a great role model to my family.
  22. I am considerate of the feelings of my family.
  23. I encourage my children to have big dreams.
  24. There is peace and love in my home, no matter how chaotic it feels.
  25. I am building a secure life for my family.
  26. I love to see my family thriving.
  27. My family knows they can reach out to me when they need me.
  28. I forgive my family members for any wrongdoings in the past.
  29. I create a home of joy and peace for my family.
  30. I know how to communicate positively with my children.
  31. I am a good parent.
  32. I am blessed with a happy family.
  33. I deserve to be treated with respect by my family.
  34. I am the exact parent my children need to blossom.
  35. I connect with my family in different ways.
  36. Everything I do serves a purpose for my family.
  37. Giving my children attention is more important than giving them material things.
  38. My family appreciates me, even when they forget to tell me so.
  39. A successful relationship with my family is defined by the time we spend together.
  40. Today I fill my family with joy and happiness.
  41. I am a better parent when I take care of myself.
  42. My children don’t need a perfect parent.
  43. I am grateful for the time I get to spend with my family.
  44. I am thankful for my family, and our shared experiences.
  45. Every day I am creating positive memories with my children.
  46. I am raising happy, kind, and successful children.
  47. I only need my family in order to be happy.
  48. When I embrace the chaos, the happiest memories are made with my family.
  49. I am shaping my children’s futures with every action.
  50. I have the family I always dreamed of.

Final Thoughts On Affirmations For Family

These affirmations for family are designed to help you remain positive and grateful instead of feeling resentful, angry or sad.

You can transform any negative belief or negative thought by using positive affirmations multiple times per day. It helps increase your confidence, your mindset, and your relationship with your family.

We suggest you use them as part of your journaling routine too. Writing positive affirmations also helps rewire your thoughts.

If you’re searching for affirmations for pregnancy and birth, read our list of positive affirmations for birth. Alternatively, you want to check our positive affirmations for health.