Sometimes, we all need to take a breath and reconnect ourselves with the earth.

It takes commitment to ensure your mind, body, and spirit are all in perfect harmony, which is why you might need the help of these affirmations for grounding.

When we say grounding, we’re not talking about the punishment you received as a teenager, but instead, we’re speaking about feeling balanced and rooted in the path you’re walking throughout this lifetime.

Grounding is closely linked with the chakras — the seven energy centers we all have residing within us that are entwined with our spirituality and physical state.

Being grounded is directly tied to the root chakra, located at the base of your spine, where your tailbone lies. It is responsible for security and stability.

When you have a block in your root chakra, you may feel as though life is a chaotic whirlwind that you just can’t catch up with. You might feel insecure and unsettled.

You could also experience physical symptoms of an energy block that include pain and stiffness in the lower parts of your body.

You’ll find that by using these grounding affirmations, you can open up your root chakra and find balance.

Once you do this, you’ll feel a calm stillness wash over your body as you appreciate the security and stability of right where you are.

You’ll feel connected to the earth, to your loved ones, and to yourself. Because of this, you’ll be able to form more meaningful relationships and improve your own sense of self.

How To Use Affirmations For Grounding

If you’ve been feeling totally lost and vulnerable, you should try practicing these affirmations for balance every morning. Start the day off on the right foot by repeating several of these powerful mantras before you even open your eyes.

Allow these words to sink in and repeat them until you feel at peace with your reality and are able to conquer the day.

Inner peace is a journey, not a destination, so don’t expect yourself to radiate harmony immediately.

It takes consciousness and practice to achieve inner joy and stability so keep up with your practice until you feel some of the physical benefits that opening your chakras has, as we mentioned above.

Larger energy blocks may manifest in feelings of total helplessness in your life at all times, without a clear path ahead of you. If this is the case, you should endeavor to repeat these affirmations for grounding at every opportunity.

Whenever you can find 5 minutes of quiet, dedicate yourself to reconnecting and realigning yourself with your favorite mantras. You do not need a special environment or to set aside a chunk of time each day for this.

Instead, integrate your affirmation practice into your everyday life. Affirm yourself in the car, on a coffee break at work, or while you’re showering.

This is the best way to ensure you keep up with this devotion and ultimately find the security you’re seeking.

Daily Affirmations For Grounding

  1. I set boundaries to keep my life calm.
  2. I deserve to feel safe at all times.
  3. I can balance my own needs and the needs of others.
  4. My peace of mind is important to me.
  5. I am calm, grounded, and at peace.
  6. When I am overwhelmed, I pay attention to my breath
  7. With each breath, I release stress, anxiety, and suffering.
  8. I learn how to be more peaceful every day.
  9. I am connected to my body and soul and practice daily self-care.
  10. I am nourished and supported by Mother Earth.
  11. With each breath, I draw fresh, healing energy into my body.
  12. I accept my feelings and experience them fully.
  13. The earth energizes me.
  14. I am at home within my body.
  15. All the tools I need to thrive are within me.
  16. I trust in my innate wisdom.
  17. I trust the universe to support me.
  18. I am at one with the earth.
  19. I have deep roots in the earth, like a tree.
  20. I am at peace within my body.
  21. I have everything I need within me.
  22. I trust in the good of the world.
  23. I am open to all possibilities and opportunities the universe has lined up for me.
  24. I release all my doubts and fears.
  25. I let go of anything that doesn’t serve me.
  26. The universe always provides exactly what I need.
  27. All is well in my world.
  28. I nurture my body with what it needs to flourish.
  29. My body is a safe home for my soul.
  30. As the sun rises, so does my energy.
  31. I wake up every day feeling refreshed, invigorated, and connected.
  32. The universe supports and protects me.
  33. I remain calm and peaceful in all situations.
  34. I am surrounded by love and light.
  35. I am present within myself.
  36. Inner peace is my natural state.
  37. Everything I need comes to me at exactly the right time.
  38. I trust in the divine timing of my life.
  39. I safeguard my mental, physical, and emotional health.
  40. I inhale peace and exhale stress.
  41. I take deep breaths and allow myself to return to the present moment.
  42. I am focused only on the here and now.
  43. My path is meant for me.
  44. I am healthy, well, and strong.
  45. I am a child of the universe and I am always loved and protected.
  46. I am exactly where I need to be.
  47. I am at peace with the world around me.
  48. I am connected to my intuition and act upon my inner wisdom.
  49. I focus on my own self-development.
  50. I feel the ground firmly beneath my feet.
  51. I search internally for self-growth instead of externally.
  52. I devote time to my personal interests.
  53. The resources I need for survival are within my reach at all times.
  54. The universe will always provide for me.
  55. I am all that I need to be happy and fulfilled.
  56. I vibrate powerful, abundant, peaceful energy and attract this same energy in return.
  57. Every cell of my body supports my overall well-being.
  58. I surrender to the universe’s plan for me.
  59. I am free to express my feelings.
  60. My feelings are valid.
  61. The universe loves me.
  62. I am loved and adored by the world around me.
  63. I welcome joy and peace into my life.
  64. I radiate positive energy.
  65. I listen to those around me with an open heart.
  66. I trust and respect myself and my needs.
  67. I am enough, exactly as I am.
  68. Everything that enters my life is intentional.
  69. I am always provided for.
  70. I am grateful for the path the universe leads me down.
  71. I am grateful for my unique divinity.
  72. Even when the world around me feels chaotic, I remain rooted firmly to the ground.
  73. My body always takes care of me.
  74. I find comfort in stillness.
  75. I am surrounded by abundance.
  76. My body and mind are symbiotic.
  77. I am grateful for the abundance of strength that radiates throughout my entire body.
  78. I am whole and complete.
  79. Happiness and joy are easily accessible to me.
  80. Each morning, I wake up excited for life.
  81. I am filled with love that I radiate to the world.
  82. I feel connected to my body in everything I do.
  83. I am worthy of all things wonderful.
  84. I trust in the process.
  85. I am as stable and solid as a mountain.
  86. I am thankful for my life.
  87. I am connected to all that is around me.
  88. The universe is opening doorways for me all the time.
  89. There is room for everyone to be happy.
  90. I am continuously ascending higher into spirituality and toward my highest self.

Final Thoughts On Affirmations For Grounding

These affirmations for grounding require you to be intentional in your practice. While you may have a hard time believing them at first, push through that block until you speak these words with ease.

Like attracts like, so affirming your feelings of security, peace, and balance daily will help you to achieve just that.

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