If you’re starting out on your journey of using manifestation and the law of attraction to bring abundance into your life, you may have already begun looking at manifestation journals.

Today we’re going to be talking you through what manifestation journals are, as well as how to use them to aid, encourage and inspire you.

You can use a manifestation journal in many different ways, from a diary entry style notebook to a brainstorming outlet for your dreams and goals.

Your journal is for your eyes only, and as such, you shouldn’t feel any hang-ups or embarrassment around writing exactly what you’re seeking, regardless of how far removed it feels from your current situation.

Embarrassment will hinder your manifestation journal so make sure you are truthful, and that you dream big because nobody reached their goals by dreaming small.

Let’s start with what a manifestation journal is.

What Is A Manifestation Journal

A manifestation journal is exactly what it says on the tin. It’s a journal that is dedicated to your manifestation journey. It is only to be used for this purpose, and in it, you will write your goals, visions, positive affirmations, and steps towards attaining your life goals.

You can use any notebook you like, but if you’re only just starting out, you might find a guided journal better for you. We like this 100 day guided manifestation journal as it provides instructions and prompts to help you fill it out.

The aim of a manifestation journal is to give you encouragement and drive to bring your dreams to fruition, as well as to remind you to stay on the right path even when your goal seems unattainable.

manifestation journal

How Do Manifestation Journals Work?

There is something about writing down your goals and manifestations that makes them more tangible.

The power of the mind is neverending, and positive affirmations and self-belief truly can do wonders for your life, but some people find that by writing down these goals, they are able to attain them more easily. You can learn more on the topic by reading our post on how to manifest by writing.

Manifestation journals are especially important if you struggle with self-belief as writing down these manifestations and in particular, your dreams or goals can help to convince you that your reality is waiting for you and that all you need to do is the mind work to bring it to you.

A dedicated manifestation journal also helps to provide clarity to visions that are vague in your mind.

It’s much more difficult to write down a vague dream than it is a crystal clear one, so taking the time to jot down what it is you’re seeking will help you to visualize more clearly and clarify the points that are hazy.

Different Techniques

There is no concrete template for a manifestation journal, and no two manifestation journals will look the same. Everybody has a preferred way of writing their intentions.

Some people like to use the scripting technique, which is where you write down your goals as if they’ve already happened. It’s written down similarly to a diary entry. Here’s an example:

I am so thankful that the man of my dreams is in my life. I feel so safe and secure in my relationship and feel it grow stronger over time. I love that we can laugh together and I can’t wait to grow old with him. My family has been so accepting of him and are all delighted for me and my happiness.

For others, a more direct approach works better, whether this is in a bullet point or brainstorming format. For those that prefer this method, their intentions may be written like this:

I am manifesting my dream man. He is:

  • Kind
  • Loyal
  • Funny
  • A family man
  • Generous
  • Loving

It’s important to find the way that resonates with you the best, as you are the only person who will be revisiting your journal, and also the only person who needs to believe in your intentions in order to manifest them into your life.

How To Use A Manifestation Journal

At the start, manifestation journaling can seem a little daunting, and getting a sudden case of writer’s block is not uncommon. You can use some easy journaling prompts for self-discovery to get you started and get your brain flowing with ideas for your dream life.

Here are a few prompts to help you get started:

  • What does an ideal day in my dream life look like?
  • What do I want more of in my life?
  • What does success look like to me?
  • What am I already grateful for in my life?
  • Why am I interested in the law of attraction?
  • How will I feel once my manifestation is fulfilled?
  • What has stopped me from achieving my dreams so far?

You can write answers down to these at the start of your manifestation journal so you can revisit them regularly and remind yourself of why you started.

Step 1: Specify Your Desires

The key here is to be as specific as you possibly can. The universe does not respond to unclear demands, but what it does respond to is perfectly formed manifestations.

If you’re attracting a soul mate into your life and are aiming to manifest someone in your life, specify the traits you’re looking for as clearly as you possibly can, even if you feel that your desires are silly or unimportant.

For example, how many kids they will want, or whether they’re taller than you.

Ask yourself questions to determine exactly what you’re looking for. Some questions or prompts you could ask yourself would be:

  • How does this person make me feel?
  • Do we share the same interests?
  • What values are important to me?
  • What will spending time with this person look like?
  • When will this person enter my life?

The smaller the detail, the better. If part of your vision is to wear matching pajamas on Christmas day, write it down. It’s important to write down what you ARE looking for, rather than what you’re not, so change your wording if you find yourself doing this.

Instead of writing ‘I don’t want someone jealous’, you could instead write ‘my future partner feels secure and loved in our relationship at all times.’ 

