Do you feel like you need a guardian angel on your shoulder, reminding you of your gifts and resilience when life gets a little crazy?

Sometimes, we all could do with a little helping hand to get through a tough day or simply ascend to the greatest version of ourselves, and that’s where these affirmations for mental strength come in.

Let’s be honest, we’re the first people to cheer on a friend or point out personal growth in a colleague. However, we can all be critical of ourselves and fall into a negative trap of dark and intrusive thoughts.

A positive mental attitude is more than just a way of seeing the world, it is a crucial personality trait if you want to succeed and lead a fulfilling, happy life.

While you may be thinking “…but I don’t have a positive mindset,” there’s no reason that this needs to stop you.

Like any habit, mental strength can be practiced, and while it can be difficult at first, it becomes second nature over time.

This outlook will help you through the most challenging of life’s many hurdles, as you acknowledge that ups and downs are simply part of the rollercoaster we all find ourselves on.

If you’re searching for mental health affirmations, just keep reading.

How To Use Affirmations For Mental Strength

Affirmations for mental strength come in all different shapes and sizes. Some focus on helping you overcome challenges, while others encourage you to remember what an awesome person you are.

Choose several of the following resilience affirmations that speak to you and your needs, and repeat them to yourself every morning before you hop out of bed.

This will enable you to greet the day with a renewed sense of determination, gratitude, and positivity.

Whenever life feels like it’s getting tough, reach for these affirmations and recite them either in your head or aloud until you feel in control of your emotions again.

Daily Affirmations For Mental Strength

  1. I am in possession of all the strength I need to make it through any situation.
  2. I am being molded into a stronger person.
  3. I have the ability to face anything that comes my way.
  4. All of my difficulties are temporary and all of my successes are permanent.
  5. I only focus on positive outcomes.
  6. I am constantly growing and evolving into the best version of myself.
  7. Trials and tribulations help me to adapt.
  8. I find success in everything I put my mind to.
  9. I am constantly thinking of new and brilliant ideas.
  10. I can do hard things.
  11. All is well in my world.
  12. Challenges teach me lessons that are imperative for my personal growth.
  13. I trust my internal wisdom wholeheartedly.
  14. I am resilient in the face of challenges.
  15. I hold the key to my own happiness.
  16. Getting out of my comfort zone always brings positive changes for me.
  17. I allow myself to make mistakes as they are the best way to grow.
  18. I am kind to myself always.
  19. I am patient with myself as I learn and grow.
  20. I welcome challenges because they enable me to become a stronger person.
  21. All of my past challenges have brought me to where I am now.
  22. I am proud of myself and all my achievements.
  23. I accept myself exactly as I am.
  24. Personal growth is a habit I am committed to.
  25. I have the ability to figure things out.
  26. Making mistakes is a normal and positive thing.
  27. I am always making the best decision presented to me at the current time.
  28. When I know better, I do better.
  29. I follow the Universe’s signals to guide me toward the highest version of myself.
  30. I appreciate everything good in my life.
  31. I radiate love, light, and gratitude.
  32. I am supported in everything I do.
  33. I am always striving to better myself.
  34. I love the person I am becoming.
  35. Amazing things are always happening to me.
  36. I welcome new experiences into my life.
  37. When I notice myself beginning to self-sabotage, I get out of my own way.
  38. I hold onto happiness and let go of anxiety.
  39. I give my mental energy only to things that serve me.
  40. Any negative thoughts are constantly being replaced by positive ones.
  41. I congratulate myself on my progress every day.
  42. I am fully responsible for my own personal growth.
  43. Every problem has a solution.
  44. I am confident in the person I’m becoming.
  45. I command my own energy.
  46. I see my own potential and take steps to reach it.
  47. Every challenge I face makes me wiser.
  48. Good energy comes to me.
  49. My body is vibrating with positive energy.
  50. I am my own number-one supporter.
  51. My inner wisdom never steers me wrong.
  52. Kindness is my biggest strength.
  53. My mindset is my most powerful tool.
  54. I am constantly achieving my goals.
  55. I inhale peace and exhale worry.
  56. I am exactly where I am supposed to be.
  57. My story is unfolding in perfect timing.
  58. My inner strength is unlimited.
  59. I am emotionally and mentally intelligent.
  60. I am becoming the version of myself, that my past self so desperately needed.
  61. I have the ability to tap into my intuition at any given moment.
  62. I am finding more to be grateful for every day.
  63. The growth I have achieved from overcoming my obstacles will enable me to help others in the future.
  64. I trust myself.
  65. I release self-doubt and embrace self-confidence.
  66. I am constantly working on myself to enable me to live an abundant, healthy, and happy life.
  67. I choose to find the good in all challenges.
  68. My positivity and resilience are my greatest internal tools.
  69. I am a guiding light to others seeking their own mental strength.
  70. I am in control of all my choices.
  71. My greatness is constantly expanding.
  72. I am stepping into the best version of myself that I can be.
  73. I have the strength to be vulnerable when I need to be.
  74. I am the creator of my own destiny. I carve my own path.
  75. I can find the positives in any situation.
  76. I love, honor, and respect myself.
  77. I am at peace within myself.
  78. I allow myself to step into my own potential.
  79. I only seek my own validation.
  80. I am a magnet for positive energy.
  81. I can see the light during the hardest of times.
  82. Only I am in control of my reaction to a situation.
  83. I believe I can, so I will.
  84. Everything is happening for my highest good.
  85. My life gets better each and every day.
  86. I deserve to be celebrated for all of my achievements.
  87. I take action to work toward the best version of myself that I can be.
  88. Nothing is too difficult for me.
  89. My mindset is improving every day.
  90. I am the creator of my own reality.

Final Thoughts On Affirmations For Mental Strength

The purpose of these affirmations for mental strength is to exercise the muscle that is your mind until looking at life with rose-tinted glasses becomes second nature to you.

Allow yourself time to fine-tune this habit and give yourself grace if you fall down occasionally. The most important thing is that you get back up and try again.

If you’re dedicated to your own personal growth, check out the following blog posts: