Need help with your fears and phobia? Using positive affirmations for fear can help you overcome fears and feel calmer.

Feeling positive about things that are scary to us can be challenging. This is why positive affirmations for fear can be so helpful. It helps shift your mindset and thoughts so that you can increase your confidence and feel like you’ve got this.

Using daily fear affirmations can help long-term so that you can get rid of self-doubts and destructive negative thoughts and focus on your potential. You have everything you need to overcome your fears inside of you.

How To Use Affirmations For Fear

You can either say them out loud or write them down in your journal. Using daily affirmations for fear is a great way to start or end a journaling session.

Remember to bookmark this page so you can come back to it easily every time you need to use positive affirmations to overcome fear and anxiety. You can also use them as a journal prompt or as part of your journaling session.

You can either pick a number between 1 and 50, go through the whole list or pick the ones that resonate with you today.

Daily Fear Affirmations

So, let’s dive right in. You’ll find our favorite positive affirmations for fear below.

  1. I have nothing to be afraid of.
  2. I release my self-doubt.
  3. I am fearless and brave.
  4. I replace my feelings of fear with confidence.
  5. My setbacks make me stronger.
  6. I grow in confidence every day.
  7. My abilities are limitless.
  8. I am overcoming my fear by pushing through it.
  9. My fear will not stand in the way of achieving my goals.
  10. I feel the fear and I do it anyway.
  11. I am writing a new story and fear is not a part of it.
  12. My struggles are opportunities to grow.
  13. My fears slip away more and more every day.
  14. I am safe.
  15. Fear has no power over me.
  16. I choose to focus on the blessings in my life.
  17. I trust in the process.
  18. I am willing to release my fears.
  19. I approach every day with fearlessness.
  20. I am brave enough to take chances.
  21. I inhale confidence and exhale fear.
  22. I am supported by the universe.
  23. I am confident I can solve issues that arise in my life.
  24. I free myself of fear.
  25. I let go of what I can’t change and focus on what I can.
  26. I will not allow myself to feel fear over things I can’t control.
  27. My feelings are valid.
  28. I believe in my ability to get through difficult times.
  29. Fear does not control me.
  30. I will take it one step at a time.
  31. I will not give in to fear.
  32. I have more strength than fear.
  33. I am protected in all situations.
  34. I am willing to act in spite of my fear.
  35. I trust the solution will appear, despite my fear.
  36. My fears do not define me.
  37. I allow my body to relax and feel at peace.
  38. I trust in the timing of the universe.
  39. I focus on the small steps I can take, not the big picture.
  40. I feel brave and strong.
  41. Others acknowledge my fearlessness.
  42. I walk into every situation expecting the best.
  43. I have more faith than fear.
  44. I do not allow fear to control my life.
  45. My choices are not impacted by fear.
  46. I overcome my fears with ease.
  47. Today, I fear no more.
  48. Fear is only a feeling, it cannot hold me back.
  49. I give myself permission to feel confident in my abilities.
  50. I release fear and trust my inner wisdom.

Final Thoughts On Affirmations For Fear

These affirmations for fear are designed to help you remain positive and fearless so that you can improve your self-confidence and overcome your fears.

You can transform any negative belief or negative thought by using positive affirmations multiple times per day. It helps increase your confidence and your mindset towards fears and phobias. You’ll be able to finally gain control back over your life so that your fears are not winning.

We suggest you use them as part of your journaling routine too. Writing positive affirmations for fear also helps rewire your thoughts.