Regardless of whether you’ve been dealing with a disease for years or have just got a diagnosis, the idea of living with a health condition is hard to wrap your head around.

Anger, jealousy, anxiety, and grief are all emotions that many people experience as they realize their reality may be a little different from how they had originally imagined.

However, these affirmations for chronic illness will show you that not only can you have a great life, but your mindset can also invoke positive change inside your body.

How To Use Affirmations For Chronic Illness

First of all, know that it’s okay to feel your emotions. Yell, hit things (not people), curse the world for being unfair if you want to — however you need to process your feelings around this life change, do it.

Even those who have been dealing with a chronic illness for many years may have a lot of pent-up frustration inside and might benefit from allowing their emotions to take over for a few minutes.

Once you’ve done this, you should feel a little calmer inside yourself and more able to think logically and positively. Chronic illness affirmations are a worthwhile tool that you can use every day that will help you to reframe your view of your illness.

Many people feel completely helpless and as though they are doomed to a life of misery, but this isn’t the case at all.

By using these affirmations for chronic illness, you’ll realize that a positive mindset can work miracles, mentally, emotionally, and surprisingly, physically.

Select the most powerful and applicable disease mantras from the list below and begin each day by reciting them to yourself for several minutes before you step out of bed.

Not all days are good, which is why it’s just as important to use your affirmations on days where pain has you wrapped around its little finger and you find yourself unable to do much.

The way you use these chronic disease affirmations will be unique to your situation.

For some, repeating them in the morning will be enough to set them on the right path for the day. Others may need to reach for the phrases several times a day when pain, anger, or negativity try to seep in.

You won’t believe the affirmations at first, and that’s okay. Keep on repeating them anyways, and over time, you’ll find yourself becoming a believer without even realizing it.

Once you work your way up to have total confidence in your mantras, that’s when you’ll start to notice positive changes happening quickly, due to your high vibrational energy manifesting your desires.

Ensure you surround yourself with a support circle, full of loved ones that you can count on for anything.

Chronic diseases often have a lot of ups and downs, so ensure the people around you will happily bring you soup, listen to you rant, or be your beacon of hope throughout the dark times.

Daily Affirmations For Chronic Illness

  1. My illness doesn’t define me.
  2. My life has value, even on the hardest of days.
  3. Life is a beautiful journey, despite my struggles.
  4. I am a warrior.
  5. My body is in a state of harmony.
  6. Today, I tune in to what my body really needs and respond accordingly.
  7. I allow myself ample opportunities for rest.
  8. I am thankful for the inner strength that my chronic illness has taught me.
  9. My pain has no power over me.
  10. I am always taking steps to improve my health.
  11. My pain is a signal from my body that tells me when to slow down.
  12. I am grateful for the health of those that surround me.
  13. I am at peace with my pain.
  14. I feel healthier every day.
  15. I embrace a positive mindset and release thoughts of anger and jealousy.
  16. I allow myself to mentally release the pain stored inside of me.
  17. Each day, my pain reduces a little more.
  18. My body is filled with vibrant and positive energy.
  19. I feel strong and energetic today.
  20. I fuel my body in a way that gives me energy and reduces my pain.
  21. I am patient on my healing journey.
  22. I love exercising and eating healthily as they are small steps that help me to control my illness.
  23. Every day brings a new opportunity for healing.
  24. I am in charge of my healing journey.
  25. I am passionate about wellness and embrace healthy habits to improve my own energy.
  26. Every decision I make has a positive impact on my body.
  27. I am worthy of living a life free from pain.
  28. The challenges I face will only aid me in becoming a stronger and more determined individual.
  29. I appreciate every small win on my journey to healing.
  30. Healing is not linear and I take all setbacks in my stride.
  31. Today, I am stronger than I was yesterday, and tomorrow I will be stronger still.
  32. I deserve to live a healthy life, free from pain and inflammation.
  33. I accept the stage I am at as I step toward recovery.
  34. I can feel my body healing all the time.
  35. I ensure I get enough sleep as this is a powerful time for my body to recover, restore, and rejuvenate.
  36. I release my doubts about healing and allow my body to guide me in taking care of it.
  37. I am surrounded by people who support me on my journey to perfect health.
  38. I know I can count on others’ emotional support on the hard days.
  39. There are no limits to how healthy I feel.
  40. I accept my negative feelings about my chronic illness and allow them to pass through me.
  41. The more I care for my body, the more it cares for me.
  42. When I feel my thoughts spiraling, I focus on how far I’ve come already.
  43. I treat myself with love and kindness at all times.
  44. I am as patient with myself as I would be with a friend.
  45. I check in with myself mentally often to ensure my mindset is positive.
  46. I have the ability to create ultimate wellness within me.
  47. Rest is important for healing.
  48. I am just as worthy as others, regardless of my abilities.
  49. I am enough, exactly as I am.
  50. My illness is a way for my body to communicate its needs to me.
  51. I listen to my body to ensure I give it exactly what it needs.
  52. I choose health and wellness, every single day.
  53. I give myself permission to heal.
  54. I am in control of my health. My illness is not.
  55. I seek out alternative solutions to my illness.
  56. I am able to communicate what I need with medical staff, perfectly.
  57. My health is improving every day.
  58. My loved ones often comment on how well I look.
  59. Asking for help is not a weakness.
  60. Tomorrow, I will feel stronger than today.
  61. It is just a bad day, not a bad life.
  62. I am stronger and braver than I realize.
  63. I am an inspiration to others struggling with chronic illnesses.
  64. I am the creator of my own reality.
  65. Meditation helps me to gain control over my pain and release it through my breath.

Final Thoughts On Affirmations For Chronic Illness

The mind is more powerful than we could imagine, which is why these affirmations for chronic illness can help to reduce symptoms and improve your quality of life.

You deserve your existence on this planet to be a beautiful experience, and keeping a positive mindset in the face of adversity is one of the hardest challenges to overcome.

If you need a helping hand wrapping your head around your condition, check out the following posts: