Have you ever heard this quote? ‘You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.

Well, it’s true, which is why you might be here to start with, trying to find out how to manifest friends, who align with your authentic self.

Sometimes you find yourself outgrowing friendships, or moving away causes you to find yourself lacking in the friendship department, which is why I’m here to show you how you can manifest friends into your life.

How To Manifest High-Vibe Friends

Here are 7 tips you can use to manifest not only new friends, but the right friends, who align with you, share your passions, and radiate positive and supportive energy.


Step 1: Identify Why You Want To Manifest New Friends

The first thing you need to do is get clear on exactly why you want to manifest new friends into your life. 

  • Is it simply because you love spending time with others and you feel you have more love to share? 
  • Is it because you’d like to diversify your friendships and have some friends that are able to connect with you over parts of your life that no one else currently does? 
  • Could it be you have a toxic circle of friends that you’d like to be free from? 
  • Are you feeling lonely?
  • Or is it simply that you feel like your friendships are no longer serving you in the way they once were?

All of these reasons are completely valid, but identifying them is important so that you can manifest new friends from a place of positivity and abundance, rather than negativity and lack.

So if the reason you’re looking to manifest friends is one of the more negative reasons, reframe your desire to be more positive. Instead of thinking ‘I want to break away from all my toxic friends’, you could instead reframe it as ‘I’d like to make deeply connected friendships that align with who I am now.’

If you’re feeling lonely, instead of manifesting new friends by using a phrase such as ‘I want to make new friends so I am no longer lonely’, try ‘I have a lot of space in my heart to welcome new friends.

Step 2: Ask For What You Seek

Avoid basic requests like ‘I’d like to make new, interesting friends.’ What exactly is interesting about them? Why do you want to be their friend? Decide on exactly what you’re looking for in a friend before asking the universe to provide.

If you’re having trouble clarifying what you’re seeking, here are some ideas of things you might be looking for in a friend:

  • A woman who empowers other women
  • A friend that shares your hobbies
  • A friend who is a great travel buddy
  • A friend that avoids gossip
  • A friend that’s full of positive energy

You get the gist. Once you’ve got more clarity, ask the universe for exactly what you’re seeking in a friend. You could even say it like you would an affirmation, a few times a day.

Say it as if you already have it, for example, ‘thank you universe for bringing such a supportive group of friends into my life that love netball as much as I do.’

Step 3: Be The Friend You’re Looking For

If you would like to make friends with someone who is deeply compassionate and committed to animal activism, for example, check yourself and see whether you are embodying those traits. 

It’s easy to get caught up in the swing of our day-to-day lives and put our passions on the back burner, but remind yourself of the person you want to be, and the people you want to attract and become that in yourself.

A compassionate person will attract fellow compassionate people. Someone who’s not acting that way won’t, simple.

Step 4: Change Your Scene

If your friendship circle isn’t really serving you anymore, and you’re looking to attract friends who are more aligned with you, take a look at the places you show up to see if that could be hindering your ability to make like-minded friends.

For example, if you’d love to form friendships with fellow female entrepreneurs, but you spend most of your time at bars and clubs, you will have a much more difficult time finding friends who share your passions. 

Instead, you could choose to spend 1 day a week working in a co-working space near you, or from a coffee shop where you’ve seen lots of people working on their laptops.

Look to avoid situations that are no longer serving you. For example, if you spend your lunch breaks with the table of women who are constantly gossiping and you’d like to avoid gossiping, maybe try and have lunch with the new girl for a change. You might even make a new friend in the process.

Don’t just look at where you show up in person, have a look at your online presence too. See whether the Facebook groups you’re active in and the people you follow on Instagram align with you.

In the era of social media, lots of people form amazing real-life friendships that start on social media.

In fact, online is a great place to meet like-minded friends as you know what their interests and hobbies are from the get-go and whether that matches with what you’re looking for in a friend.

Again, if you want to meet fellow female entrepreneurs, you can type #femaleentrepreneurs into the search bar on Instagram, and have a look through the tags to see if anyone pops out at you. From there you can give them a follow, and start connecting with each other. 

Think of using it like Tinder but for friends, and without sending nude photos to their DMs (that is definitely not a good way of forming friendships!). You might feel like a little bit of a creep at first, but you’re really not. I don’t know anyone that would say no to more great friends.

With Facebook, if you were to type ‘female entrepreneur’ into the search bar and select groups, there are tons of groups full of fellow women who are supportive and are often also looking for friends that align with their passions.

female friends

Step 5: Take Up Hobbies

Manifesting friends doesn’t happen by thoughts alone, you need to take action at the same time for the law of attraction to work well for you. Groups and classes are amazing places to meet others as people often attend alone, and often attend for the same reason.

Sure, to learn or perfect a skill, but oftentimes, the main reason is to find people they connect with, and the hobby part is just a bonus.

For this reason, you’ll often find that people at groups or classes are extremely open and friendly, so conversation tends to flow freely and you’ll be able to determine whether you have a connection.

Step 6: Go With Your Gut

I can tell you, my gut instinct has NEVER led me astray. There is actual science that backs up why gut feelings are always right, but without getting into that, make sure you’re in tune with your intuition and never ignore a sign that something isn’t right for you.

We all get an immediate impression when we meet someone new, and while these 5-second impressions aren’t always accurate, after spending a little time with someone you will be able to get a good sense of their character and whether they’re the kind of person you’d like to be friends with. 

It’s very similar to dating in this way. When you’re on a date, you tend to have made up your mind whether you see a future with that person within about 30 minutes.

You can do this so easily because you are really tuned in to everything they’re saying and are looking for potential warning signs (or future husband signs), so be just as thorough and picky when deciding on a friend.

Step 7: Don’t Get Desperate

Put your hand up if you’ve ever been in this situation….you really want to make new friends (maybe you’ve moved to a new city and don’t know anyone), after a few months you still haven’t made any, you feel desperate, and end up inviting boring Sally from yoga, who you know only ever talks about racing cars, to coffee, even though you have absolutely no interest in racing and know that you’re in for a dull time.

Come on, we’ve all been there.

Manifesting friendships, like manifesting anything takes a little bit of patience. Unfortunately, your manifestations won’t work like in Alladin where he’s granted wishes instantaneously.

Your new BFF probably isn’t going to jump out of an oil lamp the second you make your desire known to the universe.

Like when you’re saving for an expensive handbag, don’t give up halfway through and buy a knock-off, keep saving so that you can have the real deal when it comes along.

Final Thoughts On Manifesting Friends

Great friends come in many forms, at different times, and from many places. Make sure you’re open to all opportunities to meet new like-minded friends.

You might find your tribe while out dog walking, at a networking event, or even by sharing an umbrella at a bus stop.

When you manifest friends, the universe will bring them to you in weird and wonderful ways and that’s part of the beauty of it.

Make sure to take a look at our list of positive affirmations for friendships too.

Need help with manifesting? Read one of the following blog posts: