It’s hard not to feel jealous of people in life who have a really close sisterly friendship, or a couple that are #couplegoals, but you can have these things too.

In this post I’m going to talk you through how to manifest someone into your life, so you can stop feeling like you have a big, empty void that’s just waiting for the right person to fill it up, and start enjoying their presence in your life as soon as possible.

You can manifest absolutely anyone into your life, it can be a romantic partner, but it doesn’t have to be. It could be any of the following:

  • A spouse
  • A best friend
  • A partner
  • A mentor
  • A business partner

And so many more. You could even manifest a father figure, the perfect neighbor, you name it, you can manifest it. You don’t need to give up on finding the perfect person and decide to live as a spinster or a hermit for the rest of your life.

Quite the opposite actually. Just by becoming more proactive and intentional, you could see your life do a 180° turn in just a matter of weeks. 

Sometimes it takes a little longer, but isn’t the perfect person worth waiting for? And knowing they’re on their way to you should give you a lot of comfort, realizing it’s only a matter of time until they appear.

So here are 5 steps for how to manifest someone into your life, get ready for your life to change!

Step 1: Decide You’re Ready

Deciding to start something is always the biggest step, and it’s the same for manifesting. Be certain that you are ready to manifest this person into your life, and open yourself up to the possibility of that being really soon.

Deciding you are ready to manifest someone is a big step because you might find it brings up a lot of emotions or past trauma for you.

If you’ve been hurt by an ex, cut out by a friend, or taken advantage of by a business partner, it makes sense that some feelings might be stirred up in the process. Letting go is really, really hard, but it is imperative in using the law of attraction to manifest the person who’s meant to be in your life. 

Just because it’s hard to let go of the past, it doesn’t mean you should give up on finding the perfect person and accept defeat.

Instead, it might take a little time to work through whatever you’re going through, so find a way of dealing with your emotions that helps you to heal, whether that’s by journaling, going to therapy, or something else entirely.

Step 2: Write Down What You’re Looking For

This task is all about getting specific because a vague request of ‘I am manifesting the perfect partner’ will not get you very far. What makes the perfect partner? Or best friend? Or mentor?

The easiest way to do this would be to grab a sheet of paper and start brainstorming. What qualities are you looking for in the specific person that you’re manifesting? Are you looking for a partner who shares your family values or a best friend that loves pottery and freerunning as much as you do?

To give you a little help to get started, here’s how I would brainstorm if I was manifesting a partner:

  • Can make me belly laugh every day.
  • Wants 3 kids
  • Has a big, welcoming family
  • Shares in my passions 
  • Loves to travel
  • Loyal and trusting
  • Love language: Words of affirmation

That’s how I would start. There’s no limit to the number of traits and qualities you can write down.

In fact, I encourage you to fill your page with your thoughts on what this perfect person you wish to manifest into your life would be like, remember the more specific you can make your list, the better. 

Writing to manifest things and people in your life is very powerful.

If you’re still a little stuck on writing down qualities, think about these questions:

  • How do you want to feel when you’re with them?
  • How do they make you feel about yourself?
  • What interests would you love for them to have?
  • What core values are most important to you?

Step 3: Become The Person You Want To Attract

If something really important to you is that the person you’re manifesting is sporty and active, try joining a netball team or a running club. If you really want them to be kind and generous to others, think about what you can do to emulate that quality yourself.

Maybe you could donate a couple of hours a week to help in a soup kitchen or make sure you let your friends know how great you think they are. 

When it comes to the universe, like attracts like, so becoming the person you’re manifesting is a great way to put you at the same vibrational energy as them, and have them come into your life as soon as possible.

Step 4: Be Open To Meetings

Are you someone who usually walks around with your eyes on the ground and your headphones in? I mean, I love bopping around to Billie Eilish too, but when it comes to meeting someone new, it’s really going to hinder your ability to connect with someone. 

The universe can only do so much, the person you’re manifesting might walk past you 20 times in a day, but if you’re busy looking at the floor or not paying attention to your surroundings, that person is going to pass you by.

While you’re manifesting someone, be conscious of your goal and keep more alert in all situations. Standing in line at the coffee shop might not be the way you’ll meet the person you’re manifesting, but smiling at your barista or chatting to someone about how cute their dog is isn’t going to do you any harm, and it might even make your day.

Plus, who knows when that perfect person is going to come into your life, it might even be the person with the cute pup!

Step 5: Live As If

Living ‘as if’ basically means to live as though the thing you desire is already in your life. For example, if you’re manifesting a loving partner, act as though you already feel completely loved and supported.

Don’t act like you’re looking for love, instead act as though you already have it and it’s perfect. 

That doesn’t mean you need to lie when others ask you if you have a partner (and it would probably backfire on you if you did) but act as though you have everything you are manifesting already in your day-to-day life. 

Sure, you might feel like a bit of a phony, but once again you’ll be raising your vibration to match the person you’re seeking, and you’ll also be putting loads of positive vibes out there for everyone to see, and people are always attracted to people that radiate positivity.

couple in love

Final Thoughts On Manifesting A Person Into Your Life

Those are 5 steps to get you on your way to manifesting the perfect person into your life. Keep an open mind when manifesting someone into your life, because they might pop up unexpectedly.

Treat every day as a great opportunity to meet someone new, make sure you put yourself out there, and be open to chance encounters.

Need extra help? Take a look at these positive affirmations for love.

Want to learn more about manifestation? Read one of the following guides: