If you want to learn how to manifest anything overnight, you’re in luck, because that’s what I’m going to be talking you through today. Manifesting takes a bit of practice, but once you’ve got it down, you’ll find that you can manifest anything you desire super quickly (like overnight!)

Before we talk about how you can manifest anything overnight, it’s important just to mention how manifesting works. Using the law of attraction to manifest a desire is done by raising your vibrational frequency/energy from a place of lack to a place of abundance in order to form your reality. 

You know the famous phrase ‘build it and they will come?’, well when it comes to the law of attraction and manifesting, the phrase should be changed to ‘think it and it will come’.

We all live in a world where our focus tends to be on the external, but with a little inner soul work, you will realize the power you have to change your reality through your thoughts and beliefs.

That doesn’t mean that you can just kick back while the universe does it all for you. You do still have to put in efforts, through your thoughts AND your actions.

Essentially, once you believe completely that your desire is on its way for you, you will look for, and see signs of your manifestation taking hold everywhere, and that’s where you will put in the actions that will have a profound impact on your life.

These are signs that you might have normally ignored but when you’re looking for them, they are everywhere. 

What Is A Lack Mindset?

A lack mindset is basically the negative Nelly thought pattern of manifestation.

If you want to manifest your crush to text you for example, with a lack mindset you might have thoughts such as:

  • They won’t have feelings for me
  • Why would anyone want to go out with me
  • I think they’d prefer to go out with ______ instead of me

A lack mindset is detrimental to manifesting because the universe brings things into fruition for you only when your vibration matches that energy.

You can’t use positive affirmations like ‘We will have an amazing date together’ if in your head you’re actually thinking the opposite because you have to truly believe in what you’re manifesting.

What Is An Abundance Mindset?

On the other hand, an abundance mindset is the positive Polly’s of the manifesting universe. It’s a way of walking through life as if you have everything you desire already in your back pocket. You approach situations as if you already have what you are manifesting. 

For example, if you are manifesting more money, an example of having an abundance mindset would be to spend money investing in your career, being confident in the knowledge that the money will be replaced and infinite more is coming your way. 

Someone with a lack mindset might choose not to invest in themselves because they are worried that they’ll be poor forever, forgetting that if they had invested the money into themselves, they would have attracted high-paying clients, and attained the money they desired.

Can You Manifest Anything Overnight?

Yes, you can manifest overnight, the key to this is absolute, impenetrable faith. Easy to say, but often hard to do.

The more faith you have, the quicker your vibrational frequency rises, and the quicker the law of attraction will work to bring your manifestation to you.

Before you start manifesting, you should be sure that your intentions are pure, because if you’re trying to manifest overnight, it might mean that you’ve rushed into the decision. Ask yourself:

  • How will this desire benefit me?
  • Will this desire benefit others?
  • Is this what I really want, deep down?
  • What does my instinct tell me?
  • Is there anything that makes me wary of manifesting this?

How To Manifest Anything Overnight

Without further ado, here are 6 steps on how to manifest anything overnight.

happy woman manifesting

Step 1: Accept The Timing Of The Universe

Why do you need to attract your desire overnight? Is it because something is happening tomorrow that would affect it, or is it just because you want it sooner rather than later?

Whilst yes, you can manifest things overnight, sometimes it takes the universe a little more time. In fact, maybe it has something even better lined up for you around the corner that just requires a little extra patience.

Focus on manifesting your desires overnight, sure, but also let go of your own time restrictions and realize that your timing might not be the best timing, so let the universe take the time it needs to, because your manifestations will always show up at the right time.

True manifesting means completely surrendering to what the universe has in store for you and letting go of your need for control of the situation. Basically, a big game of trust (don’t worry, the universe will be there to catch you).

Step 2: Choose What To Manifest

Maybe you want your dream house, a promotion at work, your partner to propose and to be able to afford the dream holiday to Bora Bora you’ve had your sights set on for years.

That’s great, but don’t try to manifest them all at once. If you’re focused on too many things, it means you’re not focused on anything. Does that make sense? 

You need to put all of your focus on one thing to manifest so that you can really dedicate yourself to that goal and visualize it.

If you are focused on 4 or 5 things at once, you can’t spend much time and energy focused on each individual thing, and that will cause confusion in your manifestation. Do the universe a favor, and just manifest one thing at a time.

Make sure you pick the thing you want to manifest wisely, choose the goal at the top of your list that will truly make a big difference to your life.

That’s not to say the other goals are unimportant, you can certainly manifest them at another time, but manifesting will work the best with the goal that you’re most passionate about.

Step 3: Journal Your Manifestation

Jotting down your intentions can be crucial when it comes to the law of attraction as it helps you to visualize the situation for yourself and feel it within your reach. Write down your manifestation as if you already have it.

Here’s an example:

I’m so grateful to have gained the perfect clients. I am so inspired by all of them, and I have created great connections and lifelong friends. I am paid extremely well for working with them, and I am constantly engaged and excited by the work I do for them.

Step 4: Listen To Positive Affirmations While You Sleep

If you’re asleep, what’s the point?! The subconscious mind never sleeps, which is why a lot of people find hypnotherapy and other similar techniques incredibly helpful to stop smoking, but you can use it to manifest anything overnight (literally). 

You can download positive affirmations to listen to overnight, but I’d recommend recording yourself saying positive affirmations that are directly linked to what you are manifesting, to then play on repeat while you sleep.

That said you can also listen to positive affirmations while you’re driving, or while at the gym.

Step 5: Rid Yourself Of Obstacles

The biggest part of overcoming any obstacles when you want to manifest anything overnight is to identify those obstacles. 

Once you’ve realized the obstacles you have, spend a little time thinking about them and identifying why you feel that way.

For example, if an obstacle you have is ‘I don’t need to be rich’’, think about what makes you feel that way. Is it that you want to be able to stay down to earth whilst being rich, is it a fear of earning a substantial income, or is it the worry that others will take advantage of you for your wealth?

Once you’ve done that, make the decision to shift your mindset. If you’re worried about staying humble and being rich at the same time, think about how great it will feel to be able to pay off your parent’s mortgage, or how having an extra income will mean you’ll be able to donate more to causes that are close to your heart.

Whenever that obstacle pops back up for you (and it will, I’m sure) choose the positive thought that you’ve created and repeat it to yourself.

Step 6: Be Tuned In

Manifesting often doesn’t work in the way you think it will, for example, if you want to manifest money, a lottery win is probably not the way that will manifest itself. Instead, be tuned in to the universe and look for signs that your manifestation is working. 

Maybe you will sign a new client, maybe you’ll get a pay rise, or a tax rebate, or a member of your family will send you a cheque. Recognize that these easy to ignore occurrences are the universe working with you to manifest more money into your life.

Don’t get frustrated by small signs, instead feel encouraged by them. It doesn’t mean that by manifesting money into your life, you’re only going to manifest that $30 surprise cheque from your Grandma, more money is on its way to you, but celebrate these small wins for what they are – your manifestations working for you.

Final Thoughts On Manifesting Anything

Now you’ve read up on how to manifest anything overnight, it’s time to put these steps into action.

Once you’ve put them into action, let them go. Holding on to your desires and becoming obsessed with them, can actually cause more harm than good when it comes to manifesting.

So, like a boomerang, just let your manifestation go out into the universe, and trust it’ll come back to you.

Want to learn more about manifesting? Read one of the following blog posts: