Are you trying to manifest your ex back into your life? Are you hoping for another go with your ex? You’ll love this list of positive affirmations to get your ex back.

Positive affirmations help people focus on the positive and affect their thoughts.

Using love affirmations is a way to manifest and attract people into our lives. These powerful affirmations to get your ex back are designed to help you get the love you deserve.

If you’re after love affirmations, you can also check out our list of affirmations for love.

How To Use Love Affirmations To Get Your Ex Back

You can either say them out loud or write them down in your journal. Positive affirmations for love can be used at the start or end of a journaling session.

Remember to bookmark this page so you can come back to it easily every time you need to use daily affirmations for love. You can also use them as a journal prompt or as part of your journaling session.

You can either pick a number between 1 and 30, go through the whole list or pick the ones that resonate with you today.

Affirmations To Get Ex Back

So, let’s dive right in. You’ll find your love affirmations to bring back a lover below.

You can replace “My ex” with the name of your person.

  1. My ex thinks about me all the time.
  2. My ex is dying to reconnect with me.
  3. I am the only one my ex sees a future with.
  4. My ex is still deeply in love with me.
  5. My ex and I will build a stronger relationship than before.
  6. My ex and I are soulmates.
  7. My ex and I are meant to be together.
  8. I am determined to be reconnected with my ex.
  9. I am full of love and hope for my future with my ex.
  10. My ex thinks I am their perfect match.
  11. Getting back together with my ex will be easy.
  12. My ex receives loving energy from me.
  13. I leave our past in the past.
  14. I deserve a 2nd chance with my ex.
  15. I am ready to build a healthier relationship with my ex.
  16. My ex is committed to being the best partner they can to me.
  17. I trust that my ex and I will find our way back to each other.
  18. My ex feels a deep and long-lasting connection to me.
  19. All of the damage from our relationship is healed and we are able to move on together.
  20. I forgive my ex completely.
  21. I am so grateful that my ex shares my feelings.
  22. There is no resentment between my ex and I.
  23. I am positive about my future with my ex.
  24. I accept that I made mistakes in the past and move on from them for a better future.
  25. I am able to move on from the hurt of the past in order to build a strong future.
  26. This is one part of our story.
  27. I am confident that I will reconnect with my ex.
  28. I have changed in a positive way. I am turning into the lover that my ex deserves.
  29. My ex’s attraction for me is increasing all the time.
  30. My ex loves me more and more every day.

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Final Thoughts On Affirmations To Get Your Ex Back

These love affirmations to attract your ex are designed to help you remember your worth and that you deserve love in your life. You can transform any negative thought into a positive one with the positive affirmations above.

Use the law of attraction to manifest your ex and our affirmations to increase your confidence, your mindset, and your relationship with love.

You can use them as part of your journaling routine too.

You got this!

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