Are you an educator that’s feeling overworked and undervalued? Then you need these affirmations for teachers!

It’s easy to forget what an important and life-changing role you play every day when you get swept up in lesson planning and dealing with challenging behaviors. But, it’s crucial for you to remember how much you touch the lives and hearts of your students every single day, through your teachings and your loving nature.

By using these positive affirmations for teachers, it is our hope that you’ll be reminded of just how awesome you truly are.

How To Use Affirmations For Teachers

These affirmations for school are aimed at those who have forgotten the power that they hold by educating others every day.

You can select one or several of these mantras to repeat to yourself throughout the day.

The best time to repeat these affirmations for teachers is when you’re getting ready for school. You can use them to encourage you to have a great day and remind you of the incredible value you bring to many lives every single day.

It’s also a great idea to recite these sayings every time you’re met with a challenging situation in the classroom. It will help you to recognize that you have all of the tools you need to cope with difficult tasks or students that test your patience, in a kind and gentle way.

Lastly, revisit this page every time you’ve had one of those days where everything has gone wrong. Spend a few minutes reading through all of these inspiring affirmations for teachers and feel your spirit lift.

Daily Affirmations For Teachers

  1. I am a competent and capable teacher. I am confident in my abilities.
  2. I prioritize my time on the tasks that matter most.
  3. I am thankful to have a challenging and fulfilling job.
  4. Students can be themselves with me.
  5. I am becoming a better teacher every day.
  6. I make a difference in my students’ lives every single day.
  7. I am a valuable asset to my school, my district, and my community.
  8. I set boundaries around my work life and stick to them.
  9. I look for the good in the most challenging child.
  10. I treat myself and my students with kindness and respect.
  11. I motivate and empower my students.
  12. I see each student as an individual. I see each student for who they are and what they can do and who they can be.
  13. I have the ability to change lives.
  14. I create safe spaces that enable students to thrive.
  15. My team and I work collaboratively for the improvement of all students.
  16. I believe in all of my students’ abilities. 
  17. My classroom is a positive space.
  18. My teachings today impact the future.
  19. I am flexible and adaptable; I can handle what the day throws at me.
  20. My influence on my students goes far beyond the curriculum.
  21. The caring I show today will change a life.
  22. I’m resourceful and creative.
  23. My students feel encouraged and accepted by me.
  24. My students know they can come to me with any problem, no matter how great or small.
  25. I have well-structured classroom routines that help my lessons run smoothly.
  26. My classroom is student-centered.
  27. When I practice self-care, I can give more of myself to my students.
  28. I welcome my students’ questioning and challenges as an opportunity for me to learn.
  29. I can handle any situation. I am full of calm and grace.
  30. I take a step back to pause before I react.
  31. I cultivate confidence in my students.
  32. Every time I step into the classroom is an opportunity to make a difference.
  33. I am appreciated and valued as a teacher.
  34. I handle my school day with ease.
  35. I have endless creative ideas to make the curriculum fun.
  36. I love being a teacher.
  37. I am in control of my classroom.
  38. My students will remember me for years to come.
  39. My students deserve my best. 
  40. I encourage my students to have big goals.
  41. I am proud to be a teacher.
  42. Everyone is doing the best they can, including me.
  43. It is ok to stray from the lesson plan. I am flexible. I am creative.
  44. My responses model how to handle tough situations.
  45. My classroom is a place of learning and love.
  46. I ignite a passion for learning within my students.  
  47. My feedback is constructive and kind. 
  48. I challenge my students to want better for themselves. 
  49. I try new strategies to ensure my students get the most out of my lessons.
  50. My classroom management is improving every day.
  51. My students like coming to my class.
  52. I advocate for my students daily.
  53. I reinforce positive behavior.
  54. I am a life-long learner. My students teach me something new every day. 
  55. I respond calmly and patiently to everyone and everything around me.
  56. Challenging situations make me a better teacher.
  57. I create engaging lesson plans. 
  58. I am prepared for whatever the day throws at me.
  59. I make a difference, one student at a time.
  60. My students know that I am trustworthy and dependable.
  61. My students look forward to Monday morning.
  62. I am not just a teacher, I am a life changer.
  63. I am invested in my student’s personal success.
  64. I am continuously succeeding in my goals as a teacher.
  65. I am proud of my professional accomplishments.
  66. My colleagues love to come to me for advice and ideas.
  67. I find it easy to adapt my teaching style when something is not working.
  68. I always apologize to my students when I’m in the wrong.
  69. Teaching develops my personal growth every day.
  70. Being a teacher is my job, not my identity. 
  71. The decisions that I make are for the benefit of my students.
  72. My students pick up on the positive energy that I radiate.
  73. I can handle difficult situations and find the best outcome.
  74. My classroom is a happy and enthusiastic place.
  75. My students can always share their feelings with me.
  76. I am a capable teacher.
  77. My students’ thoughts and ideas deserve my full attention, as I am committed to each one of them as individuals.
  78. The school day passes quickly and enjoyably.
  79. Every day I become more patient, understanding, and empathetic. 
  80. I accommodate my students’ strengths and weaknesses.
  81. I encourage my students to pursue difficult tasks.
  82. I collaborate with my students and their parents in order to improve education for all.
  83. I do work I love every day.
  84. I am a fantastic teacher.
  85. My positive attitude attracts positive actions from my students.
  86. Taking care of myself is important and necessary.
  87. I am of service to society.  
  88. I know when to take a break from work in order to avoid burnout.
  89. I am creating a better tomorrow for my students. 
  90. It is my privilege to empower leaders, inspire dreamers, and encourage reflective thinkers. 
  91. I will not take my students’ behavior personally.
  92. I do not give up on my students.
  93. I am highly qualified for this role.
  94. I work through my obstacles.
  95. My outgoing nature brings shy students out of their shells.
  96. My students feel comfortable around me.
  97. I hone my teaching, listening, and speaking skills every day. 
  98. My pay is reflective of the challenging yet rewarding work that I do.
  99. I fill students with hope and possibilities.
  100. My students are grateful for my support.

Final Thoughts On Positive Affirmations For Teachers 

Are you ready to take on the school day? We hope that some of these affirmations for teachers have resonated with you, and have got you revved up and energized for anything that comes your way today. 

If you’re looking for ways to improve your mental health and live in the moment, check out these blog posts on journaling: