Have you ever wanted to transform your reality? Then you need these affirmations for shifting your reality.

Shifting is exactly what it sounds like. It’s the act of metamorphosing your life from your current situation to a different and favorable reality.

While it may sound difficult and even impossible to reach these large and seemingly unattainable goals you’ve set for yourself, the biggest block is in your mind.

Once you can alter your mindset into one of total self-belief and positivity, the things around you will begin to change.

These shifting affirmations encourage you to begin the process of personal growth so that like a caterpillar, you can emerge from your cocoon as a butterfly in your new reality.

How To Use Affirmations For Shifting

Shifting requires total belief, and for that, you’ll need to take action.

Start by scouting through this list of affirmations for shifting and selecting ones that resonate with your soul. They won’t all align with you and that’s okay.

Simply choose a handful of the ones that do and repeat them to yourself several times a day.

Some people prefer to simply recite these shifting mantras over and over while others prefer to write them down several times a day.

Alternatively, you can record yourself saying these powerful phrases and let them play overnight, which will help to tap into your unconscious mind and transform your mindset faster.

If you’re new to affirmations and the law of attraction, you may wish to play around with all of these methods until you find one that works for you.

It’s not enough to simply repeat these mantras once. You should say them all day every day, as often as you can.

When you wake up, before you even open your eyes, repeat your most powerful affirmations while envisioning the reality you wish to create for yourself.

Repeat this throughout the work day, in moments of meditation, when a challenge shakes your confidence, and before you go to bed.

It will likely take some time before you begin to notice tangible results as the inner, unseen work is what requires the most attention. Once your mind is in check, the rest will fall into place.

Daily Affirmations For Shifting

  1. I believe in my power to shift my reality.
  2. I release all blocks that are holding me back from shifting.
  3. My powers of transforming my reality are limitless.
  4. I can do and be anything I choose.
  5. I deserve to shift my reality to align with my highest self.
  6. The Universe is conspiring to help me shift my reality.
  7. I am choosing to transform my life for my own benefit.
  8. I only accept love, light, and positivity in my new reality.
  9. I leave behind anything that no longer serves me.
  10. Shifting is my top priority because it helps me to transform into my highest self.
  11. I am the creator of my own reality.
  12. I have unwavering confidence in my ability to shift.
  13. I have the power to shape my life in any way I choose.
  14. I am limitless.
  15. My reality is a physical manifestation of my thoughts.
  16. Every day, I move closer to my desired reality.
  17. The reality I am seeking comes easily to me.
  18. I know I have the power to change my life for the better right now.
  19. Everything I desire is waiting for me to claim it.
  20. I am full of positivity and excitement to shift my reality.
  21. My desired reality is within my reach.
  22. My desired reality is everything I hoped it would be and more.
  23. I am open, ready, and willing to change my reality.
  24. Every day, I make positive changes in my life.
  25. There are no limits to how successful I can be.
  26. I welcome success in my life.
  27. I am proud of the life I am creating.
  28. My thoughts have the power to create my life.
  29. I am so inspired by the life I have created.
  30. Shifting my reality is easy for me.
  31. I trust the Universe to guide me toward the reality I desire.
  32. The Universe is always looking out for my best interests.
  33. I can feel a transformation happening inside of me right now.
  34. I receive greatness in my life with grace and gratitude.
  35. My mindset is reflected in my reality.
  36. I release negativity and doubt to embrace positivity and confidence in my abilities.
  37. Shifting is as natural to me as breathing.
  38. I have unshakeable faith in my ability to shift my reality.
  39. Abundance and prosperity come naturally to me.
  40. Abundance is my natural state of being.
  41. I am the architect of my own life.
  42. Nothing is beyond my shifting capabilities.
  43. I am in the process of carving out my dream life.
  44. Anything I focus on expands.
  45. I love shifting and shifting loves me.
  46. All is well in the world because all is well within me.
  47. Everything I want wants me more.
  48. I am physically, spiritually, and emotionally tapped into my desired reality.
  49. My desired reality is meant for me.
  50. Abundance is my birthright and I am claiming it right now.
  51. I have the power to overcome any obstacles that prevent me from shifting my reality.
  52. I am grateful for the blessings in my life and those that are on their way to me.
  53. I am surrounded by love.
  54. I choose to only see opportunities for love and personal growth around me.
  55. I am always in the right place at the right time.
  56. I am shifting from a lack mindset to an abundance mindset with ease.
  57. Everything I touch turns to gold.
  58. Beauty surrounds me in everything I do.
  59. I am safe and protected as I shift into my desired reality.
  60. I believe I have successfully shifted realities.
  61. I am so grateful for my new reality.
  62. I am grateful for the challenges presented to me on my journey of spiritual and emotional growth.
  63. Everything I am looking for is already within me.
  64. I am destined for greatness.
  65. Shifting my consciousness between realities is easy for me.
  66. I am in control of my shifting journey.
  67. I have crossed the border and have arrived at my desired reality.
  68. I am so grateful to the Universe for all the blessings it continues to gift to me.
  69. I focus on the details of my desired reality.
  70. I inhale abundance and exhale lack.
  71. Anything that is meant for me will not miss me.
  72. My desired reality is within my grasp, all I need to do is accept it.
  73. I am constantly seeking ways to continue my journey of personal growth.
  74. I am pure consciousness and can shift into any reality I choose.
  75. My desired reality is even more amazing than I imagined.
  76. My desired reality is exactly as I scripted it to be.
  77. I have mastered the art of shifting.
  78. I can sense that I am in my desired reality.
  79. I release my obsession with shifting realities.
  80. I invite new energies and possibilities into my life.

Final Thought On Affirmations For Shifting

Be inspired rather than dubious about these affirmations for shifting. After all, you’ve just become the creator of your own reality.

This means you have the potential to achieve anything you want, and you can do it easily, it just comes down to believing you can.

Stick with these shifting mantras even if you can’t see their results just yet because your reality will be changing before your very eyes, ever so soon.

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