Drowning in fear over the idea of failing a test? You need these affirmations for exam success.

We all get nervous in the build-up to an exam, worried that we haven’t studied the right material, that we haven’t retained the necessary information, and that failure will stop us from being able to pursue our goals.

However, if that fear is crippling you and keeping you up at night, then these study affirmations will help you to relax.

The truth is, as long as you stick to your study schedule, you are much more likely to succeed at your exam than you are to fail.

Use these mantras to give you the confidence you need to believe in your own abilities.

How To Use Affirmations For Exam Success

These affirmations for exam success will benefit you both on the day and in the lead-up to your tests.

As you approach your exams and feel the nerves setting in, choose several of the below study affirmations that resonate with you and how you’re feeling.

Repeat them to yourself throughout the other day, whenever you feel yourself becoming stressed or doubting your own intelligence.

Take a few minutes to unwind before bed, either journaling or meditating to relieve the stress that can bottle up inside of you.

As you are participating in these mindful activities, keep repeating your affirmations to further enhance your mood and rid yourself of nervousness.

On exam day, wake up a little earlier than necessary to spend a few minutes getting yourself in the right frame of mind by repeating your affirmations for exam success.

While most exams will not allow you to take a post-it note with your affirmations into the actual exam hall, it’s worth writing them down to look over as you’re preparing to take your test.

Daily Affirmations For Exam Success

  1. Getting good grades comes naturally to me.
  2. Exams are an opportunity for me to show off my knowledge and hard work.
  3. My worth is not defined by my grades.
  4. My mind is a sponge and absorbs all the information I give it.
  5. I love gaining more knowledge.
  6. I am a lifelong learner.
  7. I am great at retaining the knowledge I need for exams.
  8. I am a capable student.
  9. Everything I need to achieve good grades is within me.
  10. I show myself patience and grace when I am preparing for my exams.
  11. I take time away from studying to relax and enjoy life.
  12. I have great coping mechanisms for stress.
  13. Achieving excellent grades will help propel me forward toward the future I want.
  14. Success is not final and failure is not fatal.
  15. I am able to relax properly during my exams.
  16. I inhale clarity and exhale stress.
  17. I am able to recall information quickly and clearly throughout exams.
  18. I work my way through exams quickly yet thoroughly.
  19. I have the ability to succeed in stressful situations.
  20. I can transform my nerves into adrenaline to make it through my exams.
  21. I am intelligent enough to ace my exams.
  22. My nerves serve me well during exams.
  23. I approach exams with confidence and positivity.
  24. I enjoy the challenge that comes with exams.
  25. I have all the knowledge I need to achieve great grades within me.
  26. I am as prepared as I can be for my exams.
  27. I always pass exams with flying colors.
  28. I choose to work smarter, not harder when preparing for my exams.
  29. I will always have the opportunity to retake exams if I fail.
  30. I am well supported by my teachers and loved ones.
  31. I am always passing exams with high marks and this one will be no different.
  32. I enjoy the knowledge I’ve learned and retain it for my own good, rather than for the sake of an exam.
  33. I take my time to read questions thoroughly during exams.
  34. I approach my exams with the preparation that will help me succeed.
  35. I am able to retain more information than I think.
  36. When I begin my exam, my anxiety will fade away.
  37. I am fully focused during exams.
  38. I can only do my best during exams.
  39. I am a great student and will be rewarded with high grades.
  40. I enjoy revising for my exams.
  41. The topics of my exams are thoroughly interesting to me.
  42. I emit calm and confident energy as I step into the exam hall.
  43. I am consistent and dedicated to studying.
  44. I always find the motivation needed to revise.
  45. Focusing during exams is easy for me.
  46. I prioritize self-care in the lead-up to my exams.
  47. When I feel overwhelmed by nerves, I take a moment to focus on my breath.
  48. I am able to overcome challenges during exams with ease.
  49. I have the intelligence needed to handle difficult questions during exams.
  50. I believe in my ability to pass my upcoming exam.
  51. Exams are there to help me excel, not to limit me.
  52. My loved ones are happy to help me study when needed.
  53. I only need to reach out for help to receive it.
  54. I am prepared with my study schedule, which is easy to stick to.
  55. I prepare for my exams in advance.
  56. I can conquer tough topics.
  57. I am a quick and detailed learner.
  58. I take breaks in between studying to give my brain a break.
  59. The only person I’m in competition with is myself.
  60. My memory is flawless when it comes to storing information for exams.
  61. Focusing on my studies becomes easier every day.
  62. Exams are stressful but I can handle them.
  63. Good study habits are ingrained within me.
  64. I know the material for my exam by heart.
  65. I am looking forward to getting the results of my exam.
  66. My focus is stronger than any distractions around me.
  67. Exams are a great measure of my knowledge.
  68. Hard work never fails.
  69. I am grateful for my education.
  70. Taking exams is a privilege that not everyone has access to.
  71. The results of my exams will provide me with ample opportunities.
  72. Once I pass this exam, my future potential is limitless.
  73. I am grateful for the unwavering belief of my friends and family.
  74. I am successful at anything I put my mind to.
  75. I excel at taking exams.
  76. I am a productive and dedicated student.
  77. The more I study, the better I become.
  78. I can channel my anxious energy into productivity.
  79. I am a magnet for good grades.
  80. I am driven by my future opportunities.
  81. Exams are an opportunity for me to determine what I do and don’t know.
  82. I am thankful for my capable and intelligent mind.
  83. I am blessed with intelligence.
  84. In each exam I take, I do better than the last.
  85. I am a master of the subject of my exam.
  86. This exam will be easy for me.
  87. I am organized and manage my study time well.
  88. The Universe is aligning to make the exam easy for me.
  89. I am pleasantly surprised by my own level of intelligence.
  90. I am doing everything in my power to pass my exams.

Final Thoughts On Affirmations For Exam Success

While tests can be stressful, these affirmations for exam success are designed to provide you with an opportunity to refresh and recharge your mindset.

By repeating these mantras, you can walk into the exam hall knowing exactly how capable you are and by doing so, greatly improve your chances at acing your paper.

Prepare yourself a manifestation and journaling practice by using the below blog posts: