Finding yourself letting the fiery beast of rage overtake you a little too often? You need these affirmations to control anger.

Irritation, frustration, and anger are normal emotions, and are all part of the human experience, as much as we’d prefer them not to be.

However, there is a difference between losing your cool once in a blue moon and flipping out at the slightest hint of an issue. While the former can be expected of even the calmest of souls, the latter needs addressing if you wish to gain inner peace.

These affirmations for releasing anger will help you to let go of the emotions that aren’t serving you and are causing tension in your everyday life.

How To Use Affirmations To Control Anger

If you want to get a grip on your emotions, select 3-5 of these affirmations to control anger. Choose the ones that feel powerful to you and that address your personal situation.

If you’re someone who often wakes up feeling irritated for no reason, repeat your anger affirmations as soon as you wake up to set the tone for the day.

Recite these mantras each morning for at least a minute to ensure you get out of the right side of the bed and face the day from a place of inner peace.

Whenever you find yourself in a challenging or frustrating situation, reach for these affirmations and lean on them to help balance your emotions.

If you feel your tensions rising, simply take a step back, close your eyes and focus your attention on these calming words until you feel your anger subside.

Once you are viewing the situation more clearly, you’ll be able to react respectfully and address the issue at hand with grace. You’ll find that whatever the problem is, it will probably get resolved quicker with you taking this more controlled approach.

You may need to use these affirmations for controlling anger in combination with some other peace-invoking activities to keep your rage at bay.

Journaling is a fantastic way to release these negative emotions without causing an argument or damaging your relationships with your loved ones. Set aside 10 minutes per day in a quiet space to let go of your thoughts and allow the pen to flow freely until you feel balanced and tranquil.

Another practice that will benefit you in your search for inner peace is meditation.

While it can be challenging to start, meditation is an excellent way to still the mind and draw your attention to the breath.

If you struggle to stop your mind from turning, choose a guided meditation to begin with and allow yourself to zone out the world.

Daily Affirmations To Control Anger

  1. I release all the emotions that do not serve me.
  2. I am choosing to move on from my anger and find peace.
  3. I am overflowing with positivity, love, and light.
  4. I am reclaiming my happiness every minute.
  5. I can express my anger in a respectful and articulate way.
  6. All the anger inside me is melting away and being replaced with peace.
  7. When I feel angry, I draw my attention to my breath.
  8. I effectively manage my anger in all situations.
  9. I am in total control of my emotions.
  10. My anger is not influenced by others around me.
  11. I acknowledge my frustration and process these emotions in a healthy way.
  12. I respond positively in frustrating situations.
  13. Calming down is easy for me.
  14. I can express my anger in a controlled manner.
  15. Each day, I find it easier to get a handle on my anger.
  16. I am learning to talk situations out instead of exploding with anger.
  17. It feels better to resolve situations calmly instead of arguing.
  18. When I feel my anger building, I breathe deeply and count to ten.
  19. I pause before responding when I feel myself overcome with anger.
  20. I let go of situations that aren’t worth arguing about.
  21. I am at peace and in harmony with the entire world.
  22. I speak my mind in a bid to clear frustrations before they build up as rage.
  23. My loved ones respond more positively to my controlled state.
  24. I am radiating love, tranquility, and openness.
  25. My loved ones no longer need to step on eggshells around me.
  26. I love communicating openly with my loved ones.
  27. My relationships are healing more every day.
  28. I forgive everyone who has been the cause of my anger.
  29. I choose to respond to all situations as my highest self.
  30. I handle all situations gracefully.
  31. My life is so much more joyful now I have released the anger within me.
  32. It is important that I learn to manage my anger.
  33. I am able to help others gain control of their anger.
  34. When I feel things getting heated, I close my eyes and inhale peace.
  35. I attract peace and harmony in all aspects of my life.
  36. Every moment spent in anger is a waste of happiness.
  37. I cultivate peace within me.
  38. Peace is my natural inner state.
  39. My actions and thoughts are fueled by love and kindness.
  40. I recognize what triggers my anger and avoid these situations where possible.
  41. I rise to meet conflict with grace.
  42. I avoid stressful situations that I know will anger me.
  43. I forgive myself for my angry outbursts in the past.
  44. Every anger-inducing situation is temporary.
  45. I am being pulled away from my angry emotions and back towards peace.
  46. I use each frustrating experience as an opportunity to learn.
  47. I am working on managing my emotions effectively.
  48. Each time I release the anger in my heart, I regain space for peace.
  49. I respond to others gently.
  50. I have an abundance of patience for my loved ones.
  51. I refuse to rise to other people’s anger.
  52. Forgiveness comes naturally to me.
  53. Releasing my anger has made a positive impact on my life.
  54. Learning to release anger is a path of ups and downs. I forgive myself for messing up from time to time.
  55. I close the door on anger and start a new chapter of inner peace.
  56. I already have all of the tools I need to manage situations, inside of me.
  57. I am willing to admit when I am in the wrong.
  58. I am becoming a positive person whom others can turn to without fear.
  59. I can talk things out with other people without anger taking over.
  60. I get angry at the behavior, rather than the person.
  61. I recognize when I’m becoming angry and walk away from the situation.
  62. I am able to diffuse my anger and channel it in a more productive way.
  63. All of my emotions are a choice and I choose peace.
  64. Learning to manage my emotions takes time.
  65. I know when to apologize to others.
  66. I release generational patterns that contribute to my response of anger.
  67. I release all pent-up traumas and emotions that have caused me to act out of anger in the past.
  68. I dedicate time to finding peace.
  69. No matter what happens on the outside, I am at peace on the inside.
  70. I wish everyone in my life well, no matter how they have wronged me in the past.

Final Thoughts On Affirmations To Control Anger

These affirmations to control anger are there for you to lean on any time you feel yourself swelling with rage.

While stepping back to regain your calm demeanor in these moments is difficult, it is crucial in getting a handle on your emotions and learning to solve situations with a clear mind.

If you are looking to step into the best version of yourself, check out these blog posts: