Looking for powerful and positive self-love affirmations? You’re going to love this list of self-love statements to improve your self-esteem and remember your worth.

Self-love is not always easy and we often prefer to be harsh on ourselves. It can take time to learn how to embrace ourselves, and these affirmations should help you be kinder to yourself.

Using daily self-love affirmations is powerful. Not only can you let go of negativity, but you’ll learn to love yourself no matter what’s going on in your life. After all, you’re “stuck” with yourself – so why not learn to embrace yourself?

How to Use Self-Love Affirmations

You can either say them out loud or write them down in your journal. Using affirmations is a great way to start or end a journaling session.

Remember to bookmark this page so you can come back to it easily every time you need to use self-love affirmations. You can also use them as a journal prompt or as part of your journaling session.

You can either pick a number between 1 and 111, go through the whole list or pick the ones that resonate with you today.

Self-Love Affirmations

So, let’s dive right in. You’ll find your self-love affirmations below.

  1. I am worthy of love, forgiveness, and healing.
  2. I am more than enough.
  3. I have faith in myself and my abilities.
  4. I unconditionally love and accept myself for who I am.
  5. I release the need to judge myself negatively. 
  6. I am doing the best I can, and that is enough.
  7. I fully accept and embrace my flaws.
  8. I am worthy of the best things in life.
  9. I love that I am real, rather than perfect.
  10. Everything I need is already within me.
  11. My thoughts and opinions are valuable. 
  12. I feel good about myself and the decisions I make. 
  13. Courage, strength, compassion, and love radiate within me.
  14. I celebrate my strengths and embrace my imperfections. 
  15. I love the person I am and the person I am becoming. 
  16. I am beautiful on the inside and outside.
  17. I accept others as they are, and they in turn accept me as I am.
  18. My body is healthy, my mind is calm, my soul is at peace.
  19. I treat myself with the same love and respect I treat others.
  20. I make a difference in the world.
  21. I am needed here on earth.
  22. I am worthy and deserving of feeling good today.
  23. My skills and knowledge are of immense value.
  24. I am capable of doing great things.
  25. I am never alone. The universe supports me and is with me at every step.
  26. I choose to focus on what I already have and feel grateful for everything in my life.
  27. Many people look up to me and recognize my worth.
  28. Something amazing is about to happen to me today.
  29. I move fearlessly towards my dreams.
  30. I act with courage.
  31. I am unaffected by the judgment of others.
  32. I am worthy of a great life.
  33. I see an abundance of beauty in my life and feel immense gratitude for it.
  34. The only approval I need is my own.
  35. I choose to stop apologizing for being me. 
  36. I attract amazing opportunities.
  37. I am worthy of all the abundance, love, and amazing experiences I want.
  38. I shine my light fully.
  39. My body is beautiful and it expresses my spirit.
  40. I am becoming more confident every day.
  41. My self-esteem is high because I honor who I am. 
  42. I have the ability to overcome any challenge life throws at me.
  43. I forgive myself for past failures. 
  44. My past does not define me.
  45. I make a difference in the world around me.
  46. Others love me for who I am.
  47. I choose myself today and every day.
  48. I have many accomplishments that are worth celebrating.
  49. I will fill my cup before taking care of others.
  50. It is totally ok to put myself first, and I do so without guilt.
  51. I speak my truth and fully express how I feel.
  52. I have the power to change my own story.
  53. I deserve and receive an abundance of love every day. 
  54. I am at peace with all that has happened, is happening, and will happen.
  55. I am not afraid to make a change and start over.
  56. Loving myself means I am able to love others more.
  57. I see my body as my best friend and closest partner in life.
  58. I am living to my fullest potential.
  59. I am not afraid to speak up.
  60. I say no with ease.
  61. My voice is valuable and my opinion matters.
  62. I accept compliments easily.
  63. I attract wonderful people into my life.
  64. I am free to make my own choices and decisions.
  65. I believe that good can and will happen to me.
  66. My prosperity increases every day.
  67. Happiness comes from within and I do not need someone to feel happy.
  68. I feel joyful and proud of how far I have come. 
  69. I invite abundance into all areas of my life.
  70. I have a precious and valuable gift to share with the world.
  71. I let go of negative self-talk and defeat my inner critic.
  72. I spread positive energy and receive more back. 
  73. I adapt and change to my circumstances with ease.
  74. My life is overflowing with joy and happiness.
  75. I release all negative thoughts about myself.
  76. My imperfections make me unique and special.
  77. The opinions of others do not faze me.
  78. I attract love everywhere I go.
  79. I am so much more than my physical body.
  80. I stand my ground and defend myself when needed.
  81. I do not let anyone walk over me.
  82. My struggles are just opportunities to learn.
  83. The universe is generous with health, joy, and abundance.
  84. I am learning and growing every day.
  85. The greatest gift I can give myself is unconditional love.
  86. I have all I need to live a happy life.
  87. Putting myself first is not selfish.
  88. I control my fears, they do not control me.
  89. I honor and accept my limitations.
  90. I do not need anyone to feel worthy.
  91. Today, I choose me.
  92. I trust my intuition and know that I am always guided.
  93. My body is a temple and I treat it as one.
  94. I radiate beauty, charm, and grace.
  95. I choose to focus on the present moment. I release all past regrets and future fears.
  96. I am exactly who I need to be at this moment.
  97. The more I love myself, the more lovable I become.
  98. I choose to nourish my body, mind, and soul.
  99. I will surround myself with positive people who bring out the best in me.
  100. Happiness is a choice and I choose happiness today.
  101. I let go of those who do not have my best interests at heart.
  102. I was created for a purpose.
  103. I stand up for myself and set boundaries with others.
  104. I carry strength and resilience with me wherever I go.
  105. I wake up every day with strength in my heart and clarity in my mind.
  106. I walk, talk, and act with confidence.
  107. I will show up for myself every day with love and compassion.
  108. I am beautiful, I am blessed, I am confident.
  109. I boldly and unapologetically take up space.
  110. I am light, I am joy, I am love.
  111. I am enough. Who I am, what I do, and what I have is enough.

Final Thoughts on Self-Worth Affirmations

These affirmations for self-love are designed to help you remember your worth. You can transform any negative thought into a positive one with the affirmations above. Using self-love statements helps you increase your confidence, your mindset, and your self-esteem.

You can use them as part of your journaling routine too.

Self-love goes beyond affirmations. Having moments for self-care is a necessity. Make sure to include time for yourself in your schedule!

You got this!

When you’re ready for love, take a look at this list of beautiful affirmations for love.