If you’re fed up of losing momentum on your new year goals, maybe it’s time to change your method.

Instead, use these affirmations for a new month to help you stay determined and clear on your vision every time the 1st of the month rolls around.

We all begin the year so determined that this will be the best time of our lives and we’ll exceed our goals well ahead of time. However, we tend to lose momentum right around the middle of January and it never returns.

By using affirmations every month, you’ll not only hold yourself accountable for the progress you’re making but you can also evaluate other areas of your life, such as your relationships and self-love.

These new month mantras will encourage you by reminding you that you’re on your own unique path and that you should be a little kinder and more understanding toward yourself.

How To Use Affirmations For A New Month

On the last day of each month, visit this page to select the new month affirmations that align with your plans for the coming weeks.

You should also reflect on the previous month at this time and determine whether your intentions need to change or whether you should continue on exactly as you have been doing.

Alongside your goals, check in with yourself both mentally and emotionally to discover how you’ve coped with the last month and whether you need to practice more self-care or hold stronger boundaries to ensure your personal wellness.

Repeat these affirmations for a new month to yourself every morning as soon as you wake up to start the day on a positive note and remind yourself of your intentions.

This will help you to stay on track when procrastination kicks in and you feel like abandoning your goals.

Halfway through the month, determine whether your new month mantras are powerful enough, and if not, return to this page and select some more.

Daily Affirmations For A New Month

  1. This month is a new beginning for me.
  2. I succeed at anything I set my mind to.
  3. I am prioritizing my mental and emotional health.
  4. I strive toward my goals with motivation and passion.
  5. I leave self-doubt behind me as I step into a new month.
  6. My future is bright.
  7. My potential is limitless.
  8. Golden opportunities will present themselves to me throughout this month.
  9. Every day, I get luckier and luckier.
  10. Good things are always happening to me.
  11. I am the creator of my reality.
  12. I can overcome any hurdles that are presented to me this month.
  13. I have everything I need to face challenges already within me.
  14. I am capable and resilient.
  15. I am inspired by everything I see around me.
  16. This month will be the best one of my life so far.
  17. My story is unique, just like me.
  18. Great opportunities are always presenting themselves to me.
  19. Self-care is a priority for me right now.
  20. I maintain healthy boundaries in order to feel my best.
  21. I am working on improving my relationships.
  22. I am committed to success.
  23. I am a step closer to achieving my goals every day.
  24. I am focused on my own health and happiness.
  25. I am in the perfect place at the perfect time.
  26. Everything is unfolding in divine timing.
  27. The Universe has big plans for me.
  28. This new month is a chance for me to reset and refresh.
  29. I take time to reconnect with my goals and how I can achieve them.
  30. My beauty is in my uniqueness.
  31. Peace is my natural state.
  32. I am patient and kind to myself at all times.
  33. I am open to new ways of doing things.
  34. This month, I will chase down opportunities to learn new things.
  35. I am excited to make new connections this month.
  36. I am living the life of my dreams.
  37. I am filled with purpose and determination.
  38. I am making steps toward becoming my highest self each day.
  39. My challenges are in fact, opportunities for growth.
  40. I look for signs from the Universe.
  41. I forgive myself for my past mistakes.
  42. I embrace changes in my life.
  43. I am manifesting all my desires from a place of total abundance.
  44. I devote my energy to the present moment.
  45. I have the power to positively change my life.
  46. I am filled with an overwhelming sense of inner peace.
  47. I am open to seeing others’ points of view.
  48. I am grateful for the abundance of blessings I am about to receive.
  49. I radiate love and light to everyone I meet.
  50. I am a magnet for health and happiness.
  51. I celebrate all of my victories, no matter how small.
  52. I am the best version of myself.
  53. My life is constantly getting better and better.
  54. Prioritizing myself and my own needs enables me to be a better person to those around me.
  55. I am an inspiration to others.
  56. I am kind to others at all times.
  57. I trust in my innate inner wisdom.
  58. I release all fears and trust in my intuition.
  59. I learn from every mistake I make.
  60. Failures are helpful and necessary in reaching my goals.
  61. Every failure is one step closer to success.
  62. I know exactly what I want and what I need to do to get there.
  63. My loved ones are a positive influence in my life.
  64. I enjoy the process.
  65. I allow myself the necessary time and space to rest and recharge.
  66. I am not afraid to ask those around me for help.
  67. I release negative thought patterns that have been holding me back.
  68. This month will be life-changing for me.
  69. I slow down to enjoy the journey.
  70. Things are getting better every day.
  71. I see positive changes every day.
  72. I love learning new things.
  73. I carve out time to explore hobbies and passions.
  74. Prioritizing myself is not selfish, it is necessary.
  75. I trust myself to make the right decisions.
  76. I am in alignment with my truest self.
  77. I can conquer my doubts.
  78. I release what no longer serves me.
  79. I trust in the magic of new beginnings.
  80. The only person I compare myself to is me.
  81. I deserve to receive love and happiness.
  82. I feel calm and positive.
  83. I do not need to prove myself to anyone.
  84. I step into the new month with the knowledge of all the lessons and mistakes I have learned so far.
  85. I give myself grace this month.
  86. I accept myself exactly as I am.
  87. I am full of potential.
  88. I possess the qualities needed to be successful.
  89. Happiness is a choice I make every day.
  90. I am a winner.

Final Thoughts On Affirmations For A New Month

There’s no need to let January 1st be the only day of the year to set new goals and work towards your dreams.

These affirmations for a new month help you to reset and give you the determination to push yourself further toward success while taking care of yourself in the process.

If you love using affirmations to manifest your reality, check out the following posts: