If you’ve gone through a loss, first of all, I’m sorry. Whether it’s expected or sudden, grief strikes us all with a sucker punch to the belly that it can be hard to get back up from.

It can feel like the entire world is caving in and that your universe is forever changed. And there’s no doubt about it, your life will be different going forward.

However, this doesn’t need to be the end of your happiness, which you’ll realize with these affirmations for grieving.

You may feel like you don’t deserve to heal from this phenomenal loss or as though finding joy is an insult to your loved one. Neither of these thoughts is true.

You deserve to smile again, to belly laugh at dirty jokes, to feel the magic of the rain on your skin, to feel truly alive. You may not feel ready yet and that’s okay, but these grief affirmations are here for when you do.

How To Use Affirmations For Grieving

Grief doesn’t have a clock. It doesn’t strike on the hour or only on the second Sunday of each month. Instead, you may feel consumed by your despair for an entire week only to find yourself free of its confines for the following few days.

This is why you should use these affirmations for grieving whenever you start to sense your thoughts spiraling downward.

Situate yourself somewhere quiet and practice deep breathing as you recite several of the following grief affirmations.

You may find it helps to picture your loved one in their happiest moments. Alternatively, this may be too difficult and painful for you. In this case, focus on the mantras until you regain control of your emotions.

Grieving can be an incredibly painful and hopeless time. It can also be extremely lonely. Many of us simply don’t know how to open up to others around us about our emotions, regardless of whether they’re going through the same situation.

However, there is power and healing to be found in sharing our darkest and most painful thoughts, even if it feels difficult to admit them.

While you do not want to spend every waking moment in distress, it is important to process your grief in order to find peace and healing further down the line.

All of your emotions are valid and you can spend time crying, shouting, and getting angry if it helps you.

Suppressing your feelings will only draw your journey out and make it more painful in the long run. If you can’t seem to find the balance, you may need to approach the situation in a business-like manner.

Allow yourself a certain amount of time a day to simply wallow, miss your loved one, and feel their loss.

Once this time is up, you can put your focus on your affirmations and finding the beauty in everyday life, no matter how small.

You may need to reach for these grief affirmations for a significant amount of time, and that is okay. Whether you feel fully healed after a week, a month, or a decade, your journey is unique to you.

Daily Affirmations For Grieving

  1. I allow myself to experience my emotions fully.
  2. I am surrounded by support from my loved ones.
  3. I am kind and patient with myself on my journey to healing from grief.
  4. I can survive this loss, even when it doesn’t feel like it.
  5. It is okay to just survive today.
  6. Grief is a beautiful thing.
  7. My grief will lessen over time.
  8. I remember the wonderful times spent together fondly.
  9. There is power in being vulnerable.
  10. I will experience happiness again.
  11. I am surrounded by love.
  12. The spirit of my loved one helps to lift me up and guide me toward healing.
  13. I appreciate and am grateful for the love I experienced.
  14. I have all the strength I need to get through this within me.
  15. I will always have beautiful memories to hold onto.
  16. The journey of grief is not linear and that’s okay.
  17. I am comforted by the memories I shared with my loved one.
  18. My sorrow is helping me to become a stronger person.
  19. My pain is temporary.
  20. I carry my loved one with me wherever I go.
  21. I allow myself to feel the pain and then let it go.
  22. I have the ability to healthily process my feelings.
  23. I treat myself with care during this time of hardship.
  24. I am thankful for the things I still have in my life.
  25. I know how to ask for help when I am struggling.
  26. There is no time limit on grief.
  27. Every ending is a new beginning.
  28. There is no correct or incorrect way to grieve.
  29. I have the strength I need to face this.
  30. I take small steps toward healing every day.
  31. I can hold on to the love I feel while letting go of the grief.
  32. My loved one wants me to be happy.
  33. I have the time to deal with my loss in the way that is right for me.
  34. I release the belief that I have lost everything.
  35. I have plenty to live for.
  36. I am finding inner strength I never knew I possessed.
  37. I am able to see the good in the world, all around me.
  38. I feel surrounded by my loved one’s spirit as I grieve.
  39. When my grief becomes unbearable, I draw my attention to my breath.
  40. I start my healing journey one step at a time.
  41. There is a lesson for me to learn in my grief.
  42. I know that the Universe is supporting me all the time.
  43. I let go of grief, torment, and anguish.
  44. Grief is another part of life.
  45. I find purpose in my grief.
  46. My grief allows me to be the light for others in my situation.
  47. I choose happiness and love over grief.
  48. I am ready to be guided into the next chapter of my life by the Universe.
  49. There is no need for me to walk this path of grief alone.
  50. There is happiness and hope within me.
  51. I close the door on this last beautiful chapter and prepare for the next one.
  52. I find gratitude in the small things every day.
  53. I release the all-consuming torrent of grief and allow myself to rest.
  54. This is a difficult time, rather than a difficult life.
  55. Each day, I find something more to be happy about.
  56. Grief comes and goes in waves and I allow myself to ride them.
  57. I cherish the time I spent with my loved one.
  58. I am comforted by the knowledge that my loved one knew how special they were to me.
  59. I appreciate the lessons my loved one taught me.
  60. I am grateful for the time given to me and my loved one.

Final Thoughts On Affirmations For Grieving

These affirmations for grieving will help to provide you with a glimmer of hope when it feels like all of the sparkle has been dimmed in the world.

While your heart has a gaping hole right now, time truly does heal all and these mantras will enable you to seek out little pockets of joy while you wait for the clock to do its magic.

Check out the following blog posts for even more help recovering from your loss: