Do you find yourself jealous of other people’s wealth? Think you’re doomed to a life of struggling to make ends meet? Then, you need these money mindset journal prompts!

You might be wondering how journaling will help the big bucks roll into your bank account. The truth is, you could be blocking yourself from receiving the money you want and deserve.

There is more than enough money to go around, and by journaling for money mindset, you can clear the path that is currently filled with limiting beliefs about your future, so that you can step into abundance.

Imagine being able to buy or do ANYTHING you wanted without having to look at the price tag. Less extravagantly, imagine not worrying how you’ll scramble the money together when your tire bursts or your washing machine packs up.

These writing prompts for money mindset will help you overcome your doubts until you’re radiating wealth.

Benefits Of Journaling To Improve Money Mindset?

There are plenty of reasons to use journaling to improve your money mindset. As a safe, private space to embrace your feelings, your journal can be used to gain clarity when your mindset about money is on the lack side.

Gaining Clarity

It’s not always possible to pinpoint exactly where your money stigma originated. However, journaling helps you to get to the root cause of your negative money mindset, which is imperative to breaking through your blockages and achieving financial abundance.

You’ll have the opportunity to look back over your childhood and realize whether your upbringing centered around a mentality of lack when it came to finances and whether that has shaped how you view money in the present day.

Only once you identify where and when your negative associations with money originated can you begin to take action towards changing them.

Getting Rid Of Negative Thoughts 

Journaling provides you with a safe space to brain dump your thoughts. You can scribble all of your negative feelings surrounding money onto paper, and feel the weight of carrying heavy thoughts leave you.

Once you’ve written down everything you’ve ever felt about money, you may find your mind is freed from the chains that are keeping you tied to your limiting beliefs.

In order to step into abundance, those “I’m not meant to be rich” thoughts have to work their way out.

Reducing Stress

Did you know that money is the number one topic that couples argue about? From whether you’ve got enough of it to the burden of unexpected expenses, money can cause stress and tension in your life.

By journaling for money mindset, you can eliminate that stress and turn money into a joyful subject.

How To Use Journal Prompts For Money Mindset

It’s important to use these journal prompts every day, not just when you’re feeling negative about your finances. Having a mindset of abundance isn’t a natural trait; it’s a habit.

Step 1: Set aside a few minutes every day to work on your mentality. 

Step 2: Choose one or several of these money mindset journal prompts and answer them as truthfully and in-depth as possible. The more detailed you can be, the more results you’ll see.

Step 3: Bookmark this page to find new journal prompts to answer every day.

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65 Journal Prompts For Money Mindset

These 65 money mindset journal prompts dive deep into your past to discover how your mentality around finances was formed.

They also take a look at any bad money habits you currently have and your BIG money goals for the future.

Let’s get right into it! 

  1. What was your first ever memory of money?
  2. How did your parents talk about money when you were growing up?
  3. What is the largest sum of money you’ve ever received?
  4. Were your parents good with money when you were a child?
  5. Were you aware of money from a young age?
  6. Do you view money as “good” or “bad?” Explain why.
  7. What is the ideal amount of money you’d like to see in your bank account?
  8. What does financial abundance look like to you?
  9. Describe three emotions you have surrounding money.
  10. Do you ever feel guilty about spending money? When?
  11. What is a bad financial habit that you have?
  12. Do you think you have a healthy approach to managing your finances?
  13. Do you invest? Why or why not?
  14. Do you trust yourself to manage your money?
  15. How will you give back to your community when you are financially abundant?
  16. What is the first thing you’ll buy when you reach your monetary goal?
  17. What is one thing you’ve always been told about money?
  18. Do you have any mental blocks around finances?
  19. Do you think everyone deserves to be financially abundant?
  20. What’s the best piece of financial advice that you’ve ever received?
  21. If you could change one financial decision that you’ve made in your life, what would you choose?
  22. Are you jealous of the financial situation of anyone around you?
  23. Out of those closest to you, who has a mindset of lack in regards to money, and who has an abundance mentality?
  24. How has your money mindset changed over the past 5 years?
  25. Do you have any money regrets?
  26. How will mastering your financial situation positively impact your life?
  27. What are the top five things you’d like to do when you achieve financial abundance?
  28. Who is your personal finance role model and why?
  29. Do you secretly judge other people based on how much money they make?
  30. What will you stop doing when you achieve financial abundance?
  31. What was your first ever paid job? How did it feel to earn your own money?
  32. What can you learn from the financial mistakes of others?
  33. How does money make a difference in your life?
  34. What’s your main financial goal for the next year? What are the steps you need to take in order to achieve it?
  35. How is your money mindset holding you back?
  36. Was there ever a time in your childhood when you couldn’t do or have something before there wasn’t enough money?
  37. What is your biggest financial fear?
  38. Was there ever a time in your childhood when you didn’t ASK for something because you didn’t want your parents to worry about money?
  39. Do you associate your self-worth with how much money you make?
  40. What is your favorite quote about money?
  41. What frustrates you the most about your finances?
  42. Do you think you are “good” with money? 
  43. What excuses are you making that are preventing you from achieving financial success?
  44. Are you a spender or a saver?
  45. Have you ever lived/ do you currently live paycheck to paycheck? How did/ does that make you feel?
  46. What is one thing you worked really hard to be able to afford? How did it feel to finally purchase it?
  47. If you could give your past self three pieces of monetary advice, what would they be?
  48. What’s the biggest money myth you’ve ever heard?
  49. Are there any outgoings you’re paying for unnecessarily?
  50. Do you think having more money would make you happier in the long term?
  51. How do you want your children to view money?
  52. How does a poor money mindset affect your everyday life?
  53. How can you become a great financial role model?
  54. Have you ever had a million-dollar idea? What prevented you from pursuing it?
  55. Do you feel called to pivot your means of making money?
  56. Have you ever had a side hustle? How did you bring in extra money?
  57. What is one small step you can take towards financial abundance right now?
  58. How would you treat your family differently if you had more money?
  59. What are five things you enjoy in life that don’t require money?
  60. If money was no object, where would you travel to?
  61. If money was no object, what would your dream house look like and where would it be located?
  62. How do you feel about wealthy people?
  63. Do you think you can live your ideal life without a lot of money?
  64. On your deathbed, how would you feel if you never experienced financial abundance?
  65. Do you feel like you are deserving of wealth?

Final Thoughts On Journaling For Money Mindset

Journaling for money mindset is a great way to help you fix your lack mentality and allow yourself to thrive financially.

To step into abundance, you’ll have to work through some challenging limiting beliefs, but it’s worth doing in order to let go of your negative money mindset. 

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