Again, this is because what you say and think matters, and the universe can become confused, so verbalizing something, even if you’re saying that it’s what you DON’T want, can cause the universe to accidentally bring that exact thing you’re not seeking to you.

Better off to leave that ‘don’t’ out altogether.

Step 2: Clarify Your Why

One of the most important things to keep at the forefront of your mind when you’re using the law of attraction to manifest your goals is your why. If your why is unclear, you’ll find it hard to believe in your manifestation or take the steps needed to reach it. 

It’s also important to make sure that your why is coming from a positive place, as the energy we put out into the universe is the exact energy we receive back from it, and if your why comes from a place of negativity, that’s what you will bring into your life.

Here is an example of how your why could be negative without you even realizing it.

Intention: To manifest a higher position in my company.

Why: Because Linda is also seeking that position and she’s always been one step ahead of me. I want to prove that I can get this position instead of her.

Here’s a positive why for the same situation.

Intention: To manifest a higher position in my company.

Why: I have been working extremely hard towards this position for months, and I am the best person for the job.

Do you see the difference between the two? Don’t bring competition or validation into your why. If you want to prove your worth to other people or rub others’ noses in your success, you will not attract the positive experience you desire. Coming from a place of true desire without ego is what will bring your manifestation to you.

Step 3: Create An Affirmation List

Saying your affirmations aloud is an excellent way of manifesting. Couple it with writing those affirmations down and you’ve got a winning duo. 

We recommend writing your affirmations down as ‘I am’ statements, which means writing down your goals as if you’ve already reached them. For example ‘I am a successful life coach with an abundance of clients.’ ‘I am’ affirmations are much more powerful than ‘I will’ or ‘I want’ statements.

There are two ways you can write down your affirmations, which very much depend on your preference. If there are a handful of affirmations you regularly say to yourself, we’d recommend writing all of these down in your manifestation journal.

If, on the other hand, you have one really powerful affirmation that you repeat to yourself, use this in your manifestation journal and write it down over and over to feel the power behind your statement.

This affirmation journal is a great tool for writing down your positive affirmations.

Step 4: Create A Gratitude List

As we’ve spoken about many times before, the law of attraction is all about the universe matching your energy, so keeping a positive mindset is crucial when manifesting. Part of this is to remain grateful at all times. 

There will be setbacks along the journey, as nothing comes without its own trials and tribulations, but remain grateful for everything you have, and for where you are on your path to achieving your goals will do wonders for your manifestations. 

Write down what you’re grateful for, even if it’s something as small as the weather outside or a conversation with a friend. Make sure to write down any little wins on your way to manifesting your big goal.

For example, if your goal is to become a millionaire, each new client should be written about with gratitude, likewise the arrival of a mentor into your life, a small pay rise at your job, or winning $5 on a scratch card.

It is only with gratitude for the small things that the big things will develop in our lives. We would recommend writing a new gratitude list every day, but if it feels better to you, you could write one once a week.

Need help with gratitude? Check this list of gratitude affirmations.

manifestation journal

Step 5: Make It A Habit

Using manifestation journals should be done daily to maximize their potential. You don’t need to be J.K. Rowling, or even be good at spelling and punctuation.

Your manifestation journal is for your eyes alone, and keeping consistent with journaling daily will help create consistency in your mind too, which will lead to a more unwavering belief in your manifestation, and more action towards your goals.

We find that the best times to use a manifestation journal are either first thing in the morning, or in the evening as you’re unwinding from the day.

Here are a few tips for making time daily to write in your journal:

  • Set an alarm on your phone
  • Journal at the same time every day
  • Make sure you’re in the right mindset for writing
  • Write when you’re alone

Step 6: Revisit Your Intentions

Take time to reflect on your goals and whether you’re taking the right steps in order to reach them. Ask yourself if you are taking the opportunities that the universe is providing, or whether there are any mental blocks holding you back from diving head first into attaining your goal.

Revisiting your goals is a great time to clarify any extra details, to ensure that your manifestation is crystal clear in your mind. Re-reading your manifestation journal should fill you with excitement at the future that is on its way to you.

If you find that instead, it fills you with guilt or anxiety, it’s time to revisit your why, and work harder on your mindset until you start believing in yourself and the universe.

manifestation journal

Final Thoughts On Manifestation Journals

That’s our guide to manifestation journals and how you can use one alongside the law of attraction to manifest anything you desire into your life, whether that’s a person, a job, your dream house, or even something as simple as a text. The law of attraction truly does work, there are thousands upon thousands of cases of manifestation bringing abundance into others’ lives.

There are many lives that have been completely turned upside down in the best way, against all odds, due to manifestation, so get yourself a dedicated manifestation journal and start clarifying, because the sooner you start, the sooner you can live the life of your dreams.

Want to learn more about manifestation? Read one of the following blog posts: