Are you feeling frustrated by your height, or lack of it? Check out these affirmations for height increase

Height may feel like one of those truths of human life, that can’t be changed but simply must be begrudgingly accepted. Being blessed with height seems like a lottery, bestowed randomly upon some and simply skipping over others.

And so, it would seem that thinking yourself into growing taller is impossible, ludicrous even.

However, it is possible to grow taller by manifesting a height increase in your life. Despite the belief that many of us hold, activating your human growth hormones (hGH) is possible, even if you are an adult.

While you are perfect just as you are — in any form, at any height — if you’re not happy with your current height, then why not attempt to improve your life by manifesting your dream height? Use the below growth affirmations to have you rising as tall as an oak in no time.

How To Use Height Affirmations

Read through the below affirmations for height increase and select up to five phrases that feel powerful to you. In order to experience the best results, repeat these height increase mantras every day, several times per day, if you can. 

At first, it may seem like a fruitless endeavor to you, but we encourage you to put all of your faith into these affirmations and envisage yourself at your ideal height as often as possible. 

Alongside repeating these affirmations for height increase, you should also pair them with several actionable steps. These can be simple habits that will go a long way toward reaching your goal quickly.

For example, an excellent time to recite these phrases is when you’re alone and standing in front of the mirror. This will allow you to acknowledge and improve your posture daily until the perfect stance comes naturally to you. 

You may also consider doubling your efforts by incorporating leg-lengthening exercises into your daily routine. Whichever practices you choose to add to your daily routine, do them with conviction, and watch your confidence soar and your body grow.

Your behavior is also important when manifesting a height increase, which is why you should act as though you are already as tall as you’d like to be, whenever you enter a room.

Emulate the feelings of confidence, power, and control you believe you’ll feel at your dream height around everyone, and notice the difference in how you’re treated.

Repeat these increased height affirmations until you reach your desired stature.

Daily Affirmations For Height Increase

  1. I am growing tall like a tree.
  2. I have great body posture.
  3. People are always complimenting my height.
  4. I feel confident at my current height.
  5. I can feel myself growing taller all the time.
  6. I am grateful for my height.
  7. My height is constantly increasing, and I will continue to grow until I reach my perfect height.
  8. My body is formed in perfect proportion.
  9. I am ready to receive an increase in my height.
  10. Correcting my posture is the first step to increasing my height.
  11. I deserve to be at peace with my height.
  12. I look incredible at any height.
  13. I always stand with a straight posture.
  14. My height is increasing rapidly now.
  15. I am always the tallest person in the room.
  16. I release all tension from my body so that I can receive growth.
  17. My back is relaxed and straight.
  18. Being tall is in my genes.
  19. Good posture comes naturally to me.
  20. I stand tall and proud.
  21. I love myself unconditionally at my current height.
  22. I am attracting others to me with my newfound height and confidence.
  23. Now I am becoming taller, and I am grateful for it.
  24. I release all tension in my neck and shoulders.
  25. People are beginning to notice my increased height.
  26. I am as tall as a runway model.
  27. My body is effortlessly lengthening.
  28. I am so tall that I could be a model if I wish.
  29. My long legs are part of my natural appeal.
  30. I am growing while I sleep.
  31. I maintain a healthy posture at all times, with ease.
  32. My subconscious mind and body are working in sync to grow my height.
  33. My extra height helps me to feel comfortable in my skin.
  34. My additional height is helping me to feel more attractive.
  35. My back is straight, my neck elongated, and my head held high at all times.
  36. My newfound height is attracting opportunities and people to me.
  37. I release all feelings of judgment surrounding my height.
  38. Everyone is in awe of how fast I am growing.
  39. People treat me with respect due to my great posture and extended height.
  40. My increased height enables me to feel in control.
  41. I feel assertive and powerful with my newfound height.
  42. I am excited to see how much taller I can grow.
  43. My height increase is natural, effortless, and permanent. 
  44. My subconscious mind can increase my height.
  45. I am certain that the universe can create a taller version of myself.
  46. My height is increasing according to my wish.
  47. I am thankful to the universe for bringing my desires into being.
  48. I look great in whatever I wear.
  49. I am a true believer in the power of the universe.
  50. I am constantly growing like a weed.
  51. I am activating my human growth hormones.
  52. Slow and steady wins the race.
  53. I am in this for the long haul, and once my dream height is achieved, I can enjoy it for the rest of my life.
  54. I release all feelings of frustration over my height.
  55. While it may be unnoticeable to the naked eye, I am growing all the time.
  56. I grow an inch every night.
  57. I embrace my newfound height.
  58. I can now participate in activities I was held back from before, due to my height.
  59. All opportunities are accessible to me at my new height.
  60. My height increase does not go unnoticed.
  61. As I grow taller, my self-confidence improves.
  62. My human growth hormone levels are overflowing.
  63. I release the belief that growing taller is only for children.
  64. I can achieve a height increase as an adult.
  65. I am awed by what my body can achieve with the right attitude.
  66. My body never ceases to amaze me.
  67. I am taller than my tallest friend.
  68. I am known as the “tall one” to all of my friends and family.
  69. My height growth is rapid and ever-increasing.
  70. I ask the universe for growth and the universe provides.

Final Thoughts On Height Increase Affirmations

Are you ready to use these affirmations for height increase to reach supermodel measurements now? Like most things in life, growing your frame won’t happen overnight.

While this can feel frustrating and, at times, pointless, stick with your mantras and be sure to measure yourself regularly.

Record any height increase, whether it’s as tiny as a millimeter or as significant as an inch.

After all, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and your dream height won’t be either.

Nevertheless, once you tune into the law of attraction and put your trust in the universe, nothing is impossible, and with the right beliefs, you’ll reach new heights (quite literally) before you know it.

If you’re looking to achieve your dream appearance, look no further than these posts: